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Posts posted by sueang

  1. To Jessie's Mum,

    Ive been doing research for my boy cause he was dignosed last week with "Lymphocytic Gastritis with associated Spiral Bacteria infection" ( Helicobcter) when I google this illness it comes up with Celiac disease next to the nameCeliac need a gluten free diet also does ur dog have seizures if so, Ive been reading dogs responed real well to a Gluten Free diet NO GRAINS, one really good Gluten free diet is "Meals For Mutts" Salmon & Sardine Hypoallergenic gluten free kibble...Sold at Pet Quarters or online its not dear a 2.5kg bag sells for $25 the bigger the bag the cheaper, if ur dog has a gluten intolance, grains would make her sick, what Im finding with my boy when he eats grains or Potatoes (starch).. Maybe you should give it a try & see if she does get better.... also you can email the Vet Naturalist that invented Meals For Mutts kibble....I have emailed him & he emails you back with advise...also it could be her meds making her sick, can her meds be changed or reduced?? google the name of her meds with side effects next to the name & see if vomiting is a side effect.. the Salmon & Sardine has the least amount of fat at 10% fat & fiber is only 4% where the Kangaroo & Lamb has 11% fat & 6% fiber... here's the Meal for Mutts link have a look, Im thinking of trying Patch on this Kibble as he gets real itchy paws he has skin problems aswell & Ive read that this food is excellent for skin problems & other health problems..... all vet diet foods are full of grains like the supermarket crappy foods...


  2. thanks for that Sueang.....I will try anything.....I have started the process of elimination today as Jessie was again sick this morning but recovered within a couple of hours......going back through a lot of vet bills and records and discussion with my husband we worked out Jessie was just changed over to the Black Hawk when she first became sick.....I am starting to wonder whoever suggested it earlier whether it may be toxins from her medication causing her to be sick....we are slowly changing her over to the Hills Science Diet Sensitive Stomach dry food and not change anything else and see how she goes with that....keeping fingers crossed it is just something in the Black Hawk that does not agree with her and the medications she is on....I will keep everyone updated on how she goes :)

    Try the "Eukanuba Sensitive Digestion" its a low residue kibble & digest easier then the Hills kibbles, U can buy from Pet Barn... Patch is on the Vet Diet "Eukanuba Intestinal" they are similar but the fat% in the Sensitive Digestion is 13% & in the Vet diet Intestinal the fat% is 10% fat but the Hills sensitive stomach didnt work for Patch he was still sick,I got a refund as its guarented.. You can buy the "Eukanuba Intestinal" online from Pet Circle, I just rung & said I was sick of going to vets all the time to pick it up.... it was the same price as vets & its delivered to ur door a 1 kilo Eukanuba Intestinal is Only $16 from vets, Pet circle its $13.. I buy the 5 kilo bag $70 last 1 month..also have you tried an ant acid like Zantac 150mg you can buy from chemist or get on a script from dr but dont get the 12 hour Zantac you need the normal Zantac 150mg, the Dosage is online... I give under 1/2 a tablet 1/2 hour before breakfast then 12 hours later I give again 1/2 hour before food 6am & 6pm I feed 5 small meals thru the day...but something is wrong...What are her medications she not on Predisone???

  3. thanks Sueang it is something that I can certainly speak to my vet about as well....although if it is highly contagious my other dogs drink from the same water as Jessie and they all lick each others mouths and they are not sick at all and yes all water at our house is changed every day for them to have clean fresh water daily but something else to look into so thank you very much

    I forgot to write if the other dogs have a good immune system chances of getting the Helicobacter virus are slim, as they will have alot of good bacteria to fight the bad bacteria off. I asked the vet about my cat as he drinks out of the same water bowl & thats what she told me..Also put them all on a good dog probiotic I use Vetafarm Probiotic its a powder I just mix 1 teaspoon to 10-15ml water in a bowl & Patch just drinks it, I give daily after breakfast well I will be doing again after the Anitbiotics are finished in 3 weeks..You keep Vetafarm in the fridge, has to be store under 25degrees, its sold at Pet Barn in the bird section now, I dont know why they moved it, it use to have a dog & cat on the container now it has a red chicken & lorekett on the side & they put in the bird section they do sell Paws probiotic in dog section but its dearer double the price & has less strains of good bacteria the vetafarm has around 7-8 strains of good bacteria..like the vets Protexin Vetafarm has the same ingredients as Protexin & its sold at vets for $65 Vetafarm sells for only $20 Paws sells for $45

  4. Jessie is a 6 year old American Staffordshire Terrier who for the last 12 months every 2-3 months will be sick with vomiting, lethargy and stops eating but she does continue to drink but stops drinking if given a needle to stop the vomiting (it is usually all over my daughter's bed).....we have just paid a fortune for blood tests to try and find out what is wrong with her.....she hasn't got cancer, diabetes, Cushings disease, kidney or liver failure, diabetes or pancreatitis the only thing her liver enzymes were up a little but it is normal with the anti-seizure medication she is on.....the vet wants to let her get over this which she is nearly back to normal and the next time it happens will have to take her in to put her on a special diet for a sensitive stomach

    Has anyone else encountered anything of similar things happen to their family pets as I am at a loss as to what to do or do we just let it happen and just get her through it like we have done so for the last 12 months and put her on the special diet next time it happens

    Just after some advice on what people think it could be or if not what they would do

    My staffy has similiar symtoms so last week he has an Endoscope done the camera put down throat into stomach & biopies done, I really recommend it, it only cost $400 for Endoscope & they need biopies done as well cause when the vet looked down throat he said everything looked fine, then he did 2 biopies thank-God..just got the results yesterday, my boy has the Helicobacter virus its bacteria of the stomach he's on 2 set of antibiotics, Metronidazole & Amocilin & an ant acid Zantac they normalll use Losec but the losec gives him green sloppy poos hes on these meds for 3 weeks to kill the bacteria...it is highly contagous from other dogs licking their mouths that have it, from drinking dirty water so make sure water is changed daily, he was a rescue dog that I rescued 2 years ago so I dont know his past, but poor thing has been sick for 2 years, I started to do research & asked the vet to test for H-Pylori Bacteria virus (Helicobacter) he also has IBD confirmed, probably from having the Helicobacter for so long, poor boy..even if ur vet just puts her on the course of antibiotics & anti acid they all have to be taken together to work properly & kill this bacteria for 2-3 weeks it wont hurt if you cant afford Endoscope, I wish I did it 2 years ago but vet wouldnt listen to me..Patch is 6 years old aswell...

  5. My 9 month old Wolfhound puppy has had runny poo for the past week and it's a bit of an off colour. She has been acting completely fine and eating and drinking but I definitely don't want to risk it - I'm planning on taking her to the vets this weekend but if it could be something even more serious I'll take her tomorrow. Thanks!

    Have you tried fasting her for 24 hours, no food just water then after 24 hours give her boiled chicken breast all cut up & shreaded with about 1 spoon boiled pumkin & some boiled white rice, 1/2 chicken & about 1/2 rice with 1 spoon pumkin, no treats, nothing else except the boiled chicken & rice with a little pumkin & leave heaps of water out, see how she goes, also what food is she eating???

  6. 1415740090[/url]' post='6593135']
    1415691531[/url]' post='6592905']

    Malaseb is not good for delicate skins.


    It has helped my boys bad itch & does not dry out his skin like other dog shampoos have.. I suppose it all depends on ur dog but for a normal dog it works excellent & kills the bacteria in their skin without drying it out..

    If you stop using kibble to see if that is what is causing the itching, what do you use to replace it? Do you try a different kibble? Our dog seems to be chewing herself a lot recently. She gets a combination of Nutro Natural Choice kibble and raw meat, fish etc. we have a heaps of jacaranda flowers in the garden that have dropped, has anyone ever heard about these causing allergies.

    Increase her raw meat I'd stop Nutro natural choice, have you tried the Holistic Select Anchovys,Sadines & Salmon meal that has helped a few dogs that I know, I found kibbles with potato peas sweet potato made my dog itch more,high carb diets are no good for itchy dogs...

    Also have you tried the "Meals For Mutts" go to their web page "Meal for mutts" kibbles were invented by a vet for dogs with skin problems & Auto immune problems (IBD) their kibbles are all gluten free & hypoallergenic there's also a story about a dog called Bindi that had a bad itch & was feed their "Salmon & Sardine" kibble with great results, Meals for Mutts are sold at Pet Quarters or online they kibbles, u can also you can email & the vet nutritionist will email you back on what to feed & how to help your dog..

  7. 1415740090[/url]' post='6593135']
    1415691531[/url]' post='6592905']

    Malaseb is not good for delicate skins.


    It has helped my boys bad itch & does not dry out his skin like other dog shampoos have.. I suppose it all depends on ur dog but for a normal dog it works excellent & kills the bacteria in their skin without drying it out..

    If you stop using kibble to see if that is what is causing the itching, what do you use to replace it? Do you try a different kibble? Our dog seems to be chewing herself a lot recently. She gets a combination of Nutro Natural Choice kibble and raw meat, fish etc. we have a heaps of jacaranda flowers in the garden that have dropped, has anyone ever heard about these causing allergies.

    Increase her raw meat I'd stop Nutro natural choice, have you tried the Holistic Select Anchovys,Sadines & Salmon meal that has helped a few dogs that I know, I found kibbles with potato peas sweet potato made my dog itch more,high carb diets are no good for itchy dogs...

  8. I've been thinking of doing this thread since Sam passed.

    I'm now able to look at photos of him and smile so I thought that this thread could be of some help to people now and in the future.

    Sam was a fairly healthy pedigreed labrador, with only a few visit to the vet. Until 2007-2008 when he started to dramatically lose weight. It started just after he turned 6.

    Sam was always a big boy looking his best around 36kg, Mum and I noticed very quickly but every vet we went to would just say to us 'He's a lab it's good he is getting skinnier'.

    It took a new vet straight out of uni to realise that looking at his records it wasn't normal. She noticed as an adolescent (around 10months) he was fairy overweight, but dropped all the weight in about 1 month. We had always thought it was from changing Puppy food to Adult food.

    After doing some general tests and nothing coming back the vet booked him on for an exploratory operation within 2 weeks. Results came back that he had Inflammatory Bowel disease, but not "normal". He had Both types. So both Crohn's, and Ulcerative. From that moment on we started vigourous treatment on many many medications and every specialist diet you could think of. He just could not digest food, it was all coming back out. The weight loss slowed down a little on Kangaroo and mashed Potato but not enough.

    In about 4 months he was down to 21kgs. We were advised there was nothing else we could do, his muscles had wasted, especially his temporal muscles, apparently once they go it's a good sign, we decided to put him down at the end of the week. I took these photos at the start of the week.



    Our vet said, give him what ever he wants to eat. He always loved Pedigree meaty bites, and we used it as training treats, so we just started feeding it to him.

    We still can't tell you why but in 5 days he put on 5 kilos.

    ...continued on a reply so I can add more photos.

    How sad, poor boy, was Sam ever tested for EPI? or SIBO? just wondering, my boy has IBD we finally have his poos going real good on the Eukanuba Intestinal Low residue kibble this kibble breaks up easy & easier to digest... Patch also gets bad pain after eating, so on Tuesday he's having the endoscope to look at this stomach & have bi-opsies done to see why he's having pain after eating, he too has trouble keeping his weight on...

  9. my niece has a 6 month old American Staffordshire, it has had vomiting and diarrhea so she took him to the vet and he said the pup is sensitive to fat. so we are looking at new foods, on black hawk now.

    my question is at this age what percentage of protein should he be getting and how low would you go with the fat content?

    the breeder is not interested so no help there!

    My Staffy also suffer with sensitive stomach (IBD) he was put on "Eukanuba Intestinal" low residue kibble this was the only kinble that has worked being a low residue kibble it breaks down easy so less work on their stomach & bowel u can buy online it is a vet prescription kibble "Pet Circle" deliver to ur door for the same price as the vet sell it for... the fat-10% & fiber-1.70%, Eukanuba also make Intestinal Plus but this has more fiber-4% & didnt work for my boy, the Intestinal worked the best, my boy didnt do well on Black Hawk the fat is 12-13% to high also Eukanuba make "Sensitive digestion" sold at Pet Barn very similar to their Eukanuba Intestinal a low residue kibble but the fat% is 13% a bit higher then their Intestinal vet diet,

  10. Ulcerative eosinophilic stomatitis

    May I ask what were her symptoms & which antibiotics was she put on?

    just swelling and ulceration at the back of her throat. It got quite bad as her breath stinks due to the ulceration that looks like having yellow pus in it. Then bouts of antibiotics and predisolone helps to tame it down. but couldn't get her to fully recover.. so now it seems just very inflamed red ulceration only.

    I need to find a more natural way to heal her rather than the continuous of medication for months.. ! frown.gif Too many type of antibiotics that she tried and couldn't remember..

    My vet said get 1 carafate tablet & add water to make a slurry & put in syringe..the Carafate lines their throat & stomach but has to be given on an empty stomach 1 hour before feeding, the predisone made my boys stomach acid worse, but they were the tablets not the liquid steriods that are normally given & the Losec made his poos greenie/black & sloppy so I stopped the Losec now he's back to doing his swollowing & licking like his throat is sore again, I think I need to have the camera put down his throat to see whats happening as the meds aren't helping... the Metronidazole stopped the bad breath...I'm using Zantac again its not as strong as Losec for the stomach acid, with the Zantac his poos stay normal..

  11. I am getting confused! I need three (or six) dog wormer tablets that do most worms but not tapeworm and need the tablets up to 8kg

    What is the most economical tablet (including postage)

    Any help appreciated :)

    I use Milbemax,I found this the best allwormer especially if ur dog has a sensitive stomach/bowel the Milbemax didnt cause any side effects like other all wormers have...it also protects against Heartworm...$10 from vets over the counter..

  12. Hi

    He is fed Coprice kibble and usually chicken necks/ backs etc

    Thanks for the comment regarding sardines, I was hoping they wouldnt do him any harm

    I have on the odd occasion, giving him some Pal kibble or super coat, but we have suffered for it afterwards ( itching) so I find Coprice helps keep things a bay

    What else are you feeding him?

    I have found that most dogs with generalised itching are fed commercial kibble or tinned food.

    Commercial foods are filled with crap. Switch to a natural and raw diet and see if things change.

    Coprice is a real low grade kibble,all supermaket kibbles are also low grade kibbles got to Pet Barn & have a look in the Holistic Section.....read the ingredients in the Coprice that's why ur boy is itching its full of crap wheat corn fillers it may cost more for a Holistic kibble but you'll save on vet bills in the end & have a happy healthy dog on the inside & outside...

  13. Hi

    My lovely 3 year old Border Collie male, has a terrible itch.

    I usually feed him a tin of sardines, three times a week and he has the most beautiful coat, but......... if I stop the sardines, he starts to itch, constantly scratching and even resorting to using the fence palings !!!!!

    Any suggestions before we go to the vets :rofl:

    Many Thanks

    My boy suffers from skin allergies from food & the enviornment, Vet said to bath him in "Malaseb" medicated shampoo this is excellent as soon as they start to scratch which is about 5-7 days now spring is here, this stops his itch straight away & releaves his itch, since spring has come he is more itchy, vet said seasonal allergies but I did an elimination diet & found he cant eat potates, sweet potatoes, peas, wheat anything with starch he starts to scratch real bad he also gets diarrhea from potatoes..Malasab shampoo is sold at Pet Barn & most pet stores, it kills the bacteria but doesnt strip the good oils like some shampoos do, dont put him on any drugs, some vets will put the dog on a steriod but as soon as you stop the steriod ur back to where you are now scratching again, Holistic Select Anchovy,Sardines & Salmon kibble is suppost to be real good a few ladies at the dog park feed the Holistic Select & their dogs have stopped their scatching & rubbing & look real shiney...

  14. My link

    This is the best book you could ever own in my opinion

    Hi Steve, I just click on ur link there's nothing about Eosinophilic Cranuloma or any other health issuses...

    Broadly speaking there is.

    The book describes using Aloe Vera for different treatments.

    That was Steve's intention, I think.

    This was not the link that I clicked on before..

  15. A raw steak is completey different to over process kibble...You're all missing the point, why feed ur dog a kibble that is soo hard to digest, why not find a kibble that uses Sweet Potatoes & pumkin instead... all the real good dog foods are either from New Zealand (Dehydrated, freeze dried or oven baked) or America...we don't even have a dehydrated dog food thats made here in Australia or oven baked dog food just kibbles...

    My rescue boy has stomach problems, I soak a new kibble to see if they are easily digested like it states on some kibbles bag, if you all love feeding ur dog starchy carbs, why not boil potatoes & give them nice cooked potatoes instead of a kibble full of hard potatoes...

    HOLISTIC SELECT does not use POTATOES have a look..


    CANIDAE does not have potatoes as there 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ingredient, Canidae has proteins in its 1,2,3,ingredients in their new GRAIN FREE kibbles, potatoes are the 6th ingredient have a look.

    WELLNESS CORE you state is the best food out of all their range, I would disagree with you on that, Wellness Core is a hard kibble & is not easily digested, Wellness have more digestable kibbles in their range like their "Small Breed" & "Simple" range that are more digestable...

    I dont HATE Potates, for the last time, my boy has skin allergies, Potatoes give him a bad rash all over his chest then he has bad DIARRHEA form Potatoes....so why would I feed my dog a kibble that has potatoes..

    If Ivory Coat wanted to make their kibble beter they should used SWEET POTATOES instead of POTATOES & not put their peas as 3 & 4th ingredients... but Sweet Potatoes are dearer & why would a dog food company want to spend more money, so they use a cheaper filler like Potatoes, it keeps the price down so people will buy it...... I'M DONE

  16. I think by this logic if we soaked raw steak and vegetables for 3 minutes and if they didn't dissolve or soften, we shouldn't feed them?

    If we were to look at the the best food made by Wellness being Wellness CORE, the first 2 ingredients behind the meat proteins are... Peas, Potatoes.. same as Ivory Coat, and the first ingredient after the meat protein in the Holistic Select food is Potatoe. Even Canidae use potatoes.

    So if the good manufacturers are using Potatoes, and Potatoes are a good source of complex carbohydrates, and have vitamins and minerals, unlike most grains and are actually also considered an easily digestible food.

    Why are we so against the poor potatoe?

  17. I think by this logic if we soaked raw steak and vegetables for 3 minutes and if they didn't dissolve or soften, we shouldn't feed them?

    If we were to look at the the best food made by Wellness being Wellness CORE, the first 2 ingredients behind the meat proteins are... Peas, Potatoes.. same as Ivory Coat, and the first ingredient after the meat protein in the Holistic Select food is Potatoe. Even Canidae use potatoes.

    So if the good manufacturers are using Potatoes, and Potatoes are a good source of complex carbohydrates, and have vitamins and minerals, unlike most grains and are actually also considered an easily digestible food.

    Why are we so against the poor potatoe?

  18. I think by this logic if we soaked raw steak and vegetables for 3 minutes and if they didn't dissolve or soften, we shouldn't feed them?

    If we were to look at the the best food made by Wellness being Wellness CORE, the first 2 ingredients behind the meat proteins are... Peas, Potatoes.. same as Ivory Coat, and the first ingredient after the meat protein in the Holistic Select food is Potatoe. Even Canidae use potatoes.

    So if the good manufacturers are using Potatoes, and Potatoes are a good source of complex carbohydrates, and have vitamins and minerals, unlike most grains and are actually also considered an easily digestible food.

    Why are we so against the poor potatoe?

  19. I just found where I can purchase Natural Balance, at the vets just up the rd from me, 5 doors up, unbelievable he's not my dogs vet, the only thing Im worried about with the Delicate care Skin the Fiber is 6% max fiber I think my boy doesnt do too well on high fiber diets, how many poos a day is ur boy doing on the Delicate skin....Patch only does 2 poos a day on the Intestinal low residue kibble as its a low fiber diet 1.70% so the bowel doesnt over work...I suppose we'll have to try another kibble, it has no potatoes or peas, so thats a start, just wonder if it digest easy having sorghum in it, I've read that sorghum is hard to digest for dogs with IBD.

  20. HI, where do u buy the Natural Balance?? I found this kibble 1 year ago on the net then lost the link, I've been looking & looking for it & now have found it again, I hope its a good sign, my boy also suffers from food sensitivies, causing IBD & Colitis, he cant have potatos, sweet potatoes, wheat & boiled rice, he can have grounded rice in kibbles but not boiled rice, vet said boiled rice can irratate some dogs bowel, have you ever tried the New "Wellness Simple" kibbles & wet tin foods sold at Pet Barn just came to Australia June/August, Wellness Simple is a limited ingredient kibble for dogs with food intolarances, Wellness Simple have 5 different kibbles 2 grainfree...my boy went real well on the Lamb & Oatmeal but the peas gave him real bad wind pains, he did better on the Duck & Oatmeal must of had less peas..its worth a try so u have another food up ur sleeve, the only kibble my boy does real well on is the vet prescription diet "Eukanuba Intestinal" low residue kibble, his scatching stopped & does firm poos & no gas problems...I too wanted another food so he has more variety & just incase I cant get his Eukanuba I have another kibble.. Id love to have about 5 different brand kibbles that he can eat & do rotations with so he has variety foods making his stomach/bowel stronger & doesnt get bored, its good you've food a food but still give the home cooked diet as well so ur boy doesnt get a intolarance to the Natural Balance.. Good-Luck.

  21. My dog has numerous food and environmental allergies and we have never been able to find a suitable commercial food for him. Through elimination diets and testing we know that he can't tolerate many ingredients in commercial dog food (chicken, beef, lamb, amongst other things). Much to my dismay, raw is not the answer, and he is even terrible on the so-called 'hypo-allergenic' prescription diets.

    I had resigned myself to a lifetime of preparing a prescribed homecooked diet for him, and importing a US supplement to balance it. It's a labour intensive process, made more difficult at the moment as I am juggling family responsibilites in 2 states. Over the years I've wished for a commercially available, suitable food, even just as an emergency back up. My vet gave me a trial pack of a locally made kibble that he felt was worth a try. The main ingredients are Australian sorghum, kangaroo and duck, so not the usual problem ingredients for us.

    I'm surprised, and cautiously optomistic, but so far so good. Bonus points too, because my normally disinterested eater (who has always avoided eating kibble) loves it. :)

    Just thought I'd share in case anyone else has issues with some of the more common dog food ingredients like chicken, beef, lamb, corn or wheat.

    Delicate Care-skin or stomach

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