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Everything posted by maddiebell

  1. I picked my dog because she had a crooked ear, makes her look real cute. If that's what you want and it makes you luv the dog more , keep looking, but I don't think you will ge t much help here. Huh? There is plenty of help on these forums! In the first reply the OP was advised of three different British Bulldog breeders they could approach. They have also now learnt that liver is not a desirable colour and not allowed in the show ring, and they have been given reasons as to WHY this is. On DOL we promote responsible and registered breeders ALWAYS with NO EXCEPTIONS so no one here is going to pipe up and say "Ohh so and so breeds for livers, only $5k a pup!" Just because someone may not get the exact answer they were hoping for does NOT mean they have not been helped. My apologies, I thought ellan was being lectured, but she was being helped. maybe she could have gotten a defective dog with the wrong coloured nose from a breeder without papers or are they put to sleep. Actually that is an interesting question Mervin. What happens to those pure bred pups who don't meet the required standard? Are they all sold off as "pet only"?? To the rules of the ANKC all pups in a litter must be registered, so the Dudley or liver nosed pups are registered on the limited register (not for breeding or showing) a reputable breeder of British Bulldogs will also ensure that any Dudley or liver nosed pups are desexed before going to their new homes 1. because of the disqualifying fault they should not be bred from and 2. To stop them getting into the hands of the "RARE" color breeders who would see nothing but profits They are not euthanased as the fault is purely cosmetic. Hi i am new here and find this topic very interesting. So if these colours are not excepted in the ring, then why haven't the dog's that keep producing these colour's been desexed. If it is not a fault they why is it such a problem. I like the look of them and their eye colour, it is something different you don't see everyday. Shouldn't we be looking at the health and temperment of the dog's we want to breed, other then worrying about colour.
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