Hi Mason_Gibbs, have you tried VAN Sensitive Skin with your allergy dog? If you have any questions regarding it please, send us a PM, we would love to help.
High levels of cooked carbohydrate is bad (note: this is carbs, not grains), but grains are not the cause of allergies. You will find the odd dog that will react to them, just like you will find dogs that react to lambs wool beds, but that does not make lambs wool the cause of allergies. Oats and barley are hypoallergenic grains (we don't use wheat for that reason) and the reality is Dr Bruce Syme has cured thousands of dogs with allergies using his formula. These grains can't be the cause, but can be part of the cure...part of a carefully balanced, nutritionally complete diet, with all 76 macro and micro nutrients - that is the cure for allergies. Its all about having the strongest immune system possible, and not in a pro-inflammatory state.
The difference between oats in dry food and oats in VAN is the cooked status. VAN grains are whole grains, raw, and sprouted - just like they would be in the stomach of a rabbit or rat or chicken - as eaten by dogs and cats.