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Everything posted by Purdie

  1. See another Vet.asap. My cat had similar swelling when he ran into a glass door trying to chase a bird that was outside. The swelling was not as bad as the dog but was in the same areas.The swelling went down after a few days. Could he have ran into a door or wall/window ..
  2. May be way off here but could it have been a snake..
  3. . .I had a cat called Bunny;that confused a few people. ..A red head;Lucy, from i love Lucy...............Also like Esther and Delta. .
  4. http://www.meetup.co...lia&searchfrom= Maybe start a large breed play group yourself...
  5. ..................................... Love the name Roxanne;Roxy for short. Made me think of Hope........Hope and Joy.
  6. Hugs to you skyefool .Trust your heart with this dog and give her a hug from me.Take everything one step and one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up about the past just do what your heart tells you is right for now. .... efs
  7. Pepper; Her spots look like she has been sprinkled with pepper... Or Pippa after my late Pippa dog...
  8. Yes ;However extreme hyperactivity to a point where the dog can not lead a normal life; is not normal.
  9. ''Not being able to concentrate for 2 minutes''has me wondering if it is a medical issue .Find a specialist Vet first up brain scan blood tests the lot.Agree with a muzzle when out walking. Do not let her anywhere near children.I had a Cocker x that had a brain disorder and she could not be still for 2 seconds.It came down to heavy medication for the rest of her life life or PTS ;i chose the latter for her.
  10. Perhaps a big black Labrador with a deep bark would be all you need. My Wolfhound x would alert us to anyone at the gate and then would trot along beside them to the door.She looked scary and people would cross the street when they saw her. She was great with all children, followed them around and looked out for them.My son got into the shed where he was not allowed to be and she barked and i went and got him out. Once when i was home alone with 4 littles a man came in the yard and she saw him off over the fence.I found a pack of cigarettes and a lighter on the ground at the back door. She protected us very well.
  11. Tears here ..Wonderful people .RIP dear Molly..
  12. Such a handsome boy fingers crossed for him........
  13. I was thinking the same thing ....:laugh:
  14. Pet Rescue have listed in NSW- 9 + Maltese mixes and lots of other gorgeous little ones.
  15. Fridge and Esky eh.. Got a special kind of ring Yes Fridge sounds like Didge, Fridge/Esky, big boy...I did put some thought into it :laugh: Yes..;Fridge and Esky..Love it stans mum. Agree stans mum, love the names. Perhaps esky could then change corpsegrinders name to 'cooler' to match the temperature theme. NOT! lol.....:laugh: Then all 3 would make an Ice Pack....:laugh:
  16. Fridge and Esky eh.. Got a special kind of ring Yes Fridge sounds like Didge, Fridge/Esky, big boy...I did put some thought into it :laugh: Yes..;Fridge and Esky..Love it stans mum.
  17. Friday...Foreman..Flask..Flag..Foray...Fortesque...Fort..Fame..Farmer.
  18. Fallon...Flash...Fry...Frazer...Fritz...Fella...Flint..Fresco....Fizer...Fio...Fean... Frazle...Forbs...Filo..Frett..Fizz...Foon....Flip...Freed...Fyzo..
  19. You have a few options and i think all of them can work for the dog.It will take longer for you to adjust though ... I took in my daughters cat when she couldn't keep him in her new rental.After a week of hiding under the bath he ventured out and bit by bit he has settled in so well you would think he has always lived here.He sees his owner about once a week but just accepts when she goes.A dog may take longer than a cat but i did rehome a dog years ago -very long story- to my sister in law who was able to manage a dominant dog and had no children.We visited the dog a couple of times and while happy to see us she had settled in so well and was happier in her new home with another dog to boss about than with us. Only you can decide what is best for your dog.
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