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Everything posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. I thought I would be really nice and get my Kelpie a lovely treat, a big ole salmon head. Unfortunately he is a pansy and is just standing over it going WTF?!?! What do I do with this THING? So now I have a big salmon head sitting in the yard with a Kelpie who has NO idea what to do...... Sigh Can I do anything to encourage him to eat it? Or is it destined for the bin?
  2. I too love looking at your photos! I love your doggies too! I have to say though that Hoover would have to be my favourite (shh!) he has the best facial expressions :D
  3. I have just read this entire thread, dont have anything particularly important to add, but I would like to encourage and congratulate you Jelly, for your awesome progress and dedication to your dog. I don't know if I could do the same in your situation. This thread, well most of it, has been a really interesting and educational read. (not to mention all the gawjus piccies of Roo ) I think pretty much everyone who has participated in this thread are rooting for you and Roo, I think that YOU are the person who knows Roo best and that we can all have faith that you are/ will continue to do the best for Roo. I would also like to say that I wished that I had access to Nekhbet. I would love to have a training session with her!
  4. I currently 'puppysit' for a lilac BC whose name is indigo moon.... Her big sister is magic holiday. Their two cats are mistress Natasha and princess panda. I met a lab called sandwich and a Cav called psycho. My dogs are Rocky, Sadie, Tess ( aka poo or tessticle) and Reggie (aka reg, Reginald, wedgie, potato, turd or returd) The cats are misty( famega fat+mega, fatty or muu muu) calliope (callie, beanie or beanus) brutus (brutie, mr toot, tootie) and Angelo (angie, gello, jelly)
  5. Wow! 6 months! Where did the time go? Tdierikx she is beautiful. She looks so grown up now! and I love her eyes.
  6. I haven't done an ET (would like too but I am WAAAYY not fit enough ) but there is an ET thread which you might find interesting.....
  7. Naw they are all beautiful. though I must say Bungee is my favourite.
  8. When asked what you want for a present birthday/ christmas the only things that you can think of are dog related...... When you'd quite happily drive a long distance for dog training etc. but whinge if you have to drive the same distance for yourself/ someone else. When you don't see anything wrong with proudly discussing your dogs 'perfect poos'
  9. RIP Charlie. I enjoyed reading about you and your adventures. An inspirational little dog! to you and your family W Sibs
  10. Get him a kitten! Keeps Reggie entertained for hours! :D lol. Otherwise all my suggestions have been said. Erny, that is soo cute! I would be worried if Reggie did that to me though, he has so many toys and balls I think I would suffocate!
  11. I get all my dogs (almost 12, 9, 7 and almost 2) done. Though I am considering not getting the older three done again. My young boy I would like to not vaccinate, but I do agility, obedience and flyball, and the clubs all require current vaccinations. I would like to be able to titre test, but I'm pretty sure none of the clubs will except it. Sorry to go off topic, but for the 'performance dog people' if you don't vaccinate how do you go about training/ competing? On getting KC, my boy has had it, even though he was vaccinated. I suppose it's akin to the flu shot, it does some strains but not all.
  12. Please help! After two long years of being on a waiting list for a dog, we have been notified by breed rescue that, at long last, our number has come up and ... WE ARE HAVING A PUPPY! We must get rid of our children IMMEDIATELY because we just know how time consuming our new little puppy is going to be and it just wouldn't be fair to the children. Since our little puppy will be arriving on Monday we MUST place the children up for adoption this weekend! They are described as: One male -- his name is Billy, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), light blonde hair, blue eyes. Four years old. Excellent disposition. He doesn't bite. Temperament tested. Does have problems with peeing directly in the toilet. Has had chicken Pox and is current on all shots. Tonsils have already been removed. Tommy eats everything, is very clean, house trained and gets along well with others. Does not run with scissors and with a little training he should be able to read soon. One female -- her name is Sally, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), strawberry blonde hair, green eyes quite freckled. Two years old. Can be surly at times. Non-biter, thumb sucker. Has been temperament tested but needs a little attitude adjusting occasionally. She is current on all shots, tonsils out, and is very healthy and can be affectionate. Gets along well with other little girls and little boys but does not like to share her toys and therefore would do best in a one child household. She is a very quick learner and is currently working on her house training. Shouldn't take long at all. We really do LOVE our children so much and want to do what's right for them. That is why we contacted a rescue group. But we simply can no longer keep them. Also, we are afraid that they may hurt our new puppy. I hope you understand that ours is a UNIQUE situation and we have a real emergency here! They MUST be placed into your rescue by Sunday night at the latest or we will be forced to drop them off at the orphanage or along some dark, country road. Our priority now has to be our new puppy. it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests Stolen from Facebook. :D Imagine if we actually did this to children.......
  13. Lol lol lol! Max is awesome! :D I think this is my new favourite 'happy' thread. I come in here and can't help laughing.
  14. I think that 'brain training' type stuff is awesome. even games really fall into the category of Training. I'm assuming you want stuff that is easy to do/ set up but is fun for the dog (and you?) I've tried/ use: *Interactive Puzzle games eg. Nina ottosson *Treasure hunt style games. *Fetch. though this can definitely increase fitness i find it something that both my dog and i really enjoy. My beast is a ball nut and loves chasing a ball, so I mix fetch with doing tricks/ obedience. He does stuff for me so I throw the ball for him :D With fetch you can also change the surface eg grass/ sand/ water. And add stuff like hills etc *free running *If you can set up a play date with a dog he gets on well with, I find this tires them out more than just playing by himself. Though I know with a reactive dog this ca be easier said than done! *agility type stuff- I actually do agility (twice a week, plus stuff at home) and find it really tires him out! But you don't need fancy/ proper stuff to have fun. You can do HEAPS of different things with something as simple as a single jump, *or you could make an 'obstacle course'. * brain games like distinguishing between his toys is fun too. We have 'hippo' 'ball' 'kong' and a general 'get it' (whatever I point at) so far and he is soo pleased with himself when he gets it right! * I find even on walks we occasionally go somewhere new, vary the routine. * car rides are a favourite with one of my dogs too! * tug/ flirt pole * my guys are crate trained but I find Susan Garrett's 'crate games' are fun so we keep doing them! * my dogs love doing stuff with me, doesn't matter what it is (ok maybe not nail trims!) if I look like I'm having fun, they want in! I suppose it really depends what you and the dog enjoy doing. I like to treat everything as a game rather than 'training', i find that there is so much overlap. If the dog and you are having a good time who is too say that it isn't a game? :D
  15. RIP Hamlet. I will miss seeing all the beautiful (and often funny) photos of you. And as Sheridan said, I'm sure you're up there whipping all those doggies who know nothing about 'cat spotting' into shape! Hugs to you Persephone, and all your other furry friends.
  16. ^ as above. Though if it isn't a business you own/ work for/ are affiliated with, and you want to let people know about them/ express your opinion (for example: hey I just went to ABC and I was really impressed with their XYZ, I would recommend them to anyone needing XYZ) you can..... Or at least that is my understanding?
  17. Yes I was thinking they looked fun! I don't have a serious scoffer, though i think Rocky would probably benefit, so the bowls would probably be more for me than the dogs. :D I was thinking too that it would be an easy way to make them think and forage rather than just scoffing down a bowl of bikkies.
  18. Anyone tried one of these? They look like a way to slow down an inhaler of food? And or keep a dog busy for longer? Buster dog maze bowl ETA this one looks cool too! Green interactive dog feeder
  19. My boy Reggie's ears were down when I got him at 3 ish months, them slowly went up and down while teething and finally stayed up at about 6-7 months. :D Baby big ears Going through the fuglies Big ears today!
  20. Awesome! I'll give that a go. Though I don't know if the little bugger will sit still for that long...... :D
  21. I have a rescued kitten (more info in cat subforum) here who is covered in lice eggs. Found him covered in lice and fleas, which have been dealt with, but I can't shift the damn eggs! I have washed him multiple times, in 'normal' shampoo and Fido's itch free. I have tried brushing them out, with normal brushes, flea combs, a furminator and even a human nit comb. I have tried picking them out but there is too many and I end up pulling hair rather than the actual eggs! I am trying to find him a new home (too many cats to keep him ) so him having lice eggs is not a good look. I don't want to shave him if I can help it. HELP?
  22. I've put mine in the dishwasher........ And they are fine. I've had mine for years and apart from being a little bit scratched, they are as good as new!
  23. I'm thinking you're think of ' prestige durapet'? Linky If so, I have these for my beasts and they are great! Sturdy, don't move, not too heavy.
  24. I do agility training with a chocolate BC who has problems with her nose. Her nose is pigmented (liver) but the top gets sunburnt and rubbed raw very easily. ''Merry" is allergic to sunscreen, so her wonderful mum has made her a collection of nose 'hats'. :) I will see if I can get a piccy next time I see her.
  25. You could do health stuff too. What is a dogs normal temperature/ heart rate etc? How long is a bitch's pregnancy? Can dogs sweat/ how do dogs keep cool? How many teeth does a dog have?
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