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Everything posted by Jade~Harley~Bella

  1. After she did it again this morning I thought I would make her a sign :) She is kind of like "yeah so, who cares mum, it's tasty!" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. If reading about that is the kind of thing that interests you... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I'm loving that site... some of the dogs look genuinely ashamed! I was going to do one for Bella months ago with "0 days since I've eaten kitty litter" :laugh: little grott sneaks it any chance she can get... can't forget to clean it once or she will do it for you.
  4. Yeah....that stuck out to me too....WTF? They're all a bunch of old eejits, why would we expect they know how to handle dogs. You think so...the Queen is actually a very good dog handler and trainer, her Sandringham Labs have always competed with the best in working gundog trials. Pack fights can happen in any group of dogs...any breed...why this is even newsworthy is beyond me. Nothing like a little sensationalism to sell papers and mags. Kind of like a lot of "attack" stories that happen...
  5. I always kennel my two AmStaffs in the same run. They would fret without each other. If taking them to another kennel isn't possible I'd go with taking her in as well so they an meet heretic.
  6. My Mums GSDxRotty can't swim. He went into their fairly shallow dam once chasing a toy and didn't pop back up, her OH had to jump in and pull him out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. With Harley we step aside and sit until the dog has gone past and then carry on our walk. He is reactive so I would rather keep him out if trouble and other peoples dogs safe. Bella has no issues so I don't worry about it with her.
  8. Apparently he bred them himself. Wonder what happened to cause them to do this.
  9. I am out near Jimboomba and the vet said when I had Harley in for his shots that they have had at least one paralysis tick case per week. I thought it wasn't tick season so hadn't used anything. They have the collars back on now though. Hopefully you have caught it in time and you pooch makes a full recovery!
  10. I think you will find most dogs operating in a pack structure are just as likely to attack as a pack of bull breed dogs. Again it has nothing to do with breed.
  11. Err no a pit bull is a pit bull. It is a breed not a description. Perhaps you are thinking about 'pig dogs'. Err no, you have an American Pit Bull Terrier and than you have multiple dog breeds which fall under the "Pit Bull" label. The term Pit Bull can also include any cross bred dog that has features similar to the above, it is generally given by those that can't tell the difference. A Pit Bull is just that , same as a kelpie is a kelpie. There are bull breeds other than APBTs , is that what you meant? See above comment :)
  12. I don't think anyone has this notion. I do believe APBT breed fanciers are fed up with the "wipe them out" comments, and I don't think any of the comments are defending the dogs in question. What bull breed owners want is the media to stop shouting PITBULL at every oppurtunity, the circumstances of the attack to reported accurately to stop the scourge of negativity surrounding their breeds. What I've taken from most of the posters who are anti BSL, is that these dogs could've been prevented from being in this situation and it is entirely the owners fault, especially if he knew his dogs were an issue. I agree, and it would be nice to stop seeing comments like wiping the breed out. It achieves nothing more than fuelling emotion and adds nothing constructive to the conversation. I don't think any breed of dog should be mentioned. If this were to happen we would not hear about attacks full stop unless there was a fatality or serious injury. The only reason we hear about attacks involving "pit bulls" now is because it sells newspapers. Pit Bull is to broad a term as so many breeds fall under that label and dog breed should be irrelevant as any dog is capable of attacking... as we should all know.
  13. So my dogs don't have a right to live in your eyes because some other idiots can't look after their animals properly? What a silly comment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk So that was a yes or a no? calling your comment silly wasn't as insult. I could have said something much more colorful but though I had best keep it nice. And of course I am going to take it personally. When you have people making comments such as all pit bulls and bull breeds should be wiped out, why wouldn't I? These are mine and many other peoples pets around the world we are taking about, not some common pest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. So my dogs don't have a right to live in your eyes because some other idiots can't look after their animals properly? What a silly comment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. How sad for the poor guide dog he must have been terrified. The owners of those dogs are the type of people bringing these breeds down. Wish they would be banned from owning pets full stop as they obviously aren't responsible enough. And again we've got unidentified dogs being labeled pit bulls with out any evidence that says they actually were. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Both of my dogs are from BYB's, purchased before I knew that was a bad thing. Do they deserve to die because of that? Do they not have a right to exist just because they do not have pedigree papers? It all comes back to education really... something people fighting BSL are all for. Lol wow apparently I am a numb nuts tough guy too... nice one. Best be careful of my two "landsharks" snuggling with the cat on the lounge. I though this too... not a very good advertisement for your business at all.
  17. So I suppose this http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/story/143478/puppy-killed-by-vicious-dalmatian/ is just a one off attack by a non aggressive breed so it is okay? Because Dali's heads aren't normally foggy with aggression. We aren't fighting to save BYBers and their over bred dogs. We are fighting to save certain breeds of dogs who are being discriminated against based on appearance. BYB's over breed many breeds of dogs, that isn't going to stop until legislation changes. You may not like bull breeds, but that is no reason for them to be eradicated. Laws like this are just the beginning It is bull breeds now, what is going to be next? Your head just seems to me to be foggy with hatred, maybe you need to channel your aggression into fighting BSL with the rest of us.
  18. I agree with you about those people who are still knowlingly breeding APBT's in states where it is not allowed. Its silly and only going to lead to problems. However, I do not agree with you that ignorance in no excuse! The unfortunate fact is that the vast majority of people don't know about half the issues relating to dogs. If the majority of people understood the issues surrounding puppy farms, they would not exist. If you can't get the general population to understand the issues regarding puppy farms, how can you expect the average man in the street to identify a staffy cross compared to a pitbull, or even know what potential issues they may face down the track by buying/rescuing a certain dog? In fact how can you expect even those of us who do take a significant interest in the issues to really determine what is a staffy cross or what is a pitbull?
  19. I use to go to the Barnyard Vet at Minden, right on the intersection of the Warrego near the bakery. I am not sure if it is still there, they were flooded when we had the floods and didn't open back up for a while. Anyways if they are there, they were really good.
  20. Maybe give the breeders a call and follow up if you initially contacted them via email. Sorry I don't know of any breeders in brissy, but you could always find out when some dog shows are on and go and meet some breeders there. The ekka is also next month which could make a good opportunity to talk to some if they attend as well. I'd expect to pay around 1000-1500 for a papered pup. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I think I remember the last time you posted that too, it's a great idea but the beds will be inside the house so I want them to look nice and tidy! :) Bella has a hammock bed outside that has a hessian sack on it, she loves sitting on there, Harley refuses to use his though. I don't think he is a fan on how it moves so he just sits on the floor! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Thanks :) that doesn't give me much hope for miss Bella then if Gus gets through it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Hi just wondering if anyone had the website they purchased the snooza beds off of or know of any suppliers in Brisbane? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I had Harley done at 1 and a half and never worried about any of that extra stuff. From what I was told you can have it but they generally it isn't needed unless you dog is older or has other issues. They could be just trying to get some extra money out of you ;) I personally can't think of any reason not to neuter.
  25. Undesired by who? I know plenty of people who enjoy the APBT as a breed, I quite like them as well (if you haven't noticed) :laugh: I think regardless of whether you are a fan of the APBT or not, we all need to work together to remove these laws. The posts in this thread have opened my eyes up with how bad they actually are. In a perfect world Bear and Kooda would be the last dogs that fall victim to these laws.
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