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Is it really me Mum?
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
I look forward to your message. I am now looking for help with another Bull Terrier matter . . .if you look in my content for the thread 'Bull Terrier - Open sores and Fungal Growth.'.Its another owner who will not provide for their dog . . .cant afford/wont pay for a vet etc. Two vets on here that I have shared the pics with have said it is skin cancer yet the owners have refused the dog treatment even after offers of my time and help.Any advice always appreciated . . . -
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
This, read it at least three times. She would never have had a chance had you not persisted for the 6 weeks you did. She would not be happy for the first time in her life if you had not of done what you did. Never think you didn't do the right thing by her - ever. Thanks guys.You are too kind. :) -
Snow? Ha ha! I have friends in England and Europe who have Pharaohs in minus twenty celsius and with a coat the Pharaohs do well.Some even buy them snow booties.I wont be taking Kenya to the show myself . . . .I am going with another friend from the South Coast who has a Pharie too.We are going to catch up with some Pharaoh breeder friends and go and meet their dogs etc.You are more than welcome to join us.April 5th is the show day for Pharaohs and Ibizans.We get dressed up with big Pharaoh ears and make it fun! I well understand the issues with space.I have a small duplex and with my Devons,Kenny and random fosters,its a lot of fur . . .oh and the hubby! In terms of offlead . . . .opinions differ and dogs are all different but many cannot.They are hunters and can become selectively deaf if something catches their eye.Kenny can go off lead but ive kept it to fenced areas for now.In saying that,my friends Pharaoh can go off lead without drama but he was raised as a pup and Kenny was an adult with some baggage when he came to me.Find a GOOD breeder and ask heaps of questions.If memory serves me correct,there are two Pharaohs in rescue at the moment although that is not common. Kenny is good with cats,other dogs and loves people but a tad afraid of men.Iam most open to you meeting Kenny and referring you to breeders who are ethical and reputable when the time is right but be warned . . one Pharaoh is never enough! ps - I have so many Kenny shots I could open an art gallery lol . . . .he is my favourite subject!
http://nanamacs.bigcartel.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nana-Macs-Quilts-Gifts/360343069276?ref=ts!! Those are the details if you want a photo bag from Nana Mac! . . . .Okay more Kenny pics coming!!!
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
I just feel incredibly guilty that she wasnt treated properly to start with . . .I knew in my gut that her vaginal discharge wasnt right but when a vet says its ok,I listened and obeyed.It seems that you need to be more questioning . . . He opted for minimal treatment but didnt even give me an option to have more invasive diagnostics. Her stomach was bulging and even dopey me thought it odd but he just said it was worms . . .even after I wormed her twice. I will contact Kelscat and hopefully speak to her vet.For my own peace of mind . . .that way,i know that leaving and finding a new vet is the right choice. -
Ill put some more pics up this afternoon . . .beach etc.The Pharaoh is a dog like no other.I look at him every day and marvel at his beauty and I kiss him on his head countless times a day.I am going to the Sydney Royal and ill even be wearing a shirt that says "Want a new dog? Get a Phucking Phartarse Pharaoh Phor Life!!" What breeds do you have now Puddleduck?
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
Hi Pearl! You are still smiling gorgeous girl! I just want to make a few things clear to people about Pearl. Pearl came from a situation that was quite simply appalling and once I had seen her at the house,I couldnt forget her.I persisted with the owners for six weeks to have her surrendered to me.The very next day,I took her to my vet and began treatment which was primarily Cephalaxin and Prednisone and frequent washes in Malaseb.My vet waived the consult fee and I paid for the meds etc. I knew I would need help with rehoming her so I contacted the British Bulldog Club of NSW.They were helpful and said they would help and cover all her costs via reimbursement.So I continued on treating Pearl for another few weeks and she was improving but I had no one to ask for advice so I rang the Club back to check in and give them an update on Pearl.Lets just say that it became clear that they were in no position to help Pearl and for reasons I wont go into on here,they are now effectively defunct. I then started this thread on here to gain support and advice on Pearl and her health isssues.Through this,I met Kelscat and Pearl is now in good hands and has the best shot at life she can have.So its been a meandering road with Pearl . . . . In my honest opinion, my vet could have done a lot better with her.I think that because she bounced from the Breed Club back to me,he tried to keep the costs down so didnt do testing eg uterine probes so failed to diagnose the true extent of her poor health.At all times,he was very helpful and supportive to the best of his capabilities.I dont want to say too much but Im looking for a new vet now for my own animals as whilst his prices may be low,that doesnt cover a multitude of sins. I truly hope that Pearl can regain her health.It took many years of neglect and abuse for her to end up like this and I will never understand how they could see her every day,stuck under that house in the dirt openly bleeding from her sores and do nothing.If I came across a similar situation again,Id act in the same way and assist the dog but I have learnt so much from this episode id be in a better place and state of knowledge to do what is right eg find a vet who knows what he is really doing.Neighbours must have seen her and did nothing... Kelscat and DCH Adoptions are angels and with their care,Pearl will further improve xx -
Becks . . . .I have only had my Kenny for six months.He is laughing because it was the first time I trusted him enough to go offlead.I had just praised him for coming to me each and every time he was asked.He knew he was a very good dog indeed!
Kenny also has a bed buddy whom he is most violent with . . .smashes his head into the concrete and gasses him with Pharaoh farts!
This is Kenya with his best buddy . . . my baby Devon whose name is Wellington Boot or just plain Welly!!
So you want more pics of my handsome hound? I can oblige!!
What women doesnt have a large load in her handbag? I even carry a spare dog leash . . .just in case I come across a random stray lol.Norman has been shamelessly left out and looked over as have my Devon Rexes.Who can compete with King Kenny!!!
Frodo . . .Ill pm you.
Recently I came across a Sydney lady who makes handmade items like dog quilts,handbags and bait bags.But it was the opportunity to take a picture of my beautiful boy and have it crafted into a bag which is unique.I was able to choose my fabric colours and I agonised over which photo to pick . . .its not like Pharaohs are not photogenic! Today my bag arrived and I am very happy with the quality of both the workmanship and also the clarity of the pic.It is not washed out but an extremely good replica of the original.I have slung my own dirty aged bag out the door and replaced it with one that will bothe turn heads but it means something to me to wear it. These pics were taken this morning.Kenya is my Pharaoh and the grumpy cat is Norman.He wants a bag too! Thanks Nana Mac for my handbag . . .I think Nana Mac will also be at the Sydney Pet Expo on the 18th and 19th of this month.
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
Well said. Thank you Erny I hope and pray that things can get fixed. Kelscats, if you need $ to help with vet fees please call out. I will be honoured to contribute a little. There may be others willing to help. DOL is a mighty and wonderful community! Thanks HonBun, i have an email from my vet that i have just recieved and have posted it below. A donation would be wonderful if you would like to donate please email me for the DCH bank account details on [email protected] Thanks HonBun its muchly appreciated Dear Kelly Re Pearl: Female entire bull dog: Problem list: Chronic unmanaged skin infection: Pyoderma Bilateral untreated aural heamatomas. Chronic ear infection. Right cruciate rupture untreated leading to arthritic changes in the right stifle. Open draining pyometra ( cystic endometritis, or infected uterus) - likely to have been made worse with use of steroid with no antibiotic cover. pendulous vagina due to slack ligaments - likely due to numerous pregnancies. OK just my 5 cents worth here. No forgetting of course that I am not a vet but have seen every problem on the list in peoples dogs in my few years experience :) Chronic unmanaged skin infection. The condition was being managed(did the new vet see the before and after photos???No) Granted it was not managed the way it should of been. Bilateral untreated aural haematomas. Yep we know this. Kelly just my opinion...Do not get them fixed. What is done is done with her ears. They are not bothering her but they will as soon as they are operated on. Just ensure they are kept clean and free from fly strike. If necessary apply sun cream and an insect repelant. Chronic ear infection. Yes this was known although first vet did nothing. Right cruciate rupture. Didnt know about this.Didnt know she had a limp but with her lack of weight I did suggest no exercise. Now it will be NO strenuous exercise at all. Discuss with the vet options and seeing as it has been left this long now decide whether or not it is appropriate to be repaired and what the outcome will possibly be if it is and if it isnt. As she already has arthritic changes maybe appropriate medication to manage this. Open draining pyometra does not have a clear discharge as per what Carlo mentioned. It is tomato soup in colour and if she has just developed it then she has already been in season a short time ago. In short if she had this as such and hasnt been treated then she would be by now pretty close to death as the infection would be huge(even though it is draining) The only course for this is immediate spey. If all her vitals are good and it is thought she could handle surgery then no delay. I have yet to find the probability of it being caused by steroids one I would be going for. Pendulous vagina????? Now not a prolapse??? Would love to see pics. Carlo did you notice anything amiss at all with her in this "girls" department?? I am sure she has had a few bubbas in her time Hi Bullbreedlover - In regard to her ears,my vet said the damage was done and to apply sunscreen and repellant daily which I did, this being Filtabac and Repel x. My vet was aware of her limp but said it was an old untreated injury and maybe could be managed with glucosamine but not to worry too much about it as again the damage was done . . . Her vaginal discharge was clear stringy mucus which left her bed often sticky and attracted flies.He said that the Cephalaxin she was on would help but to bring her back if there was any change or worsening.There was some bloody discharge in the first 3 days I had her but then it turned clear. My vet saw her 3 times and I also took her to an experienced groomer/vet nurse for a look over in her own time and nobody ever mentioned a prolapse.Her vagina,the outside walls of it seemed saggy but no mention of prolapse at all. He said that she would never again be a perfect dog re her limp,saggy boobs and ears but she would improve greatly in time. -
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
Morning guys! This utterly has floored me and I have had a bit of a cry about it all.It has really upset me because I trusted my vet to to help me and Pearl. At no time did he ever even look in her ears with a microscope . . .he just told me to clean them regularly. I told him she had chronic vaginal discharge as he was all over her bedding and was hanging out of her in strings when shw walked around.He said to just keep an eye on it and the antibiotics she was on would help that. I mentioned her leg on all three visits and he said it was an old injury, not to worry about it and the prednisone would help that. The haemaetomas were not going to be looked at or changed at all . ..he said the damage was done. I want to take this up with him because i dont feel its right at all.How do I follow this up? I am really upset because I followed what he said to the letter and I feel really let down. I know he did the work pro bono . . .he didnt charge for consults but its still not right is it? I never refused treatment of any sort.What should I do? -
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
By an attachment to the vagina Kelscat,did you mean a tumour? -
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
Nina, PLEASE DON'T FEEL BAD YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEEL BAD ABOUT! If it wasn't for you god knows what would have happened to Pearl and i can assure you she would have NEVER seen a vet at all if she was still where she was. Your vet did prescribe the Cephelaxin but it was only for a week and that's not long enough to get into her system properly and treat the infected allergy. The little yellow - greeny tablets were anti histamines. Its in no way your fault and i hope i haven't offended you with my post of Pearls finding's at the vet. I want you to know that you have saved her life really because now she will spend the next few weeks getting better and then she will find the perfect forever home, someone that will love and treat her like she deserves. THANK YOU CARLO11 FROM ME AND DEFINATLY FROM PEARL No offence at all.I am just very disappointed that he didnt treat her properly.I am glad she is getting the correct treatment now.I definitely think I will have to change practices now and find a new vet for my own pets.His treatment of Pearl just simply hasnt been acceptable. I really really hope she will be good in the long run -
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
Guys,its nice of you to be so kind but if I took her to a vet,paid for treatment and he has overlooked such blatantly obvious things,then there is a real problem.So i will most certainly beat myself up . . . .If I had have known she was that sick,I wouldnt have placed her into rescue for them to incur large costs. My vet had her on Cephelaxin and Prednisone which I dosed her with religiously. I just dont know what to think -
British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Carlo11 replied to Carlo11's topic in General Dog Discussion
So my vet missed her prolapsed vagina and gave her the wrong tablets WTF? Three times, we saw the vet over a six week period.I told him I suspected a uterine infection as her belly would blow up and then become more flaccid over some days and she would have a discharge but he never ran any tests much less even looked in her ears . . .Right now,I feel really angry and let down.I told him she had no teeth,not that he looked for himself.I found that out when she had trouble eating dry food but he assured me that it was normal for a bulldog as they tend to grind them down. I would never have handed her over to Kelscat had I known the extent of her health issues.If it was deemed in her interests,i would have had her put gently to sleep and buried her under my gumtrees. I just cannot believe this.Please keep us updated.I truly do not understand how my vet could have missed all this . . .even I as an inexperienced layman did look at her vagina and wonder why it looked so odd but no mention of that by my vet. I really hope Pearl can be treated and god damm her owners for allowing this to happen.