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Everything posted by Jade~Harley~Bella

  1. They were sold two dogs as pets, that they brought home and spent 7 months training. It turned out that the dogs were illegal, and therefore not suitable as pets. They should be able to easily take legal action at a basic level to get a refund on purchase price. But if they had a good lawyer I think they could also sue to compensate for the wasted time spent training the dogs as well as suing to recover the all the legal and other costs they had accumulated as a result of being sold two illegal pets. lol what?! The dogs did not have any APBT in them. How does that make them illegal, because someone that went to a 2 day training course on dog identification said so. What a load of bullshit. And even more ridiculous, wanting to sue someone because you purchased an unrestricted breed puppy. I don't think any amount of money will replace the dogs. Some comments on this thread are laughable...
  2. Although this situation is a very sad one and not that I agree with what the council did, but if the dogs did fit the Pitbull description where I mean obviously they weren't of a completely opposite appearance like a Husky or GSD look, what was the coucil supposed to do under the legislation, let it go because a BYB did a statutory declaration regarding the parents who's pedigrees couldn't more than likely be confirmed anyway??. Personally, I blame the breeders for producing dogs that fit these descriptions, regardless if they are BYB's or not, surely they need to be aware that breeding dogs of Pitbull appearance is asking for trouble given that Pitbull's have been restricted for a long time, they need to be more responsible in their breeding choices not to supply puppies that people aquire and love to have them seized and euthanised.......if they want to BYB, breed something safe from the authorities and legislation....the BYB market is still littered with Bull cross breeds and doesn't appear that these BYB's or puppy farmers or whatever are learning anything from these terrible situations unfolding As far as the "breeder" is concerned though they aren't breeding restricted breeds nor could they have predicted how the pups would turn out. While I don't agree with BYB these people really did nothing wrong either. Many many dogs could fit that standard, doesn't mean that the council have any right to put them down. The council could have registered the pups when the owners requested and left it at that. This didn't have to happen.
  3. There were no DNA tests completed on any of the dogs. The parents must have passed the visual identification and there was a stat dec completed by the parents owner/"breeder" stating the dogs breeds. To me, and without a legal bone in my body but lots of logical ones, that seems to say hello lawsuit. Yeah to me it seems there were a few errors made on the councils part. It seems they wanted to make a statement and would do whatever necessary to make it. I hope it is taken further by the dogs owners, considering the dogs had not actually done anything wrong its just crazy in my eyes, and very sad.
  4. There were no DNA tests completed on any of the dogs. The parents must have passed the visual identification and there was a stat dec completed by the parents owner/"breeder" stating the dogs breeds.
  5. From what I've read it is normally is only an issue when people breed for colour. "Blue" dogs should have a certain percentage of blue dilute or something. Not sure what it is though.. I am sure there are many more knowledgeable people here that know. :)
  6. :laugh: Haha I love his/her face :) What you talking about... I didn't do this! lol What a little smart ass :p
  7. Thanks everyone! I will have a look at those tonight! :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Does anyone have any recommendations for a somewhat indestructible dog bed? Bella normally picks at them until there is a hole and then has a fluff party... normally in the lounge room lol. I am looking for something tough (if it exists) that may have a bit of longevity with her.
  9. I use a head halter on Harley, he gets excited when he see's it because he knows he is going for a walk. Bella refuses to wear it though, so I just use a harness on her. Personally I prefer the harness on her as it give me better control. I don't think any one is better than the other (although lots of people say head harnesses are bad for the dogs neck etc). Its just personal preference.
  10. I agree. I make a loud noise to distract them from what they are doing. As far as I am aware it is a normal stage of puppyhood. Testing boundaries etc. I always remove the thing they are not allowed to chew and give them something they are. A walk in the morning can also help ware them out too if you don't already to that :) It seems to pass after a while. Bella still love to chew things though... mostly she steals rolls of toilet paper and picks holes in her blankets and beds
  11. I know it is contradictory. I also meant safety as in keeping the dog safe, if I was referring to the supposed health benefits I would have said that. The reason I had Harley desexed initially was because I was hoping it would help settle him down through a reduction in hormones. Bella was desexed because I didn't want to deal with mess, other dogs trying to get into our yard (not good when one of mine is DA)or Bella trying to get out (she is a Houdini). I could quite easily deal with her going into season, we did it before she was spayed, twice. We have a dog run which she could have stayed in, but it's not really fair on her to be separated from Harley for 3 weeks when every other day they play and spend it together. My dogs were never going to use their reproductive organs ever, so why would I keep them? A dog will always bark, why remove it. I understand some dogs will bark out of habit and that is a little harder to fix. I've had this exact debate with another person, although it was desexing verse ear cropping/docking. Lol no one is ever going to win it :) If some breeds are barkers, why is that breed trait not taken into consideration before the breed is selected. Especially if you live in a high density residential area where people are going to complain if it is continuous. Some breeds just aren't suited to suburban life unless they have a dedicated owner who is willing to put time and effort into keeping the dog stimulated mentally and physically worked.
  12. Are your dogs desexed? That's quite a big operation to put our dogs through for our own convenience. Not trying to be controversial, just putting forward some alternate thoughts :) Lol yes my dogs are desexed. Not so much for my own convenience (apart from the mess with the little miss) more so for their safety and to make sure less puppies are in this world that don't need to be. Not trying to be controversial and all... but the way I see it most of the time a barking dog is the result of inaction by an owner. I understand the OP is elderly etc but I've recently seen a similar issue with a youngish girl who had a kelpie in suburbia and was not willing to work the dog like it needed to be and ended up re-homing her to a farm where she is doing much better. It was the best thing for the dog. At the end of the day the dogs needs have to be taken into consideration before what we want.
  13. As I said, some make something similar to a coughing sound and some don't really make a sound at all when they "bark" (mouth moves but no sound comes out). I think its sad because I don't really agree with doing things like that to any animal regardless of the situation. My dogs don't bark, but I have neighbours that do constantly.. mostly through lack of action from the owner.
  14. My step grandmother in law is a registered breeder and she has de-barked some of her dogs. It is a much safer operation that I think it use to be. The dogs that have been de-barked still make a noise, but it is more like a small cough more than anything. I find it sad that they can't bark though.
  15. OMG they are adorable!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I wouldn't think so. It doesn't surprise me that there are a few scratches, the way my two play! Lol I think they know when enough is enough. Harley will normally let Bella know when he is over it or they both just go to sleep :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Lol my two always play this, it gets quite noisy at times too! Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Harley pees on my Mum when he is happy to see her... its only ever been her and one other person he has done it to. Maybe the dogs think you are smelly or something and want to mark you as their own :laugh: If it happened to me I would be more grossed out than angry though haha.
  19. I give my two meaty bones... there is more meat than bone and tearing the meat etc is what cleans them. Harley did have really bad plaque build up on his back teeth that brushing couldn't help, its not there anymore :) If your not keen on bones maybe take her to the vet to get a clean done and then use dentastix or what ever to keep them clean.
  20. Couldn't agree more with not letting kids walk dogs, any dog. Sorry to hear that happened to your puppy, I couldn't think of anything worse and have nearly been in the same situation with Bella, lucky she was only little and I was able to scoop her up and turn away before the dog got to us. I've seen with my two how determined this breed can be to get to what they want, in this case it was a Kangaroo that had managed to jump the fence into our yard and they did not give up at all. That's there natural instinct coming through right there and I hope I never have to see it again, that is the only time I have ever disliked my dogs.
  21. Bella greats other dogs with her head held high, tail in the air and very rigid. I don't mind her being around large dogs but I keep her away from small dogs. Last time we were at the park there were quite a few that were growling and carrying on when she was just saying hello. So I made sure to keep her on leash when they were around because honestly she doesn't take shit from anyone I have discovered. We have some dogs that roam in our neighbour hood. Two black working type dogs that rush us when we walk past. I spoke to a neighbour up the road and apparently they have actually mauled a few dogs already so I guess Bella and I have been lucky! People should be cautious of any unknown dog regardless of the breed or size. l
  22. Aw I love these two pictures! Gorgeous dogs :D lol
  23. I think there is a gene in rotties for the bob tail. I remember when I had first started vollie work at the RSPCA we had two litters of pups - most with docked tails that were seized. They were in the process of DNA testing to see if they had the gene. If they did the pups and two mum dogs would have been given back to the owner. If not the people were off to court. Never did hear what ended up happening from that though. I prefer a dog with a tail anyway. Would be like taking away someone's smile! Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Out vet said to use kids sunscreen. I use it on Bella's face and we have had no issues apart from her not wanting to put it on :) I'd imagine it is much cheaper than dog sunscreen as well.
  25. Well... I was going to contribute, but since I do not own "Pedigree worthy" AmStaffs my opinion is apparently invalid.
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