Sorry, I haven't read it all - got to about page 8 and that was all.
However, I found the statement
...... "My new child is smarter, happier and more fulfilled than the average pet because he is given every opportunity to be human. He is also completely calm and not anxious because he has been brought up so well"....
from the OP bizarre to say the least. Firstly - it was a rescue, so by definition it needed rescuing! Dont know the circumstances or age when he was rescued, but obviously some part of his upbringing wasn't good.
And I wont even go near the concept of wanting to turn animals into humans - think about what humans do, how they interact and everything else
Is it possible/probable that the dogs final moments were pain and confusion - Yes. Is that truly upsetting - Yes, but was it a dog - Yes, should it be treated as a child - No, unless you wish to remove everything that makes it a dog.
A dog is not a lower life form - nor is a cat, or a horse. But they are different - and thank gad for that :)