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Everything posted by Roova

  1. Love the invisible motorbike and crazy eyes coming from everyone :)
  2. Nice spot and nice photos :). He's really starting to elongate now isn't he. Some of those photos show what looks like biiiig feet to grow in to!
  3. Great photos! It's easy to see your pets have great teeth lol. I'm sure my dog Maggie was heading for her at that point and I can picture her thinking, I'll just hide behind this plant, I'm sure I won't be seen here... :laugh:
  4. I was hoping for cute while she was playing with the plant stem, but this is just weird :laugh: I'd love to see other photos of pets caught at the wrong time if anyone wants to share...
  5. Gorgeous baby ...welcome to the world Zac :)
  6. I think the problem with seeing so many amazing photos from great lenses and clever post processing is if you don't have the tools, photography can turn from fun when you first start to depressing when you know what you're missing. :laugh: I can't afford LR or PS and as a hobbyist I often look at photos I've taken where I've tried to think about composition, exposure, shutter speed etc and the end result can look so bland! Just out of interest, for pro photographers do you feel the need to edit every single photo, or are their times when you're happy with straight out of camera? Also are there a few things always changed like saturation and contrast or is there a never ending list of things you need to change depending on the look you want?
  7. Wow, no cropping, you have a great eye for composition if that's the case!! Thanks for the great info....your shots have really inspired me to get out and start asking more photos. I think I'd like a nicer lens than the kit lens which came with my camera though but I better start budgeting now. The detail you're getting and the sharpness is just amazing. I can't wait for your next visit :)
  8. Fantastic photos! Can I ask are you mostly on full zoom for the head shots or do you crop? Also are you finding with a quality lens you get sharp shots at either end of the zoom?
  9. It would certainly help if price were noted in ads too. The problem I found was then getting in contact with breeders but being very wary of asking price in first call for fear of offending. Then if on second contact I found price was out of my range I had to apologise profusely for wasting their time. it would be great if DOL used a simple template for breeders to complete when advertising puppies. It's a place you would hope is safe to buy puppies from, ie registered breeders, but not all sellers are as great as others. For example, if the template had a question 'testing for known health problems:' and it was left blank, a buyer may choose to keep looking if that doesn't make them happy. I could imagine a number of simple questions answered in the template would save breeders being inundated with calls too hopefully.
  10. I'm in suburbia and in my street there's 3 Jack Russell's, a French Bulldog, a Bullmastiff who lives with a tiny poodle, two Staffies, a Rhodesian ridgeback x, a Cocker Spaniel and a German Shepherd. Houses backing on to ours have A SWF and another has a Border Collie. In close by streets I've seen a lab and a couple of kelpies. I know there's more dogs around because I hear them barking, I just never see them.
  11. Back in my fit days I used to run around a local hilly block. A house at the bottom of the hill had a lab who was always free to wander at will and he would often come out and run with me around the block. I know he followed other people too and the owners were well aware of him doing it. He was a sweet dog but it became exhausting keeping him off the road and monitoring what he was doing. It was also embarrassing when others were coming toward me with their dogs on lead, I felt like the most irresponsible owner. One day he literally ran a plumber off the road and that morning I stood in his owners yard tapping on their window at 5.30am until someone came out. I was so angry I can barely remember what I said but it was something along the lines of how would you feel if your dog was hit by a car or killed someone who served to avoid hitting him? Stop being a lazy owner letting other people walk your dog and keep him inside your own yard. I've never spoken to anyone like that in my life but she said sorry and he was behind their gate from that point on. Probably totally un-exercised, but at least alive!
  12. I heard the mother say vet treatment was $2,500! Lucky boy to have owners prepared to pay that even if the story was exaggerated.
  13. I understand you're upset at the injustice you feel happened to you but I don't feel your reply covers what options there are for a policeman confronted by potential injury in every day life? Its all well and good In theory but In the situation in this thread, they have a large growling dog running at them from a house. I'm sure they wished the dog came out with a wagging tail but it didnt. How do they protect themselves from what looks like potential injury? Capsicum spray could be used when the dog was closer but if it was running at them they might have two seconds to decide if its going to stop or launch at their face! In rougher areas like these police were attending, how would they know what type of behaviour has been previously encouraged in the dog? Maybe the occupants encourage extreme protection? Should they door knock the neighbours first to ask what the dogs are like? What if their front door is inside their yard and they might have a dog? What do you think being 'au fait' entails? What should they do if there's a dog on premises, or ready to be released at them if they enter the property? If part of their job requires them to talk to the occupants of a house and they have no choice but to walk to the front door, how are they over reaching their authority when they're protecting themselves from a threat in carrying out that duty?
  14. What law is that Tralee? To defend yourself you can use such reasonable force as is necessary to preserve yourself from harm. It's about what is a reasonable response to the circumstances as the person in question perceives them. That's what the defence of self defence goes into. Its common knowledge from Law. Its been discussed exaustively. An example might help. If an intruder to my home attacks me with a baseball bat, then I can defend myself with a baseball bat. I cannot take the Samurai sword off the wall and cut one of their legs off. Similarly, if they attacked me with a bread knife then I could defend myself with a large knife. I can shoot tback if they shoot at me, but presumably, I can only shoot to kill if they shoot me dead. :D Self defence is restrained by this edict. I cannot kill someone in my home just because they slapped me. However, force can be confidently met with equal force. Wouldn't size or danger have some relevancy to your theory of like to like self defence? A woman with a baseball bat is generally not equal to a huge man with a baseball bat! I don't think people looking to defend themselves against an assailant would be lucky enough to have the exact same weapons ready to pick up, or even know how to use it. What would you expect a policeman to do with a 50kg dog running toward them? Get down on all fours and bare his teeth??
  15. It's already been established both dog and police were in the yard though. It was running out the front door toward the police who were heading for the front door. Yelling put your dog away at that point is too late! If the owners opened the door to release the dog they are probably very sorry they did. How will we ever know though?
  16. " ...to some that behaviour may be seen as vicious, especially if done while advancing toward them. I wonder if we'll ever hear more about the incident?The article in the Op says: Ballarat North Sergeant Nathan Gardiner said the members went through the front gate and were half way up the Willow Grove driveway when the dog allegedly ran out the front door in a "threatening manner.
  17. Huga had a really cute photo as her signature (if I remember correctly) of her Frenchie and pug sitting side by side. It showed the progression of Frenchie being tiny compared to the pug and then eventually the other way around. Really cute idea!
  18. How do you suggest then that the police conduct their investigations? By yelling from the road? If they weren't allowed to enter properties to speak to those who live there in case a dog exists wouldn't every 'criminal' make sure they have a dog in their front yard??
  19. Fantastic photos - what a lovely idea. Week 12 seemed to really show a change in his shape. He looks absolutely adorable!
  20. Im sure there's lengthy reporting they have to do after discharging a firearm and it wouldn't be treated lightly. I'm also sure training wise they're taught at what point they need to draw their gun. With a dog they can't exactly say 'stop, or I'll shoot' to avoid shots being fired. If the owner can't or won't control the dog what are they to do? Why would they bother shooting gentle, non threatening dogs...what would that achieve? Im giving them the benefit of the doubt that any shots fired were justified at the time and were to ensure their own safety (and possibly the publics) whilst carrying out an already dangerous job!
  21. Gorgeous photo. Look at those eyes!
  22. What a horrible man (the diplomat). You'd have to think asking for a dog to be put to death (when the problem is fixable) is like saying I no longer want this dog. If someone else wishes to take over their care, why would he care for goodness sake?? Maybe he's not used to being ignored and feels the need to prove he is more powerful?
  23. Geez! You probably couldn't set those up to look like that if you tried lol!
  24. Great photos, I love how happy everyone looks in them. Sid looks so small compared to the other dogs, i wonder if he he put another five km on them with his smaller stride lol. Good on you for getting him so fit...go the Frenchies!
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