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Everything posted by Weasels

  1. You know, there is a herding trial this Sunday too....... ;)
  2. I believe so, especially when they are about a year old. Testosterone ahoy... Edit - http://www.dogstardaily.com/training/dog-communication - under "puppy license to misbehave" it talks about the testosterone patterns in adolescent dogs
  3. I'm not in any way defending the people in the OP, but sometimes I will say something similar if I'm just taking a mental note of what a trigger for barking might be. Or sometimes I'm just stating a fact: Weez isn't a fan of being near entire dogs. If one comes near he will go about 30 metres away and walk past there. If someone asks me why my dog has moved that far away I will tell them. I'm not blaming their dog, or suggesting they should do anything about it, it's just how it is
  4. "sheepdog" If pressed - "a short-haired Australian version of a border collie" :) Although I've found almost every Australian knows what a kelpie is, and almost no-one from any other nationality does (maybe except for NZ).
  5. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest, she certainly seems lovely :D
  6. Unless/until someone comes forward who has been to him, it's all we have to go on. Because it is an unregulated industry there are many horror stories about dog problems being exacerbated or new problems being created due to inappropriate training techniques. People are sharing their opinions/experience about what statements or omissions make them cautious about a particular trainer. If the guy turns out to be great, then that's wonderful. But some red flags have been identified and they may be helpful for guiding anyone who calls on useful questions to ask.
  7. It makes me Lough a little to see how people justify their behaviour, my comment was made because not to many of you answered the question, you rather criticised the guy. (right or wrong) There are many vets out there that would not know the first thing about behaviour and using drugs to calm dogs down etc which is not always the right option but maybe and easy option. Also I don't know this guy but like before I find it funny how many people are so critical and bitchy. This are only my thought and also I am all good for useful advice. Maybe we should change the question and say "can you look at this website and criticise" The guy has created this website as his professional calling card to the world. The whole point of its existence is for people to judge his services by it. I just stated that based on the information provided, I wouldn't call. This is spot-on I think - I wouldn't call a trainer who doesn't provide information about their methods unless I had already found out from a referral by someone I trust.
  8. I like to think people realise they 'get what they pay for' here and take any advice with a grain of salt. IMO the majority of the advice here is very good, and people are very quick to recommend a professional when the situation warrants it. As mentioned, behavioural problems may stem from chemical imbalances so a veterinary behaviourist is able to both assess the problems and prescribe medicine if needed. It's like the difference between a GP and a physchiatrist - both have the same base in medical training, but the latter is specialised in behaviour modification.
  9. Not sure about the success rate, but one of our WA shelters has a "seniors for seniors" page on their website, encouraging older people to adopt older dogs :) http://www.dogshome.org.au/seniors-for-seniors/
  10. What are these "actual qualifications" you are referring to? I have asked this question in the past in the hunt for a behaviourist and it seems there are very little in the formal sense - the recommendation seems to be "word of mouth" referral. From my understanding, for a behaviourist, generally either a qualified veterinarian with a specialisation in behaviour or someone with a higher degree in canine behaviour like a Masters or PhD. For a trainer, it's nice to see a relevant diploma and a membership to a training society. But word of mouth can be more important :) Edit - but of course it's not a unified & regulated industry. People can call themselves whatever they want.
  11. I would run a mile from anyone who claims they can fix issues like dog aggression or storm phobia in one 3 hour session. JMHO.
  12. Was this site created on April 1st? Edit - under "directions" - Also - http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/dogisland.asp
  13. http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1244095 Here's a recent thread, but if you do a search there are heaps :) (I hope it's ok to post the link )
  14. Teaching your dog to come away from someone else with treats is one of the things we practiced at basic obedience. I know it's a difficult one (especially with some particularly sociable & food-oriented dogs!) but I think it's definitely a behaviour worth striving for. Also a good "leave it"/recall if they are heading towards someone you don't know :) (Of course again, easier said than done!)
  15. If you hop over to Whirlpool you will find lots of discussion of the 3. The Roomba & LG definitely get the best reviews. .
  16. If only they could tell us! Fingers crossed he will be all better in the morning :)
  17. I feed a couple of the dogs I see regularly but I've cleared it with the owners first. With one dog I have even taught her a "drop it" command using treats because she kept stealing my girl's ball and it was just easier :laugh: I also encourage one regular dog-walker to feed Weez because he's wary of people and it's good for him to make a friend :) But if any other dog comes begging I just tell them all I've got for them is pats. It's surprising how many are happy with that!
  18. I had a red kong that got like this after it was left outside for a day. The surface around the main opening started to rub off and it was leaving sticky red ring-marks around the place. It was about a year old though, so I just chucked it & bought a new one. Never had any trouble with the surface on the black ones.
  19. The happiest of birthday wishes to you Mr Stanley! Hope you have a great day :D
  20. Awww :) Adorable Reminds me of this video too -
  21. Do you have an emergency plan in place to cope with shedding season?? Seriously tho it's awsome, I recommend it :D So cute to watch dogs interact.
  22. :laugh: a black dog in the dark can be a serious health hazard! I actually have it printed on photo paper up in our kitchen, so it's right in front of anyone entering the house - usually people just think we're trying to be cute, until they start tripping over a foxdog attempting to place toys at their feet! Last Sunday RS and MG got a small taste of Chess's insistence that every human is merely in existence to throw balls for her
  23. If it picks up something hard it can drag it around and scratch a wooden floor, but I've done that with a regular vacuum too The vacuum itself won't scratch. plus mine came with a cloth thingy you can attach to the front for a sweeping effect, putting that on might help It won't stop when it's full, it will keep going but will start dropping fluff balls around the place. I run mine when I am home, so I can keep an eye on it and empty it a few times during its rounds. Mine has to do one mid-cleaning battery charge to get through our 3x2 with 2 living areas.
  24. You need to meet some Borzoi Weasels! :D Some might not like hugging, but the vast majority do... Maybe they're anti-dogs in regard to hugging?? Same goes for the majority of Samoyeds. I am yet to meet one that doesn't love a cuddle, even from a total stranger. I'd worry I would get lost in a sea of cloudy white fluffiness and never emerge! :laugh:
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