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Everything posted by Roova

  1. Hmmm, seems hard to imagine the world is running out of people to stock it. We seem to be sucking the earth dry as it is! When you hear of the Brazilian government deforresting parts of the Amazon to find food producing land it's something to worry about and Im sure will spread to other countries
  2. Oh Amy, I'm so very sorry to hear about Keisha, she was such a beautiful girl.
  3. My computer took and hour and a half to download the program but I only have audio, no picture. Is there a particular software others have watched the show in?
  4. Im not sure that's always the case. Some breeds seem to rarely have main registered puppies available. It seems unless you know the right person or are already showing it's difficult to enter the showing scene with a breed you really liked and wanted to start out with (but which might be considered rare or expensive). A lot of ads for these types of breeds seem to offer all puppies on limited only. Is it to keep the puppies safe from those who would breed them without purpose, or because most of the puppies aren't show quality? If its because they aren't show quality wouldn't that be cause for concern in regards to breeding plans?
  5. Regarding the size of the crate, can she actually sleep stretched out? A couple of hours without stretching might be getting uncomfortable for her? As others have said can you give her something to do while in the crate, especially if its up to 3 hours at a time during the day. Pigs ear, chew toy, kong stuffed with part of her daily meal? Now that she's 13 months old is she not able to go outside when you aren't home? If not and her crate is really stressing her can she have access to a whole room like a laundry when you're not home? Another thing to try might be making sure she's had a really good exercise before being crated for a few hours. If she's tired she might be more inclined to sleep. If she's full of energy then being in a cramped crate for a few hours could be making her frustrated. Good luck with your problem :)
  6. Hmmm to those not as withit as me, its not the word free! :laugh:
  7. Poor dogs Hurting animals is a sure sign of someone who at some point won't get a thrill from it anymore and will move to people. To be doing that at 16 shows a pretty messed up head, I hope its something which will change within him with help. If it's hardwired into him I hope he's never let out.
  8. Thanks Meh, I had a look at that page earlier but couldn't find mention of a DVD. I did see a few comments where people were asking why there weren't any available so hopefully they'll have them in the future? The latest comment on the wall says Elsie and her daughters haven't been seen for over a year. They doubt they were taken in by people because in the six months they documented for, she and the puppies didn't interact with a human once. I believe the film ends with Elsie being pregnant again. Viscous cycle
  9. Wow. I think that would be both amazing and sad to watch but it would be be a facinating insight into base dog behaviour. It's amazing what good condition most of them seem to be in but what a sad cycle of breeding and living on the streets they have. Some of the dogs I would definitely have crossed the street to avoid! The documentary seems to have been around a while, I'd love to know where to find a copy of it.
  10. Well the thread title sounds quite raunchy! :laugh: They're so patient and good standing there while you take photos. Maggie would be scrambling out and spreading water and soap everywhere while doing it! Love all of Sid's spots showing through when wet, and Lola is just gorgeous!!
  11. I remember reading somewhere if you blow out a match and immediately touch the still hot match to the leech it will drop off. Has it come off by itself now?
  12. Who knows...maybe the staffy was a 'fresh' free to good home addition? If they were animal lovers why would they treat the staffie so well and leave that poor white dog living in those conditions?
  13. If children or even adults aren't encouraged (or told) that it's appropriate to ask before patting a dog, somewhere along the line they'll try and interact with the wrong dog. Most people seem to go for the top of the head and put their face down to baby talk the dog and I would imagine some dogs could find that threatening or frightening and might react. You'd think in this day and age people would have some awareness of the potential danger but there seems to be a lot of people who think a bite will never happen to them. There's probably a lot of people who don't know what their own dog would do if suddenly approached by a stranger until its too late. The owner of the german shepherd left near the door may not have been aware his dog was reacting that way to hand near him. I hope you told him Tempus to make him think twice about leaving his dog near a door next time and hopefully avoid someone getting bitten. We seem to be turning in to such a litigous society, even if someone did all the wrong things and got bitten by a dog they approached univited, its most likely the poor owner who'll have to cough up if it went to court!
  14. Maybe hit people where it will hurt..their hip pocket, and have a fine for setting up the day before, or parking inappropriately? $50, $100, more? Something people wouldn't be prepared to pay anyway for the joy of having a spot they want :rolleyes: Whoever is unlocking gates in the morning could get their five minutes earlier to note site numbers of gazebo's or roped off areas for when staff arrive later. (Taking a photo would probably be a good idea for those who deny it). Edited to say sorry missed the fact Andisa mentioned a fine already. The bright orange tape would also be a good way of causing embarrassment which would hopefully make people think twice in the future!
  15. Don't the soft crates usually come with sturdy pegs you can use to keep the crate stationary? A smaller soft crate I bought came with a set of yellow ones. I'm sure the larger crates would too. If they don't come with their own pegs, you could probably use tent pegs? In the link you can see a round loop which a tent peg would easily go through right near the opening. I wonder if there's more loops around the perimeter? I guess only useful if you have the crate on softer ground though.
  16. I'm not surprised there are some who would eat dog, there are a lot of different customs in Australia now and Im sure there would be a market somewhere for it. This person either really did have a market for it, or he was selling falsely labelled meat which wouldn't be the first time thats happened. I understand the desire for humans to eat meat, but I'll never understand how often the experience seems to be made as cruel as possible for the animals involved. How can some people have zero compassion for another living thing??
  17. I seem to end up with uh sounding names, Kirra, Sasha, Jedda (with Maggie being the odd one out). My niece goes to school with a child called "My Darling" (poor kid). I doubt we'll ever see a dog with that as their formal name although plenty are probably called it at times :D
  18. Maggie ran to the TV near where I was sitting and stayed staring at it and had a few barks as well as some huffing and puffing. She had a small howl when some of the howling played which was cute. That was an interesting experiment...it's funny reading about the different dog reactions!
  19. I've read it can be helpful to rub a towel over your current dog and send this to the breeder so you pup can become familiar with his smell. In the same way, the breeder can send you a towel which has spent time with the puppy. Then when they meet they'll hopefully not smell so strange to each other. I can't give advice on the actual meet though. Good luck with your new puppy, I hope it all goes well for you :D
  20. I agree with your sentiment about people having shorter fuses and no patience when someone doesn't go their way, but I can see why barking dogs would do your head in. Barking can be such a loud abrupt sound which can go on and off continually day and night for potentially years. Power tools stop once their job is done and quiet generally returns. I do think everyone deserves to enjoy time at their own house without having a dog barking continually at them from a neighbours yard, or harrassing them when they want to walk their dog. Dog behaviouralists could probably gain quite a bit of work from letter box drops in most suburbs I'd bet! :)
  21. I already have presumed they don't health test because they haven't mentioned it and others have. It's such a great thing to health test, why do it then advertise the puppies and not mention it? Surely they're doing their buiness a disservice especially when up against 48 other puppy ads! You're obviously a lot less cynical then me! :D
  22. I find it interesting that when prices rise, everyone seems to increase their price even if they aren't health testing. Because Border Collies sprang to mind with the last post I checked the puppy listings. There are 48 puppy listings which is pretty big! I know the ad's don't always state every bit of infortmation but I counted 23 which mention testing for TNS, CL and CEA. 2 mention the parents are health tested but don't specifically say they're clear 2 mention the parents having good hip and elbow scores as well as testing for TNS, CL and CEA. So that leaves possibly more than half the breeders not health testing for TNS, CL and CEA which is disappointing if they're all basically charging the same for puppies. Three ads mention $1000 so I presume they're all much the same. Its especially disappointing as this is what byb's are frowned on for not doing!
  23. My Canon was doing much the same today and I noticed the battery was quite low. Could that have been the problem with yours?
  24. I thought I'd add a quick update. I've been taking Maggie out at night around every hour and so far, 3 days in, no accidents in the house When I take her out I end up standing there for ten minutes waiting for action while she pounces on moths and has a great old time. Im hoping this will get a bit quicker over time. One question I have is when I take her out I've been saing 'do wees' until she eventually does and then lots of praise. Im worried I'll desensitise her to the words if I just keep saying them all the time so should I be waiting for the moment she wees and then say 'do wees' and praise?
  25. Some backyarders breed 'purebreds' though. I thought this forum was more for promoting ethical and responsible breeding of purebreds? (Although not all registered breeders would be considered ethical or responsible!).
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