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Everything posted by Weasels

  1. I don't know but I love your description Edit - I notice this is from March, I wonder how Niques went with it? :)
  2. Slightly OT, but I have a set of the fitpaws paw pods, and I can't figure out why they are smooth on the flat side We don't have any carpet so as soon as a dog puts a paw on one they go flying. And if I put them up the other way I worry about the dogs sliding off. We have to train on their pet futons but the bed slides around a bit too. All of which could be avoided by having a grippy surface on the flat side
  3. No, his started to depigment this winter. We're applying ointment so the pigment is slooooowly coming back :) Poor little Hooves. Snow nose? I forget how bracing it is over there in Canberra! :D
  4. Aw a teddy dog :D Loving the photos! Has Hoover's nose always been that pink?
  5. Thank you so much Rubystar!! That has given me enough to go on with :) I wonder if PTS = points? My average level of confusion has increased greatly ever since I joined CAWA! :laugh: Edit: and if I am applying for 3 titles on 2 dogs do I need to pay postage on each? Grrrr....
  6. Awesome thanks Piper I'll let him know He was thinking of doing the theory over here (since a few ppl will be probably be doing the course here this year) and applying to do the practical in SA? -- (I have duck herding photos on the previous page of this thread too :D)
  7. Help!! I'm trying to fill out title applications for my little herders, and it's very confusing Can anyone tell me what "PTS" and "checked" mean? And what a "multi-certificate" means in the fees list? They are only associate dogs so do I need an updated cert of registration? We only need their titles recorded so we can pick up in the class where we left off when we move interstate :)
  8. Thanks guys, it was a great day all around with an interstate judge in who was lovely. There were lots of great scores with some difficult stock. Plus I got to look after Sherlot's wee human baby who was an absolute trooper through a long day :D Piper - I've been meaning to ask, is there any judging training being run in SA? OH is interested but he probably can't get through the course here before we move back to Adelaide at the end of the year.
  9. Thanks Rev Jo, wasn't too bad a day in the end :) Got 5 passes out of 6 entries, Chess got a high in trial for ducks on a countback, and Weez got his HSAd title :) Unfortunately Chess only passed 1 duck run so no d title for her this year. But fun was had and experience was gained
  10. Well done on your pass Superminty and Cash!! Fantastic work :) :)
  11. Biggest trial of the year here today! Unfortunately I've been feeling crappy all week so hopefully I can do it justice Last chance to get our duck title this year too. Happy herding all
  12. Aw that's great, what friendly welcoming little gentleman they are! Love the music :laugh:
  13. My first thought was huskyx but I could certainly believe GSDx too :) He's gorgeous! What do Elbie & Hoover think of all this fostering caper? :)
  14. I think so RS!! Maybe it's offshore somewhere :laugh:
  15. Apparently in Rockingham council you can have more than 2 without a permit if you live in the 'rural zone'.... but I've never been able to find out where that is....
  16. Tumbleweed I have a friend who does an agility course online :) From speaking to her she seems to find it better than the 'real' agility classes she attends - because she has an atypical breed for dog sports she gets the impression the clubs think she should just give up and do something else, and therefore don't provide much help. With the online course she sends videos and gets detailed feedback, plus the videos let her critique her own performance. Sorry I don't know the name of the course but I think your idea is a good one, I hope it works out
  17. My folks recently did the road-edge, and around their dam, on 10 acres with this - I'm not sure how much it cost, but I don't think "small fortune" would be entirely inaccurate
  18. I agree ssm. The comment that the 'incident of the sausage' left things 'strained' for the rest of the day showed a certain lack of perspective on life I thought, LOL. + 1 regardless of any other points she completely lost me with the sausage story. It doesn't matter if her GPs were giving it to a dog or sacrificing it to their own personal deity, she was a guest in their home and her attitude was one of a rude, entitled brat.
  19. Welcome Wyldrose :) The kelpie sub-forum is here - http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/72425-kelpies/page__st__3750 - and a better place to ask questions
  20. I'd be posting it more than once too, it's a fantastic photo! Great work :)
  21. Some wormers say on the packet that they're safe to take without testing first
  22. As a geneticist who has worked on canids, I have to say those study aims seem pretty optimistic. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt though since I know how skewed media reporting of science can get. Sheridan I don't think they've really started yet.
  23. I was just thinking about Rommi on the drive home last night :) So glad she is cruising through her recovery! :)
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