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Everything posted by Roova

  1. Great photo's everyone! LisaCC, I remember admiring Nova via the 'waiting for a puppy' thread which doesn't seem that long ago. Huskie...what an amazing photo of Wisdom and Blaze - they're just gorgeous. They seem to be saying 'were ready for anything, just give us the word!' Thistle..your gorgeous girl got so lucky when she found you! My Border Terrier Poppy is now close to two. She is such an awesome little dog! She plays well with Maggie, is fiesty, loving, friendly to people and dogs and smart. She loves shaping and learning new things and her tail never stops wagging. Maggie my Frenchie is five and a half and is the easiest dog to look after. She is quite sensitive so never puts a foot out of place in case she hears a growl but she's heaps of fun and very energetic. She's has a few tricks she pulls out for treats and is a little cutie (although the outside world seem to think she's a pug!) Because nothing is perfect..lol
  2. Gosh you guys are getting snow and the Gold Coast got to 28 degrees today. Felt like a summer's day !
  3. Only an example of one but I grew up beside a small greyhound trainer. He would often have an entire dead cow or horse delivered which was butchered and fed to his dogs. I'll never forget it because as a child it used to horrify me!
  4. Awww just gorgeous....don't stop now! :D
  5. That's a lovely heart warming story (well most of it)! I wonder what happened to the two wandering dogs who caused all the damage and a probably oblivious owner? It is becoming very very expensive to get anything done at the vet nowadays. There's nothing worse than having the life of your dog hanging on if you have thousands and thousands of spare dollars lying around.
  6. Great photos, Jerry looks just gorgeous!
  7. I heard part of a news story on this. They said despite the horror of thousands of dogs being put down because of this ruling (Im sure I heard 6,000), apparently its only scratching the surface of how many young healthy dogs lose their life every year, year after year, because they don't make their owner money.
  8. This is an American site but lists health testing any breeding Cavalier should have. Would it be exactly the same in Australia? With point one, wouldn't that lend itself to not breeding from your dog until the age of 2.5 when they can be judged as clear? Basically: 1. A heart clearance from an auscultation by a board certified veterinary cardiologist that is consistent with prevailing cardiology protocols; however, the CKCSC, USA, recommends a minimum of a cardiology clearance at age 2.5 years by a board certified veterinary cardiologist. 2. A normal rating or within CERF breeder options from a screening by a board certified veterinary ophthalmologist; 3. No evidence of patella luxation from an evaluation by a licensed veterinarian; and 4. A passing grade from an X-ray for hip dysplasia submitted to the OFA. It is further recommended that subsequent periodic exams be conducted for hearts, eyes, and patella luxation. Results of the most recent health clearances should be provided to the owners of both the stud dog and brood bitch at the time of breeding. Link: CKC Spaniel Club
  9. I agree with letting the two be together if it means less barking, especially if the run is short term until the house fence goes up. The way to avoid separation anxiety is to have a plan and work on increasing times in increments. Never pushing the dog so they get to the point of panic. Every time she barks and stresses she rehearses the behaviour, cements it and makes it harder for you to work around it in the future too. I would let them be together and work on alone time when you're there to train it properly. If that absolutely can't happen then lots of things to keep her distracted whilst in there as mentioned. The aim is to find things which are more reinforcing for her than her current behaviour (Perse's suggestions are awesome). For some of those she may even stay in there with an open door! Good luck :)
  10. You'll find lots of tips on training pups on Kikopups Youtube channel, here's a link for you: Kikopup There's some free reading here which is generally pretty good "Before you get your puppy" and "After you get your puppy" Good luck :)
  11. Oh man what a tough situation for you both. I really hope she'll be alright and something is found to help her. Good luck Anne.
  12. I'm not sure how much ball chasing uses their mind but it definitely offers some exercise. I think there's a few ways you could approach this. I have a non ball dog so started by sitting in front of her, handing her a ball which she grabbed and dropped, but I praised and treated anyway. At some point she start taking the ball when offered (although not holding on to it)a she would drop it for the treat. I was then able to start moving my hand around so she had to reach for the ball which led to me placing the ball on the ground which led to rolling it further and further away. She would return it to me for the treat but didn't have a great hold. I would say 'get it' as encouragement and 'bring it here' on the way back. At that point I started practicing with all sorts of objects like pens, keys, hats etc. I then taught hold as a separate 'trick' as it can be reasonably difficult to train. (Well when you're teaching yourself at the same time as your dog anyway!). Sometimes I would treat with tug instead of food /praise but it slows the process a little. This was a slow and steady wins the race situation but she was only a puppy so a smart adult might pick it up quicker?
  13. Congratulations, really well deserved! They look just awesome.
  14. Gorgeous. Mooshi looks really cute, but Im not sure I would try putting my hand near Jager for a pat. lol The Lioness photo is amazing. Its like you were standing just below the rock!
  15. I keep secateurs in the kitchen and chop chicken necks in to three or four depending on the size. My Frenchie loves them and they aren't a choking hazard that way. :)
  16. Awww that's a lovely photo, there's hope yet!
  17. Kikopup on YouTube has a few variations of teaching leave it. Here's a link to a few to get you going :) "Leave it"
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