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Posts posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. Reggie loves hoarding things in his crate....


    Random bits of paper


    Dog toys

    Cat toys


    Hair scrunchies

    Coat hangers

    Yoghurt tubs


    Old bones

    The occasional shoe

    Honey jar

    Pens/ pencils

    And other random things :confused:

    Not all at once of course! I make sure to check his crate if anything is missing, and it gets emptied at least a couple of times a week.

  2. I don't have any personal experience but have friends who used to have them (the expensive ones) and ended up getting rid of them. They said the roo shoos used to distract the roos, who then if they were on the road stopped. They hit a couple like that.

    Not sure if that is an exception though.

  3. Well tonight I had a training session with Pfizer/Zoetis which is Revolution and I actually learnt a few things. I didn't know that it was systematic (blood stream) as well as in the hairs and on the skin. That means it can't be washed off like the other two. If it did ticks I'd be using it.

    She also told us some stuff about Comfortis that has now made me uncomfortable to recommend it ever again. I know it's not her product (there is no Elanco rep for petshops) but she did tell us that apparently it's being pulled from the shelves of our chain (because there is no rep to give proper advice).

    I think it does a great job but I'm now concerned that in the wrong hands this product could do some damage. I have heard stories of people dosing Frontline anally and in food - so you can't be too careful.

    Oh. Can you please tell/ link me to the stuff about Comfortis?

  4. I think if you like the name then go for it. I like different names, but I try to stick to name that aren't too hard for other people too.

    I always try to think of awesome names but somehow they usually end up with relatively boring ones.... Sigh, not to sure how that happens.

    Cats are: Misty, Calliope (Callie/ beanie), Brutus and Angelo.

    Dogs are: Rocky, Sadie, Tess and Reggie. After having Rocky and Reggie, I now think they are too similar and don't think i will name two pets names that are so similar.

  5. I don't particularly like them, but I do own one. (50kg rating) It lives in my car in the 'magical bucket of doggy goodness' for time like Rebanne and a few others have said- Great for pee breaks and stretching out on holidays etc.

    I would never use one for general walking, I actually find them too complicated and fiddly to use for that. I can easily manage a normal lead ( or three) but I have to concentrate on using an extendable :o

    I am currently Housesitting a JRT who has super high prey drive and is a right little bitch :D (she is fabulous for her mum but sticks her finger up at me!). The Flexi is great for her when I take my Kelpie out for a good stretch, it gives her enough room to have some freedom while giving me the peace of mind that she can't bugger off and head for the hills.

  6. Definitely a must have!

    I must look like such an idiot when I use mine. (Actually when I'm with my dogs in general :o ) jumping around like a lunatic and making strange noises, it's all great fun! Though the amount of times I've smacked myself in the head/ face with dog toys is a bit embarrassing...... :o :D

  7. I'm glad to know that my dog isn't 'too' special then...... Well at least not in the fish head department! Normally I would have given it to one of my other dogs, who im sure would happily chow down on it! or if THAT idea fails palm it off to the cats :D but I'm Housesitting at the moment and there was nooo way I was carting a slightly mauled, getting ripe fish head in my car for 50km! :laugh:

  8. Well the fish head was a bust :( it is now in the bin. He was 'interested' in it if I told him to get it etc. but otherwise he was still like WTF?! This isn't food.

    I tried chopping it up, pretending that I was eating a piece; he would happily take a piece then his expression would change to 'eewwwww! Icky! his eyes screwed up and he stuck his tongue out........ Then the guilt face comes out, the whole 'I trusted you! And you gave me something icky!"

    Sigh, back to tinned/ cooked fish for my princess! :cry: :laugh:

  9. Thanks, I'll try cutting it up, I had hoped that he would get hungry and eat it....... Sigh I've just been and checked it and it is slightly mauled, more like he has been playing with it.

    LOL Tdierikx! Reggie is a bit of a princess, he loves to roll.... But only in/ on grass. He throws himself on the ground and shimmys and 'swims'. he really is the biggest goofball.

    I have never had to bath him because he was smelly. :confused: no stinkies for my little pansy!

    I think he is broken! So much for being a farm dog!

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