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Everything posted by jamesn184

  1. well I put her kibble out this morning and it still remains there, but she took the wings with no fuss
  2. no they said just to keep using the ear cleaner/drops, problem is she's still not eating her kibble... I just gave her around 6 chicken wings and she had those
  3. Took Rosey to the vet and turns out she still has the ear infection even after 2x10days of ear drops Had blood screen done and all came back fine.. another $240 odd dollars later The scar is fine and they used dissolve-able stitches
  4. I haven't really exercised her that much since her spey since I've been busy with a newborn
  5. Rosey has picked up the last few hours, as I did a little bit of training and she didn't miss a beat. Thing that concerned me was the left over food as she usual in hales her food
  6. Hi All, My GR had her spey done 12days ago and was a little tender for the first 3-4 days then was back to her springy/boundy self now all of a sudden today she only ate 3/4 of her breakfast and just lazed around all day and was pretty much ignoring all commands that were given to her.. Should I be concerned? her scar is healing up fine with no bleeding coming from it Cheers
  7. I made the swtich to Black Hawk on Thursday.. so far so good she had gobbled it up no problems
  8. Still no parcel to.... posted on 10th...
  9. Rosey has a few funny traits... Without fail every time I get home from work morning or night she will within 10-15 seconds I will see her nose and paws under the gate waiting for me and if I don't say Hello Rosey she will howl/cry until I do. If I don't go out the back pronto she will continue this until I do... One time when my partner/mother came home and she got all excited thinking daddy was home and when she realised I wasn't in the car she gave my partner/mother a dirty look like she had been shafted hahahaha. And not to mention any time we are in the kitchen she will sit in the back yard and just look at us.. All in all we have a funny puppy who seems to adore me alot
  10. My order has been shipped today! cannot wait
  11. Well a couple of questions for the op, What food is she on? With regards to eating her poo, have you tried feeding her pineapple? this is meant to alter the taste of her poo. Also I think sprinkling paprika on the stool? I've had good success with clicker training with stopping some of Roseys bad habbits, check out some of the Kikopup videos on youtube which will offer you stuff to try
  12. Just finalised my order only got up to $127
  13. I tallied my order up and reached $126.. Amazing how quick those little figures add up to a 3 number one
  14. I just checked the restrictions for that area of the park we were in, that owner should of had the dog on lead.. Next time this happens who do I call? as I intend on having her on the long leash until I get perfect long distance recall...
  15. It was the first time she had encountered another dog that was offleash.. the other times the other dog has been on lead when walking along the beach/street etc. She's had a play date with my friends 4yr old Jack Russel X and they had fun together and played well for a couple of hours.. my friend told me his dog usually doesn't get along that well with other dogs. I was just glad it didn't scare her to the point that she wouldn't go near another dog, as I like the fact that she's got such a great friendly personality towards humans and other dog's
  16. My GR does alot of zoomies a day without fail, she has taken a liking to doing them over some clear perspex that's in the back yard
  17. Ok well this is all well in good in theory. BUT when Rosey saw the staffy running up she started to immediately RUN away from it... Rosey has never done this with any other dog and she has met quite a few different breeds. And he/she only stopped running after Rosey when I stepped in as her owner had zero control over the dog
  18. I took my 19week Golden Retriever to the local park and made use of the long leash that I made, she was enjoying her self until this staffy (i think) which was off leash came running up and scared my poor pup and she started to run away. Mean while the old lady (I could use other words) tried to recall her dog but had zero recall and as a result it kept running after my dog until I stood infront of my pup. The dog then backed off then went running back to its owner. The old lady didn't seem to care what her dog was doing.. Mind you she had another dog that was on leash. It didn't seem to effect Rosey to much as she still a sniff and play with couple of other dogs. She's met and got along with alot of other breeds.. this was the first time she had seen a staffy and just started to run straight off the bat :S If this type of incident happens again and said dog or other dog doesn't back away when I step infront what should/could I do to protect myself and Rosey?
  19. most time she tries to paw my hand to get the treat.. I find it cute. I will try the above tomorrow and see how I go
  20. I'm after some tips on how to make my GR Puppy take her treats softly as she nearly takes my fingers along with her treat ! I've had to resort to tossing the treat in her mouth as to avoid this or dropping it on the ground.
  21. I'm working alot at the moment so I only see my puppy for a 2-3 hrs a day and 5 or more on my day off At the moment shes home alone while my partner is in hospital so I felt sorry for Rosey last night and let her in the lounge room on her old bed while I watched TV.. it must of been a while since she'd been exposed to my TV because she ran away the first couple of times until I picked her up and plonked her on the bed and said stay! and bribed her with a few lamb treats
  22. I remember we had the dust pan and each time he'd nip us he would get a light tap on the nose.. he stopped soon after. As for current times try some clicker training to offer different behaviour's to the one he is offering you now
  23. I remember my uncles gsd used to nip at our ankles when he was a pup.. lucky my pup hasn't really done it to me
  24. What pay money to see a trainer who thinks its ok to hit and kick dogs? no thanks
  25. Well I can share some of your pain with my Golden Retriever, we started off with her in the house for a bit and when ever we walked away and blocked off a section she cried/howled etc and we gave in which resulted in her pretty much taking over the house. Now she is outside in her kennel and when ever I come home (she knows when I come home from work) she cries/howl's and waits by the back door, also If I close the screen door but not the main door and she can hear/see us she cries out for attention. But soon as I close the door and she cannot see us or really hear us she stops and goes about her business.. This one time was funny, my partner and mother came home in a taxi and Rosey cried out and when she realised I wasn't home she gave my partner/mother a dirty look as to let them know she wasn't happy that I wasn't home... So you can see a progression where she had got better over time.
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