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Everything posted by Paula3

  1. Hi thank you all for your imput. I have taken it on board but could not bring myself to rehouse either of the puppies. As it goes I am greatly relieved that I didn't as my puppies have calmed hugely and are turning into wonderful little dogs, yes with a very large amount of work. The aggression has subsided and with the multitude of books and other information I have been researching they are coming along beautifully. Last week they attended their first session of "puppy preschool" and were suitable behaved. They can now sit on command and have boundless levels of energy. I can't wait until they have their next vaccination as we have also been practising with our leash work. Looking forward to your continued support over the next couple of years. I didn't mention at the time of my first posting that I have had Staffys as pets for most of my adult life. I guess this has provided me with some valuable background information in the handling of them which may been the difference between keeping the two or rehousing one. Again many thanks
  2. Hi I have 2 staffy puppies (both females) who are 8 weeks old. They have been away from their Mother and litter for 3 weeks (as a result I fear they have missed one of the early stages of interaction with the litter). One of them bites my ankle very hard. As a result of the noise and growling the other one first bites this dog and then joins in biting me. They do not do this to the same degree to my husband. How do we deal with this without encouraging the second puppy as they are becoming quite aggressive with these episodes?
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