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Everything posted by Roova

  1. Wowsers. He's a big boy and very impressive looking. Do you know why only males have been imported?
  2. Oh Penny! Maybe she's just showing how much she really loves them? These are mine, MINE I tell you!
  3. How could they possibly not realise?? The cages must have been hot to the touch when they got the dogs out and wouldn't the dogs have been yelping or crying? The poor little things
  4. Yay, I'm so glad everyone likes them! I would have had to leave the forum if you were disappointed lol. It's amazing how such a sturdy fabric can be so soft isn't it.
  5. Just thought of another. If you use a Stanley knife to cut small holes in a plastic container (like a coke bottle) then put her kibble inside with the lid on, she'll have to roll it around until kibble finds a hole. My cat loved this one too lol. Here's a link to a DIY version of the treat dispenser I think you're talking about too: http://www.dailydogtag.com/diy/diy-treatfood-dispenser-paw2014/
  6. Does she rip up cardboard? If yes maybe scrunch newspaper around kibble and put inside a box. If you use packing tape on the corners she'll really have to work for it (and so will you afterwards cleaning up the mess lol)
  7. My favourite is Hide your eyes. I say 'feet up' and tap the side of the coffee table or couch. She puts her feet up, looks at me and I say hide your eyes. She drops her face between her front legs and holds it there until I say ok. He tail wags like mad and it looks sooo cute!
  8. Happy gotcha day Scottie, sounds to me like you're lucky to have each other :) Happy grumble noises sound cute!
  9. This is straight from an earlier thread on dog beds (cos I'm too lazy to retype it). I bought an Orvis dog bed and couldn't be happier. It's an overseas company so I bought the cover only and stuffed the inserts with polyester from spotlight. The cover feels soft but is thick and sturdy. The bed looks as good today as the day I bought it and it's had two dogs sleeping and playing on it. It unzips and goes through the wash and you can decide how firm you want it by how much stuffing you put in. It is really comfortable (and yes I say this from experience lol) and the dogs choose this over the couch which I love. It's worth looking at the range, there's so many shapes and sizes. The customer service was the best I've ever experienced too. Lots of reviews on each bed too. Edited because I forgot to mention there's small medium and large and I'm pretty sure mines medium. http://m.orvis.com/store/product_search_tnail.aspx?keyword=Dog+bed+cover+
  10. Road trip! Sounds fun. I would take a fold up metal crate in case any places you stay require it (and do some crate training before hand if this is a new thing). Hmmm a long lead could be handy for toilet stops or you want a bit more freedom than a smaller lead. I normally use a sturdy horse lunge lead. Also handy if recall isn't 100% reliable. Spare dog towels could be handy if he needs a bath or clean-up while away. I'd stick with two hours between toilet stops and leg stretches if that's what he's used to. Can he toilet on command? Now would be a good time to start teaching it otherwise. It's very handy when travelling! Not sure about accommodation sorry, the Google's is probably your best bet there. Have fun and stay safe.
  11. I disagree that dehydrating is like cooking. Dehydration happens at such a low temperates it is simply drying moisture. Supposedly up to 75% of moisture is removed with the process retaining almost 100% of the nutritional content of the food with the lack of moisture inhibiting the growth of bacteria. I dehydrate multiple types of meat for treating purposes and have worked out if I leave any type of squishiness I need to keep those ones in the fridge whereas full dehydration means the meat can be left out and doesn't rot (handy when I put my hand in pockets or Im scratching around on the bottom of my bag!) If I put anything I dehydrate, fruit and veg too, in water it plumps back up and looks and tastes like the real thing. You can't do that with cooked food. I don't understand what hard core raw feeders do for training treats? Carrying raw food around does not seem hygienic from the human side of things! Its fine to go 100% hardcore at something, but I think any effort toward a non processed diet no matter how small should be encouraged or praised not found fault with. Edited because I left out a bracket and my OCD couldn't handle it :D
  12. Thanks ari.g! It's like the Frenchie is going to burst if he doesn't run like mad and spin circles in the balls lol. I don't think you could watch that and not smile.
  13. Any chance of a link for those who can't see embedded files? Never works on my phone
  14. I have this one too! It takes three plastic containers full of dog food to keep it fresher. I'm really happy with it.
  15. I break up a bag into separate plastic containers and store them in a lidded tub designed to hold a bag of food. I hope this keeps it from going stale because I just use it in kongs etc and it takes ages to get through one bag.
  16. A few years ago I spent a while doing reviews on a high end point and shoot and bought a canon S100. It has the usual automatic features but also allows adjustment to shutter speed, apertures, ISOs etc. They've come down a lot in price and ebay had some bargains! You can check out photos in photobucket or Flckr if you search on the camera name. There's probably better ones out there by now but doing reviews is always a good idea first. Good luck to your sister. :)
  17. Is the ears down which breaks my heart when they look like this lol
  18. I just hope the bitch is at least judged as being suitable to better the breed and not just used when she's ready because she's female? Even being rare breed I thought most registered breeders showed their dogs against their peers before breeding? (Although I don't think anything has been stated to say the breeder is registered or the pup was sold on mains so maybe not)?
  19. I wouldn't have one of my dogs if it wasn't for breeders terms, so I will be forever grateful to the breeder for entrusting me with her. The terms weren't like yours though and the breeder is not only supportive but a great embassador for the breed. Not saying your breeder isn't, but you can't judge breeders terms as a scam when they aren't all the same. Unless your breeder was the only one in Australia you would have had other choices surely? Puppies flying interstate are pretty common now and open up a lot more choice. You have to go in to any purchase with your eyes open or you really have no one to blame but yourself.
  20. Roova

    Sleep Deprived!

    I would be considering whether she's getting too hot as well. Its warming up now and a blanket over a crate would get pretty warm in there.(Unless she's in an air conditioned room of course)?
  21. OMG haha as soon as I read that its all I could see too!
  22. Haha very cute! Gosh he's getting big!
  23. I thought breeders terms meant you didn't pay for the dog as the breeder was gaining a litter and saving on not having to raise her? How can a breeder still dictate terms on an animal they have sold outright? Assuming $3000 is full price of course. If it was made clear when puppy was enquired about theres nothing to complain about though.
  24. They do! So reasonably priced too! I'd love another to do swapsies every now and then but no Costco's around here
  25. I've got to the point of keeping my pet insurance but not my own. I figure there's always the public system if I need help but I can't always find a lazy couple of thousand for the dogs if something were to go wrong. I lost my cat (not insured) after spending $1000 at the vet only to be told I'd need $4-$5000 the following day with no guarantee. I just couldn't do it with a mortgage and it now the guilt plays on my mind all the time. I'm also so fearful until I see both dogs when I get home. It annoys me insurance companies lump everyone together when it comes to breeds too. My Frenchie insurance is ridiculous now, but probably based on all the poorly bred Frenchie's getting around . I wish they had a discount for buying from a breeder who health tests!
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