Just my two cents worth... This Gordon is not only stupid (25 yrs living there and claims he wasnt aware he needed to have his dog on a leash??? he expects us to believe that? really..) but he has also acted in what should be considerd to be a theatening manner to the other man: (arrogantly questioning the other man as to where he lives simply because he was asked to put his dog on a leash). I highly doubt the dog was kicked "2mtrs" into the air, seriously, how long is a standard leash anyway??? And Gordon claims that his dog was on one at this point. Besides, the dog would have to be REALLY close for you to kick it hard enough to reach 2mtrs and then Gordon would have to release the lash to ALLOW the dog to travel that high.. Simple physics folks.. I believe that the other man probably told this moron to follow the established law afterhaving Gordons aggressive dog (he stated himself that his nasty dog growled at the LH Shpeherd, now if that was reversed and the shepherd had so much as lifted his lis, it would be declared dangerous!) attack him and his dog. He probably did what ANY ONE OF WOULD DO, and kicked an unleashed, aggressive, dog, mid-attack to save himself and his dog.. Media sensationalism at its best folks... Big dog becomes baddie and little dog becomes a "hero" I thinks it all BS