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Everything posted by JessicaM

  1. Hello, I would like some advice and help on a diet plan for my two papillons! I have a large boy who weighs about 5.5kgs, he is chunky, I can feel his ribs but he has abit of fat on him. He is a bigger pap and I have had him since he was 4 months old, he has never been light and dainty! And my other girl is smaller but last time I had her weighed she was 3.5kgs. She is chunky once again and has put a little more weight on in the last year and has stayed the same size. I would like her to be abit lighter and I know they can both lose abit of weight. My show girl is very dainty and weighs about 2.3kgs. I know my two pets don't have the same structure as the show pony but I need some advice. All dogs are currently eating 1/4 cup of super coat small breed kibble each night. I walk the two girls maybe 3-4 times a week and they have a beach run for 30 mins. Each day they are running around my backyard chasing the ball for a good 1-2 hrs a day. They get a large marrow bone once a week and sometimes some raw meaty lamb bones. Would love some advice on meal plans! I don't want to spend too much as I am young and don't gave much of a career yet. Budget meals would be great lol :)
  2. Haha my little Lily I've had her since 8 months old, she was VERY shy of people when I first got her. I recently found out she is scared of plastic rubbish bags? If anyone else had her they would think she had been attacked by one lol. And the funniest thing I watched her out the back sliding door. I was eating breakfast and I watched an empty water bottle blow into her, she screamed and ran away tail between her legs. I felt sorry for her, hehe but funny to watch
  3. I am looking forward to my future where I can own my own home with land and either start a line and breed or buy another dog on main! I already love showing and have three dogs, only one Lily being a main and the other two are pets! But I would love todo obedience with cindy. I'm too excited but it is a few years away unfortunately
  4. Thanks for all the replys! Well I ended up borrowing a very basic material slip leash, similar to a chocker but a whole leash on Tuesday night practice and I really liked it. Was going to head down to Dogs SA shop this week but now I had my car break down on the freeway! so now I dont have a car, luckily enough I orded one over the phone! So im hoping out of the hundreds they had in the store my discription was met. So in the end I bought a cheap $8.50 leash and should get it tomorrow by express post! cross fingers* and after Lilys first show on Sunday I can go and buy my own suits and lots of pretty bling leashes! hahaha I will have to have a look at all the web sites you all gave me, Im going to be buying abit of stuff hehe :)
  5. JessicaM

    Puppy Barking

    I can imagine a puppy doing this, I have had a naughty pup do this. I would try growling at them instead of no and also a spray bottle with water AND some viniger! Dr harry addressed some dogs like water and viniger smells horrible for the dogs. Good luck!
  6. Thankyou for the replys! Will have a look at each page tomorrow, I know I said I didn't want to order overseas but if i find some i like I am sure to be convinced otherwise. Beautiful designs :)
  7. Like the title says, I am looking to buy a show leash for my papillon. I am in South Australia and have tried the Petstock, no luck. I am looking at the leather 'slip lead.' The one with a hole and adjusting piece? Lol my apologies if I sound like a complete fool. I would like to get one ASAP and not have to order it from overseas or anything! Help will be apprecaited! :-) EDITED to find out how much i should be looking at!
  8. This was absolutely appauling! I cannot believe it!?!? I could understand if the girls were letting them out to 'free' them but after seeing the girls drag the dog that was very well behaved, going back to its cage in fact, then have its legs pulled out from under it. AND i was disgusted to see the girls up the back throwing the animals, quite literally! Absolutley the RSPCA needs to upgrade their security, but they quite often do not have much funds to do so and can only do the best job they can with what they have. I think the public neess to be abit more generous with donations, this can always help out the shelters. It is very lucky that the public had the help of the community to bring back the lost animals, Im sure they would have been scared, excited, hungry and confused with the whole situation. And those little girls most deffinantly need to have a speaking to, and some punishment. But everyone is right with the current punishment laws, most parents DONT do anything, and are not 'legally' allowed to. This is why all the youngsters have too much confidence in themselves these deays and no respect for adults and athourity!! They dont understand what is right and wrong or more to the point they dont care and can get away with it! Hope this does not happen again!
  9. I didn't think my reply was abusive No not you lavender girl, your advice was exactly what I was hoping to get! :) look I'm going to the shops tomorrow and if fate brings them there at the same time I will listen to your advice, they are lovely people and have been in our shop before. I'll just see what happens, thankyou for your kindness and manners!
  10. Geez some people like to jump to conclusions! I know it isn't my problem and I'm sure you could have said it in a much nicer way! Jog on I didn't ask for abuse,,, I have nothing against the people, was simply concerned for the dog and health problems I've heard of! Nothing more thanks.
  11. Issue has been addressed, had a friendly chat with them about their dog zoey. They were originally told their dog would not develop any health problems. I suggested they watch out for warning signs when zoey was older, they could not have been happier to talk about her.
  12. I always taught my dog when she was a puppy that I will give her attention when I am ready, if she carried on crying for abit I ignored, sitting on the couch and she eventually laid down on her bed. When I do disturb her I did not make a big scene about it. I think that's what you need to do, when you are going to play with her, let her out the pen put her on the floor and let her follow you around, don't pat her or make her excited. After she has followed you around and stopped whimpering etc sit on the floor and then play. You don't want to make her really excited straight away, you want to teach her to be calm :) good luck
  13. Favourite dog: papillon, I currently have two, and hopefully 3 soon. They have great personalities, active and love a good romp in the yard, always ready to play ball, love walks but love Cuddles and pats, good to curl up on your lap, extremely intelligent. I also would love to own a German shepherd, lovely looking dog, with high enthusiasm for their owner,very loyal, very smart and I grew up with them. Least favourite: terriers, I've been bitten by them before,I've almost always seen them yappy little things, just don't appeal to me. Dislike Chihuahuas, because of their yappy attitude and little man personalities. Bull terriers and staffy, and maltese Shitzu breeds, because I have seen too many byb and associate them with poor up bringings etc...:). Im sure you get lovely dogs too
  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your pap! Best thing to do is keep an eye out and hope she didn't get into the hands of an ill minded person with wrong thoughts. I did see a suspicious add on gumtee about a breeding pair of paps, female tri colour? In QLD area, sorry I live in s.a not sure of local suburbs etc. There was no picture but you could text and enquire about pictures and pricing... I hope she turns up!
  15. I have two gorgeous Papillons, They both have such different personalities but have alot of love and affection to give. Domino is abit of a sook and enjoys cuddles and pats but has alot of energy to play with balls and toys. He has such a lovely nature and besides being abit gutsy at dinner he is a great dog. Cindy has an amazing personality, she is very smart and knows a few tricks on command. I have seen her hide a bone in a green 'woolies' bag and then drag it under the bbq to hide her dinner from the other! She has a more laid back and independant personality but both dogs love people and other animals. they get along well with cats, dogs, ferrets and poultry. They don't get very big and are a good size lap dog, but mixed with lots of energy and the patience to sleep on your lap, I would reccomend Papillions because I believe they are graet and cute little creatures :)
  16. Thanks so much for all your feedback, I will be having a look and changing their kibble over gradually. Hopefully I will not have any issues! :)
  17. Thankyou very much, yes I do realise raw is best for dogs, its what they have eaten in the wild before we domesticated them etc, but I posted this for peoples opinions and advice. I know some dogs these days need special vitamins and I was adding some fish oil in my dogs meat when I was serving but I was hoping you could just buy a dry food with the extras in it. I give them marrow bones once a week to clean their teeth, chicken necks sometimes gives Cindy the runs and domino sometimes swallows his necks whole. I was hoping for some good reviews on advance, purina or eukaburna (something like that)
  18. I feed them raw at night time but I like giving them some dry for some extra vitamins and I leave them some dry for them during the day when I'm working
  19. Hi there I'm after some information for picking some good quality kibble for my Papillons. The youngest (1 year) is an allergy dog, allergic to fleas (lost fur when he had them and he has abit of dry skin on the side of his body.) Back leg area, I am using revolution spot on control for him which has helped his fur grow back. I have seen a vet but she was useless, so I was thinking if I can feed him a good kibble along with a mix of chicken necks, Marrow bones, diced steak and occasionally I feed them super coat can food, can I help his dry skin? My other pap is almost 5 now and she has just lost all her fur and is slowly growing her winter coat, she was looking quite bald but her short thick fur is coming through now. Problem is she hasn't had much of a papillon coat before, last year it was long and nice but it could just be that was how her parents were. So after all this what advice could you give me? Many thanks
  20. I've heared parvo is going around? Have you looked at the symptoms? Very similar to this, I hope your vet and you can help your dog get better!
  21. Have you tried punishing him when he barks?! Since he is a young dog he sill might have some time to learn. Get a spray bottle and fill it with water, when he barks yell and say no, spray water at him and I like to growl (grrr) at my dogs. Or even just spray him, the dog will think the environment is punishing him for barking...
  22. I found my new pup was doing the same, as soon as he was inside he would relieve himself... he didn't have any grass at our old house, only rocks and dirt and cement. So I banned the dogs from coming inside longer than 10 mins, once they had a pat and cuddle back outside, once I found him pooing on our cement we moved it to the dirt. This worked well and now we have moved house both our dogs have grass and only 1 piddle inside since. I don't trust dogs inside unless they are in the room with us asleep under the bed Haha!
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