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Luke and Beck

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Everything posted by Luke and Beck

  1. We have made a change to the camp dates. We are going to drop the Friday(8th) off to make it easier for people. So it will just be the 9th and 10th.
  2. It's all good. Whatever works best for you guys!!!
  3. Hi all, our July camping trip will be held on 9-10 July at Kiama. If you are interested in coming we can be contacted on NSW K9 Camping Group Email or visit our website NSW K9 Camping Group for further details on the club and contact options.
  4. That's great!! Don't worry too much about taking Friday off. My hubby has to work too so we will head over after work! We are looking forward to meeting you!
  5. Have you tried feeding her then sitting outside with her until she goes? When we train our dogs we make a big fuss and say "good boy/girl go wees" EVERYTIME they go to the toilet outside. They link the words for that the same way they link sit, stay etc. We find that this way when you take your dog outside and say "go wees" they will go and then you can bring them back inside. It's also helpful for when you intend to go in the car, you can get them to go to the toilet before you load them up!
  6. Hope you have good weather and everyone has a good time, I will be working so can't make that one but hopefully I can organise time off work to come camping later on. Thanks Cointreau, hopefully we will see you next time :D
  7. Hay guys, the date has been set for 8th,9th and 10th of July and we are off to the warm and sunny Kiama . I will send emails through to all members with the details. Anyone else who is interested feel free to contact us NSW K9 Camping Group
  8. I used to hate camping but I love it now, although you couldn't pay me to camp without my dogs!! No absolutely no need to crate your dogs, all of our just sleep on the bed with us! Heaven forbid they be put out at all by being made to sleep on the ground!! I sent you through a form ;)
  9. Some things are just worth it Chezy!!!!
  10. lol Chezy, winter camping isn't for everyone!! We traveled for more than 6 months in a tent so it doesn't really worry me. I'm sure we will see you when it warms up!
  11. Don't forget ACT night-time temps often get below zero this time of year. In a worst case scenario you will be chipping ice out of the dog's water dish in the morning. For a grey, a warm coat might be advisable. lol, yep we were just talking about that last night!! We are looking at coastal options at the moment.
  12. We are thinking about Woods Reserve. http://www.tams.act.gov.au/play/pcl/parks_reserves_and_open_places/recreation_in_acts_parks_forests_and_bushlands/woods_reserve_recreation_area
  13. Why don't you guys get together and work out what weekend would suit you all to come down. Let me know and I'll see what I can organise? ;)
  14. It usually is!! More often than not it's the long haired dogs that really love the mud! Luckily we have "wash and wear" dogs!!
  15. My hubby is the same Dandybrush! ;) We will know in the next few days if we are going to run it. I'll let you all know asap!
  16. WOW! It's great to see all of you guys rally together. This was the whole point of the club, making great friends and having awesome weekends away where it doesn't matter if you have more or less than another person and where dogs really are welcome!! You have to love dog people. Even though we are on a break at the moment with the cold weather we have had a few people who are keen to get out so we are considering running a trip over the next few weeks. Be sure to let us know if your interested!!
  17. Thanks Tempus, we will buy a copy and check it out!!
  18. Hi Keira&Phoenix, I have just popped you through an email
  19. Hi Dandybrush, my husband and I run the group. The camping trips are south of Sydney at the moment. We will be looking to expand to different areas in time. If you are interested feel free to jump onto the website and pop us through an email. We can keep your details on hand and let you know if/when we start up your way Beck
  20. Hi all, just wanted to let my fellow NSW dogs owners know about the NSW K9 Camping Group. It's a great chance to get away for weekends with your dogs and other like minded people. Check it out at NSW K9 Camping Group it is a free group with the aim of providing a fun and friendly atmosphere where you can enjoy quality time with your best friend.
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