Hi Everyone........... i have beautiful little female Amstaff named Stella. She is currently 5 months and one week old and at about 4 months she started what i call leaking a little when she slept. She has just started to do it more often now as it only used to be during the night, but now i'm noticing she's doing it during the day too. She is extremely lively, is fed a BARF diet at night along with roo tails and chicken necks and frames in the morning. She's a healthy 12kg and gives our two year old Amstaff boy, Homer, a run for his money. Stella doesnt seam to be drinking any more, or any less and she lets herself out whenever she needs to go......... she was toilet trained from 3 months the good little girl. i have contacted my vet and i have to take a urine sample down as she thinks it may be a bladder infection, which she went on to say could be treated with anti-biotics. she also rattled off some other things that it could be and now i am concerned for my baby girl............ i thought it may have just been a puppy thing, like kids wetting the bed. this is the first time we have had a female too so i just thought id see if anyone else out there has encountered this and if so...... any advice to ease my mind would be much appreciated. cheers and thanks,