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Everything posted by family.in.brisbane

  1. This week, we had to say good night to our amazing 14 year old Golden Retriever, Brodie, who suddenly got sick. Our family is devastated, and unsure how to cope, but we're making progress. It's incredible, the size of the energy these creatures give us, and when they leave - I'm double guessing myself now with regret. That last pat on the head... the last time I filled his water... the last time I said I loved him... I remember them all, but could I have done more. I love him so much.... I have no idea how life can become 'normal' again, but we're trying. What wonderful animals we have... and please, give your dog a hug! I'd give anything just for a few minutes more with Brodie. He was born in Scotland, and moved to South Africa when he was 3, then to Australia when he was 4.... He's a family member who's seen 3 of our other kids be born to us, and he has loved them like his own. Love him.
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