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Everything posted by miss2

  1. thank you! were booked in for Friday so fingers crossed all is ok and i will let you all know how we go! persephone, don't ask for that.. you will open a wholeeee flood gate of pics LOL
  2. thank you - i think hes amazing haha
  3. brightstar yeah its there and a little further down as well, really hard to describe without a photo. i have no experience with anything to do with skin so skin scrape was the first thing i thought of. im going to call them back now to book an appointment so will find out exactalty what they will want to check for - i would think we should go in for consult first and then go from there. so far i have used the ' pink spray' sorry not very helpful, is what i use on my horse?
  4. thanks for the advice everyone! if it costs that much then that's fine,i will get it done i just wasnt sure if i was being taken for a ride or not.i think maybe the vets have given me a general cover everything price. as far as i can see they are flat, no crusting at all. 2 months ago i changed his diet and put him onto Black hawk adult. nothing new in the environment. the only thing i can think of is that he sneaks the puppy black hawk ever now and then when she leaves some and im not fast enough to notice. he is 3.5 years old, desexed and completely up to date on all his vacs :)
  5. he eats from either a ceramic or stainless steel bowl ( ones inside ones outside) not a digger spends ALL his time at the fence or trying to climb the trees its a (colour bond) ever since he was an itty bitty pup he had minimal pigment on his nose as he grew up it slowly developed but those 2 little spots just under his nose always stayed pink ( like his belly). it was only thursday that i have noticed the intense red colour/ irritation so im wanting to get him into the vet asap. it almost looks like its bleeding but you can tell it hasn't broken through? he gets dog sun cream put on him before he goes outside because unfortunate he LOVES to sun bathe but that little spot under his nose is always the hardest coz he licks it off. i have attached some pics. 1st is from the breeder when he was 6 weeks, 2nd is 8 weeks at our place, 3rd is maybe 6 months ago and 4th is last week so you can see the pigment and colouring growing
  6. ill grab one tonight persephone, i tried last night and he was not very cooperative at all poor boyo i just called another vet and they said im looking at around $60 per scrape in the clinic so maybe the others were talking about whole kits and kaboodles of tests and i didn't realise
  7. Brightstar, to be honest I not sure. When I was inquiring with them I told them this. He is a very pink dog with very fine hair and minimal pigment on his body so he is always pinkish but I have noticed a part on his nose ( just below the nose and above that is now a deep red, almost looks like it’s a scab that has come off but it’s not). If you can see in this old pic the 2 little pink spots underneath his nose, they are now a bright red colour and look irritated. as far as i know it was just to see a normal vet. i did ask for someone that specialised in skin conditions but was told that all the vets are qualified.
  8. My dog needs to have some skin tests and most likely skin scraping. One vet quoted me $650 for a consult and tests and another quoted me $320 for a consult and tests. Obviously I would like to go with the cheaper one BUT because of the large price difference I am now wondering if $650 is normal and the cheaper one might not be as thorough? I know it’s a fairly broad question but wondering if anyone has any experience with initial skin condition checks and the costing involved? Thank you
  9. My JRT does this every day at the farm :) all though hes not impressed he has been banned from the sheds during summer time - too many snakes lurking in them for a no fear little terrier!!
  10. just a normal gps tracker aidan? theirs some great ideas, im looking at the ebay ones now :)
  11. You are doing an amazing job! Sounds like Erbie is going to grow up to be a very well adjusted doggie!! I also agree... new trainer time! :) pats on the back to you for what an amazing home you are providing to your dog.
  12. Not border collie size unfortunatly sheena, i need JRT size lol
  13. JRT!!! Could hunt for me, be protective, swim to catch fish and climb trees LOL
  14. Jacket looks awesome! I only had a quick read of this thread, does anyone know if the pet shop chains stock these jackets? Spud doesn’t have a problem with his bum staying up but lately he has been jumping on the knee board with me whilst we are out skiing and if I have to wear a life jacket then so does he LOL
  15. thanks everyone, it was a lot of hard work but so worth it now. i think one of the best things is to see how happy she is, seeing her happy makes me happy :) thanks to everyone for all your words of encouragement, support and advice :)
  16. oh , and here is her little foot hehe
  17. Thanks all, I was very worried for a while so this is a huge relief!! I did a nothing is free method. I put her daily amount of food into little bags and my husband and I both carried a bag with us at all times, every time she so much as looked at us or came near us of her own free will she got something to eat. It didn’t take long for her to start hanging around like a bad smell lol. we kept this up for a while and then started asking her little simple things like come and sit which she happily obliged. She obviously started trusting us and being happier because her whole personality changed. I would get home and she would race up to see me. Yes to begin with it was obviously about the food but as time went on she became genuinely happy to see us and was over the moon for a cuddle and some love. I also used our other dog a lot, She was watching him for clues and every time he came near us we made a huge fuss of him and he would give us kisses so slowly slowly she started to want this to. I was lying on the ground cuddling spud one night and she crept up, gave me a lick on the cheek and then darted away lol.
  18. Hi Everyone. A while ago I was having super issues with my new puppy not bonding and being frightened of us. Im happy to say she has come forward in leaps and bounds!! It has taken A LOT of hard work but so worth it in the end to have a happy little pup who genuinely loves us! Not only does she not run away from us anymore but she loves to be around us and is a happy member of our little family. She is looking to me for all aspects of her training and is very eager to please. She has mastered sit, drop, stay, roll over and we are currently learning crawl Just thought I would post some pics because she is ridiculously cute :)
  19. Just wondering if anyone has one of these of any brand or can recommend a brand? This one seems to be the best I can find so far http://www.pettracker.com/. I’m wondering if any of the cheaper ebay versions would be any good. Appreciate any feedback you might have :)
  20. With teaching a pup to do tricks do I need to wait till she has one perfected before starting on a new one or change it up a bit and teach them in a bunch? Example – Stella knows sit, drop, and rollover. She does sit on a voice command and she is slowly learning drop and rollover on a voice command but she more looks for my hand signals. We have also started on ‘watch’ and ‘touch’ which once again she is doing well with hand signals for these but not so great with the voice commands. I’m just wondering if I should go back to basics and perfect drop on a voice command and then go from there or continue as I am with working on all of them. Thank you Ps – I’m not sure if anyone who reads this read my previous post about how many problems I was having with my new pup but I’m pleased to say she is coming forward in leaps and bounds and is well and truly a part of our little family now :)
  21. I had to go away for a few days and left pup with a very knowledgeable doggie friend to look after for me. She continued the method that I had started with pup that nothing is free and my friend treating her all the time. Upon picking her up I was shocked to see my little aloof pup following my friend around, coming when called, sitting and dropping. Everything she did she worked for a treat which is fine with me. Whilst She said she didn’t get any affection from her but she never once ran away from them... When I arrived I was down on the ground calling her, on her level happy to see her. She RAN towards me! Smiling and running straight into my arms for a cuddle, it was amazing. It only lasted 1 minute and then she went straight to my friend looking for treats. I took over the treating and she payed attention to me for a little bit then all of a sudden ears back, tail between the legs and running and trying to hide behind the fridge just to get away from me..... She wouldn’t come out for me but when my friend called her she ran straight out. My friend couldn’t believe this as she hadn’t once tried to run away from her. I think it’s just me and hubby she hates..
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