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Everything posted by magic6

  1. I wouldn't call it that, the dogs territorial and guarding instincts are through the roof and I think the owners are merely living in controlled chaos ;) I'd call it lucky the owners got away with it this long without a council visit. It would be worth your husbands friend going and getting some proper training for this dog so it can learn to switch off and relax a little without feeling the need to guard all the time :) if you need a good trainer just PM me. I didn't say it was FA, I just said it sounds like it could be. Unless you've met and assessed the dog you wouldn't have any way of saying for sure that it was territorial either. My husband said the dog is from "Security" bloodlines, Security being the name of the lines and cost him a lot of money for the pup, he is of working lines apparantly, he is not backyard bred and came from a breeder of protection type GSD's? he said the dog isn't pshyco aggressive at all, but he is territorial aggressive in the home, car and at the factory yard at night. The reason they don't let him mingle with guests and walk him muzzled is a precaution I think is the responsible thing to do with a dog that can display stranger aggression and bite?
  2. And from what you've posted about this dog, it would act exactly the same way if your friends had people over and the dog was given access to them. The dog clearly couldn't tell the difference between a genuine threat and any one else, having an out of control aggressive dog like that is certainly not something I would brag about or consider desirable. It's not like the dog was actually protecting your husband and your friend. Ok, what I am trying to say, this is the type of dog who will protect against strangers untrained and "will" bite intruders in the middle of the night and the untrained pet may not, this dog will is my point? Perhaps tell someone who has suffered a home invasion and been assualted in their bed that this dog is not desirable and see if they agree with you?
  3. Sounds like a number of fear aggressive dogs I know. Reacting to strangers with extreme aggression? How is that remotely desirable in an untrained dog? Who wants a dog who decides of it's own accord when to exhibit aggression? I certainly wouldn't want a dog like that. That's not the point of my post. My husband was working at the rear factory where anything could have happened if theives had have gone down the back and found him and the dogs owner there, you can't see the rear factory from the street?. The point I am making is the dog heard the guy climbing the front gate, ran up from the rear factory and bit the guy as he got over the fence, personally I was glad the dog was there, he did a good job and the offender was arrested......our dog wouldn't have done that?
  4. You do get some dogs with a natural ability for the job - but I would say taking an untrained dog with you on night shift is a little stupid too. Untrained doesnt necessarily mean wont work under pressure, but they're lucky that dog didnt turn around and bite them or severely maul the intruder. There is a massive element of risk in an untested dog and especially an aggressive one. I meant dogs in general, unless you have had them professionally trained there will be no guarantee that the dog will actually do what many people have this romantic notion of them going. Most modern breeds and lines have little protection in them, they will bark but that is an alert dog. More 'OMG WAKE UP! Go deal with that for me will you' type animal :laugh: This dog is fine with the owners and people the dog knew well, but what I meant was he is an aggressive dog towards strangers period, like you know the dog is aggressive, he's not a placid friendly dog that you may hope will protect if need be and is otherwise docile, he is full on aggressive all the time, I have seen him in the owners car going ape at the window at a stranger, I know they walk him wearing a muzzle just in case?. He's black with tan legs and came from working lines, he's not the average GSD to look at, perhaps his pedigree is more protection orientated I was thinking over a family pet type?
  5. A work collegue of my husband's has a GSD who bit someone badly who came over the fence in their factory yard on nightshift one night, he wasn't trained but he was very stranger aggressive. My husband knew the dog well and he was ok with him, but he said sometimes the dog would stare at him and he felt a bit uncomfortable. When my husband and the dog's owner did nights at the rear factory, he would bring his dog to work and the dog had access to the whole yard, (the front gates were locked), but anyway the dog got this guy at 3am and the police arrived and arrested the offender. This dog was the type the owner had to lock away if they had people over, I remember a party we went to at his place and the dog was locked in the garage and would be pounding at the door and barking furiously if anyone went near the garage. The owner always said the dog will protect and he did the night the guy jumped the fence at work and the owner had to pull the dog off the guy whilst my husband rang the police?
  6. Sorry to be a bit off topic, but I have wondered how you select a behaviourist on merit? Most present their services as being good as they would, but it's not until you have hired them and spent the money to see how good they are at dealing with your problem and sorting it out? Is there any general guide for this?
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