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Dr Bruce Syme

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Everything posted by Dr Bruce Syme

  1. me too. i think the grains are what give Wilbur the runs too he likes it, but it sure doesn't agree with his little tummy. Hi suziwong66 Poor Wilbur, can we ask how you introduced the VAN into his diet? Was he already on raw food and you tried adding the VAN, or was Wilbur on dry food? Dry food changes the pH of the dogs stomach from its natural, raw eating state, so sometimes if swapping from dry to raw the stomach takes time to adjust and lower the pH. The change over should take up to 10 days of slowly altering the ratio of dry to raw. Interestingly as the stomach becomes more alkaline the gastric digestion and emptying slows down. With a pH closer to neutral, its easier for bacteria to survive the stomach, and with the delayed gastric emptying effect (from roughly 12 hours up to 24 hours), any bacteria that do survive are also able to grow up into much larger numbers and it can result in loose stools. Any questions about VAN please send PM's and we will be happy to help.
  2. Hi Mason_Gibbs, have you tried VAN Sensitive Skin with your allergy dog? If you have any questions regarding it please, send us a PM, we would love to help. High levels of cooked carbohydrate is bad (note: this is carbs, not grains), but grains are not the cause of allergies. You will find the odd dog that will react to them, just like you will find dogs that react to lambs wool beds, but that does not make lambs wool the cause of allergies. Oats and barley are hypoallergenic grains (we don't use wheat for that reason) and the reality is Dr Bruce Syme has cured thousands of dogs with allergies using his formula. These grains can't be the cause, but can be part of the cure...part of a carefully balanced, nutritionally complete diet, with all 76 macro and micro nutrients - that is the cure for allergies. Its all about having the strongest immune system possible, and not in a pro-inflammatory state. The difference between oats in dry food and oats in VAN is the cooked status. VAN grains are whole grains, raw, and sprouted - just like they would be in the stomach of a rabbit or rat or chicken - as eaten by dogs and cats.
  3. Hi Sparky Tansy, the Complete Mix is available in a 15kg bag which makes it more affordable. We believe feeding VAN, cost wise, sits between supermarket brand food and super premium dry food. Sourcing good value kangaroo meat will make the overall cost lower. Complete Mix has some relatively expensive ingredients such as organic barley grass, parsley, vitamin c, lecithin, kelp, plus with Sensitive Skin CM we add Protexin and colostrum.
  4. Hi Lisey Dr Bruce Symes suggests that offal should make up no more than 20% of the diet of a puppy and 10% of the diet of an adult dog. Look at the overall amount of food in a day Lola is eating and work out how much heart from there.
  5. The vet in Castlemaine in regional Vic is probably Dr Bruce Syme. He is the founder of Vets All Natural Animal Health Clinic and has a range of natural supplements and raw foods. His prepacked meat,Premium Choice, and/or his Complete Mix muesli to mix with fresh raw meat, is avialalbe from many pet stores. You can search for a local stockist on the website www.vetsallnatural.com.au
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