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Everything posted by Lakies

  1. So sorry for your loss RIP littleone
  2. She was so pleased to see us this afternoon, she looked so good considering she been through, the vet was saying she can't believe how well she's revovered and what she'll be able to come home tomorrow afternoon. Her brother Charlie will be happy to see her poor boy has been going back to the edge of pool looking for her constantly.
  3. Thanks for all your thoughts Spoken to the vet this morning and good news she up and eating and pooing andthey are hopeful that she will make a full recovery, going to see her in 1/2 hr. Howie
  4. Had a S%&t of a New Year my little 7 month old Abbey drowned in the pool at lunch time, I pulled her out and revived her on the way to the vet she now stabalized on a ventilator I hope she pulls through. Howie
  5. Just be careful about covering up carpet with lino or other carpet/rugs as sometimes it can turn the carpet underneath yellow. This is caused by the the glue that holds the carpet together offgasing and not being able to evaporate into the atmosphere. (20 years exp as a carpet cleaner) Also if you are puting cheap rugs over the carpet you can get dye migration from rug to carpet Howie
  6. Bill and Jess are just beautiful, I just love teddy bear terriers. Did you,or do you have any problems with them being brother & sister( littermate syndrome)? Howie
  7. Two Lakeland Terriers approx16 weeks old, had Airedales in the past. Howie
  8. Here's a couple of photo's of our lakies
  9. How do you post photo's? If someone is willing to tell me I'll post a couple of photo's of my 2 lakie pups
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