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BC Love

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  1. Ams have pm'd u Sheena - that is a great idea!!!! Ok, so looks like they have all gone...but I just found a Clean Run mag in my stash - it is a special focus issue :motivation, drive and self control if any on is interested in buying it ( I paid $16 plus post, would be happy for $5 plus postage costs).
  2. Ok, still have crate games and click for obedience - others sold.
  3. Ok, so the types that Im selling are : Focussed Puppy, Control Unleashed, Crate games dvd, foundation fundamentals 3 set dvd, click for obedience.....just those sort If I search them on ebay I cant find them, so I figure thats not the place to sell Might have to make a few random posts so I can find this market place lol.
  4. Just wondering if there is a better place than ebay to sell 2nd hand training books and dvds? TIA
  5. Thanks for the reply Atanquin. I should has also said the my BC has been socialised - puppy schools, training and play dates ect, and does fine with other dogs, but I guess he isnt the one Im worried about!
  6. When we first got our now 5 months old BC we also had a JRx 9 yr old female. I had posted about their extreme fighting at the time, and was given the advice to speak to a behaviour expert. That I did, he came over to observe the two of them, and came to the conclusion that the older girl was the one causing the trouble, wasnt exepting him at all into her territory ect ect. Any way, that day we had family visiting, and my niece has always loved our older girl so it was decided (much to our heartbreak) that they would take her, leaving us with the Bc pup (the higher maintanence of the 2 lol!). The behaviourist mentioned that it may be possible to re-introduce them at a later date. Anyway - it has come to our attention that although they love our old girl - she is digging and trying to kill their pet rabbits (oops!). We didnt want to make life difficult for them, and we love and miss our girl very much. I'm wondering about the chances of successfully getting her back into our family (with no blood shed!) If she did come back here, I wondered if I crate trained her (as the BC has been) to give her her own area to chill and eat bones ect. We can also have a yard that can be sectioned off while we are out ect to seperate them. Any advice ideas ect would be much appreciated.
  7. I agree - Roy new lots of tricks by this age but I kinda forgot to start on manners...oops!
  8. Yeah, see I think we are losing the fun bit!!! I think I will do the training how they want till the course finishes, but be more relaxed (but still in control - I hope!) for our normal walks.
  9. I hope you don't mean that you are correcting your dog with a head collar. A pop on a martingale is fine, a pop on a headcollar is not and could result in serious spinal damage. Hi SecretKei We use a lead with 2 clips - one attached to the martingale, one to the face harness. Kinda like using reins!! So for a correction I pop the martingale. I actually find he works much better with just the martingale on (no face harness) - will be talking to the trainer about this on the weekend.
  10. Thanks for the replies and ideas!! I will be interested over the next few months to see how many more splotches of white he ends up with
  11. Ok - here is the pic, a little bit crappy as it was taken on a phone. Sort of give you the idea - splotches here and there, kinda like he has been painted!! About 2 months ago he was a solid red colour...now this
  12. Thanks for the quick replies I think we had a more fun relaxing walk with a normal loose leash - but I think when we get the shorter by my side walking going better with less correction it will be more fun!
  13. Just curious - Roy (21wk old BC) is 1/2 way through his advance puppy course - having fun and learning lots In his class the expectation on a walk is that he is to be at your side (left) and feet inline or behind mine. This isn't an obedience course - they say its for leadership ect. B4 with Roy I was quite happy to have him on front on me on a normal length leash as long as he didnt pull - we were doing the loose leash thing where you stop or change direction ect whe they pull. I like the new way and get the idea, though I find I have to correct him alot (he is on a face harness and martingale - not the chain kind). So Im wondering - what is acceptable behaviour from your dog on a walk, do they stay by your side or where ever they want, and do you have a reason for doing it a particular way?
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