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Everything posted by Ash1203

  1. Hello andThanks for replying it's nice to know that he isn't timid from the way I have brought him up, I have hAd many chihuahuas before him and all of them were very friendly and quite the opposite. A few weeks ago my mother was over and was trying to temp him with bits of chicken but he was to scared to go Close enough to get the treat. Ohwell I love him All the same.
  2. I have a 3 year old male chihuahua who has been with me since about 14 weeks old. He has always been very well looked after and so I am finding it hard to understand why he is so terrified of anyone he meets. Even people who he has been socialized with on various occasions will try to Pat him and he will run and hide behind my legs.(I am the only person able to go near him and play with him, he shows no Anxiety towards me) When anyone enters the house he will usually go and hide in my room and stay in there until they leave. And as soon as they leave he is running around the house chasing his toys like normal. He dosnt really like other dogs and growls at them because of his fear. Just wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions or opinions as to what could be causing him to be so fearful and Ideas on how to help my little man.
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