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Everything posted by Becksy

  1. Yes you did make sense, many thanks. I will look for a clicker this weekend. Enjoy your weekend. Cheers Kim (for Becks)
  2. Thank you for your reply. Yes I did google clicker training and there is heaps of info. I was not certain how that would keep Becks mentally stimulated, but I see it is about the fun and time spent together. I will try with both our dobermans. I presume I can buy a clicker from a vet or pet store. Many thanks again.
  3. Many thanks for your replies, it is much appreciated. Could I please ask what clicker training is, I have never heard of this. Best wishes to you. Cheers Becksy
  4. Have just had one of our Dobermanns diagnosed with Cardio Myopathy and he is only 4 years old. Our vet has prescribed Vetmodin, Mexiletine and another drug to help Becks. a. Does anyone have any suggestions where to buy Vetmedin in Australia, as I am concerned that the Govt will not allow same to be imported. Vetmedin is very expensive, we are paying $200 for 100 tablets. Mexiletine (which is twice as expensive here having to compound initially - than Vetmedin) appears to be okay to import, as it is no longer produced here; and b. Any suggestions how to keep a very active 4 year old quiet, without ruining his quality of life? Thank you, Becksy.
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