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Everything posted by Lugeanjaam

  1. That is so beautiful, and what a thoughtful husband you have.
  2. 2 to 3 times a day. Whenever we are out in the yard I do a quick scan and do pick up if required. I have playing kids out there frequently so I am pretty OCD about it.
  3. Sometimes there are no words. So sorry to you Sway and Willow's family. RIP girl.
  4. Affectionate Biddable Off switch Confident Friendly particularly with children Suki is most of the above but I would not call her biddable. She listens to me and has great recall but only because she wants to be near me at all times. She is not the brightest spark and not highly trainable but i love her to bits anyway:).
  5. This has brought tears to my eyes!! Am so happy for you . Good work Cindy finding your way home...your Beagle nose has not failed you . Now it is time for Willow to come home . Thinking of you Sway and family.
  6. Shamelessly off-topic. But that is a gorgeous photo of a standard poodle. I never knew anything about them, until a couple of years ago, when I came across one, with just that same clip. The face, the lovely social nature, everything about him, very much appealed to me. Since then I've seen some more. Now standard poodles are on my short list of the breeds I really fancy. +1 Sorry for OT but what a gorgeous Standard . I owned a Standard years ago and she was such a special girl. They really are the kind of dogs that everybody wants to pat when out on a walk, and geez she loved the attention She did great in obedience and we dabbled a little in agility, she was much better at it then I was . I agree with the suggestion for a Schanuzer. Very hardy, happy and smart as a whip!
  7. I keep on checking this thread hoping for good news when I see you have posted sway. Praying that Willow comes home safe to her family soon.
  8. Wow it is amazing to watch you at work! Think I will just stick to dogs thanks
  9. An update... The Ranger called me yesterday afternoon. Long story short one of the dogs has left the shire since the incident and the Council have been unable to get in touch with her (she is the sister of the other owner involved in this case). The dog that actually bit my son has subsequently been declared menacing (there is a difference between menacing and dangerous apparently). She has been given the option to surrender the dog if she cannot afford to pay the annual registration fees (owner is on a pension with 2 small children)which is $450 odd I believe. If she does surrender the dog he will be euthanised. If at any time the owner is found to have not complied with the menacing dog restrictions applied to her dog he will be seized and destroyed. She has also been fined for her dog wandering biting my son. Whilst I feel very bad for this dog (it is not his fault his owners do not have a clue!) I am pleased that the Council took this incident seriously. The ranger said that the owner was 'very blase' about the whole situation. On a positive note my son is doing great, the wound has healed beautifully and his love for dogs does not seem to have been affected. He is more aware of his surroundings whilst he is out and about but that is a good thing! Thanks for everyones input and help, much appreciated .
  10. So sad, and a terribly cruel way for that poor boy to die . RIP boy
  11. Fantastic!!' wouldn't it we wonderful if they could talk sometimes. I am sure she would have quite a story to tell:)
  12. I have found Comfortis to be really effective. My dog who has flea allergies hasnt scratch at since I started treating her with this product. Fleas are terrible at the moment.
  13. I will leave the other questions to the more experienced puppy people (it has been a while since I had a puppy) but please dont do this... It really is a recipe for disaster . So much can go wrong, she can get loose and take off, she can get harassed by children or a off lead wandering dog, I also remember quite recently seeing CCTV footage of a little dog tied up outside a pub I believe and a man just wandered up, let the dog off the lead and took the leash > Poor dog ended up getting hit by a car and killed I think, so sad. Good luck with your puppy .
  14. This gives me hope . Maybe I can look at a long coat Shepherd as this sounds quite manageable. After hearing peoples stories though it seems that a short haired is out of the question for me, I really do not think I can handle that volume of dog hair! I know when I go to my friends place I am pulling hair out of my food and coffee cup
  15. I have a friend who had a GSD x Husky and OMG!!! The amount of hair that comes off her is amazing! I have also seen what comes off a Pug after a groom. How can such a little dog shed so much hair? It's just astounding.
  16. Thanks for your replies:). I pretty much assumed that even with regular grooming for the most part you pretty much just need to learn to live with the shedding. I have heard mixed reviews about the furminator so I was interested in your thoughts on it, thanks. Thing is the are such beautiful dogs that living with the shedding seems to be a small price to pay:).
  17. I grew up with GSD's and all my childhood memories involve our beautiful loyal dogs. I also remember the dog hair - everywhere - all the time:). I would so love to own one again in the future (a few years away at this stage) but I am not that big on hair on our clothes and furniture all the time. I work in child care in our home so cleanliness and a hair free environment is important. The dog would not be in the day care area but I remember the hair migrating to the furthest reaches! In saying this my parents were not the most consistent of groomers. My question is if a GSD or any dog that sheds for that matter was groomed regularly would you be able to keep the shedding down to a manageable level? Also can it be an individual thing where dogs of the same breed can shed at different levels? All the dogs I have owned in my adult life have been low shedding so I have never had to deal with a heavy shedder. I enjoy grooming so it would not be an issue as far as the work involved is concerned.
  18. I voted for Percy, it's a cute name for a pup but will also sound dignified when he is an old man:).
  19. What a lovely thing to do And can I just say your GSD is gorgeous, she makes me just want to smoosh that gorgeous face .
  20. My standard Poodle (RIP beautiful girl) got into my sons trick or treat stash. He had collected a full pillow case full of goodies and I told him to make sure he put it where she couldn't get to it as she had a notorious sweet tooth. She chewed through the window screen in my sons room and ate part of the draw he had hidden it in and she then demolished the whole lot! Wrappers and all!! I fully expected a vet trip for bloat or the like but she was perfectly fine and none the worse for wear. Iron gut that girl had:).
  21. Great post Corvus. I would definitely discuss it with my OH. Whilst he would never say no as it is not in his nature I would very much take his opinion into account. He is by no means unreasonable and if he actually had some serious objections it is probably for good reason! His stance would be these are my reasons but in the end it is really your call as I am the one that I feeds, trains and generally do the majority of work with her. He would genuinely support whatever decision I make, bless him. On the flip side I certainly would not want him to bring home a dog without discussing it either. We are talking a potential 15 or so year commitment with any luck and I would say that that warrants a discussion:). Gotta love some of the stories in this thread though, a few of them have made me laugh out loud!
  22. Brought a huge smile to my face :D. Love it
  23. Suki was supposed to be a foster. The moment I layed my eyes on her she was not going anywhere. Flea infested, major hair loss due to chronic skin issues, completely matted where she did still have some fur, terrible teeth and a huge overbite. She was a very sorry sight . She was shivering in fear and as soon as I picked her up she pushed her little nose under my arm and this is where she stayed the whole trip home. By the time we arrived home she had decided that I was her person and she has not left my side since. She has helped heal my heart after the loss of my last dog and I love her to bits... funny little face and all .
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