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  1. Hey there, Thunder has now had his surgery it was done on Tuesday.. Im just wondering how long did it take for your rotti to recover from this operation and was the rotti really unsettled of a nyt time? its only been 3 days and it feels like forever the days are just dragging thunder is sooo hard to keep calm and content and confined im not sure what else to do
  2. here thunder has me stressing out like crazy because of his "pain", i just take his dinner out to him he is that excited he runs over and jumps up using his hind legs.. i tell him to get down but he is that excited cause of his new diet he is "starving" he keeps jumping.. i guess he is quite sooky and likes to make me worry and stress
  3. Yes thats what im thinking is ensuring he is using his legs minimal until i can get specialist advice, i appreciate all the advice everyone has given me it has also helped ease my mind :D
  4. isnt it a bit too cold to take him swimming though, i dont want him getting sick as well?
  5. Im glad to hear ur boy recovered well from the operations cougar, how long did it take in total for him to end up himself again? yeah im focusing on getting this weight off him atm to help ease him joints and legs
  6. Also if i walk thunder on a daily basis again is this going to cause more damage or will this cause him to much pain?
  7. the vet has told me to cut out all meats, so now he only get kibble and less than what is acutally required for his weight if that makes sense.. The vet said we have to get some weight off him and because we cant exercise him much due to pain it cutting back on food drastically.. the vet said to give him vegetables as treats if he cries too much due to being hungry My vet is really good i havent had a problem with him at all its just him going away on holidays makes it hard but i know if i wait for surgery and he loses weight it will make it alot easier on him..
  8. Chevorne - Thats sad that it didnt fix the problem i hope that doesnt happen to my puppy.. At this stage the hip dysplasia isnt severe the vet said it is mild as only just there he said that wont become a large problem until he is older, last week we would be outside running around chasing him doing everything u do with dogs we are now freaking about this problem so we are now more careful and gentle with him as we dont want it to keep happening.. it seems to be happening once a day in the right knee The nero problem isnt certain as the vet was only guessing but this was just after he came out of sedation..
  9. My vet has currently gone away with his wife who is going to do thunders surgery, how would i be able to get a referral?
  10. Cassie - My dogs have been fed together from the time i got them..... and we never had a problem He started taking her food only recently and we were not to know as we feed them we come inside
  11. do i need a specialist to tell me he has lp and should that operation be done by a specialist?
  12. so would i more need the specialist for the hip dysplasia problem and nero problem, as the LP is quick easily repaired and picked up with xrays?
  13. Does anyone know of any specialists that are worth recommending in the hawekesbury or even the hills area parramatta penrith etc? Yes the pain he will be in after surgery will stop him from moving around which is a good thing cause he is quite playful and active and we are trying to stop that atm and thats hard
  14. My normal vet has said to focus on gettting LP fixed first and then we can look into the hip dysplasia and nero problem next, i believe the nero problem was just cause he was still drugged from sedation when they did xray and the vet said it was a large possibility.. My dogs are like my children as i have none yet, so i absolutely hate seeing him in pain i just want it fixed
  15. thats another problem my boy has gotten himself overweight so now he also needs to lose lots of it, you see we saw he started putting on weight and the bitch loosing weight we watched one nyt and he was attacking her for her meal so he had 2 meals a nyt and he had 1.. now were trying to get him to lose weight and then find out all this... his leg only seems to do it atm when he gets up only sometimes but its like he has learnt how to move his body so it doesnt do it and if it happens he lies down straight away yelps stretches his leg and it pops back in.. his right leg is definately worse than the left.. i just wish i could get the surgery happening now to prevent this pain he would be feeling
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