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Everything posted by skybe

  1. Teebs. I have been a member on Dogzonline for a few years now and this is my first post. I feel that I need to also let you know that you have to look after yourself. Do not be too hard on yourself as no one knows how they will cope when the first baby comes along. it was only after several years after my first baby was born that I allowed myself to admit (to myself) that I was (possibly) suffering from some post natal depression. It was only by not letting myself be isolated and talking to friends (as I was lucky I had a great new mothers group) and making sure I got out of the house with the pram (it was pre dog) that I could keep putting one foot in front of the other! I still don't know what caused it as it did not happen the second or third time. Just be kind to yourself and I am sure things will work out in the end. Goodluck!
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