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Everything posted by dotdashdot

  1. Definitely. I'm one of those people myself, our second dog came home last November. I took her to work with me for the first week, then took 2 weeks off before acclimatising her to being alone/with our other dogs and then leaving her alone with an "escape" to her private run/our loungeroom as she needed. Baby puppy going into a home where it is to be left alone for that long 5 days a week immediately, and the new owners don't take any time to settle pup in - well no I wouldn't be happy with that.
  2. dotdashdot


    Oh I didn't even realise it had been a year big hugs xx
  3. Got my breed picked out (I hope to be the one breeding her) and I know I'm having a Disney theme - probably Lion King, as Nala is my girl. I love the names Simba, Mufasa, Sarabi and Sarafina (especially Sarafina, my name is Sarah but hubby won't let me name a child Sarafina that because it sounds like a prostitutes name?). I may settle on a call name Lulu for a keeper girl, as I'm planning on it being a play on words for the sort of dog she'll be. Solomon is the other name I will use for a boy. And other themes for litters I want are Royal, and Mythology.
  4. I thought that too Diva, that he's slightly lifting his right leg and putting weight on the left. Yes could be the patch creating an illusion...hard to tell!
  5. Well there are at least 3 dal breeders in Tas that I know of that would use it!
  6. Its thought to be genetic, hence why non hearing dogs) are not bred from. Puppies are tested by 8 weeks by responsible breeders, BAER testing is the ONLY reliable test. I dont know about koolies but they have the merle gene, maybe homozygous merles? What used to happen to bilaterally deaf dal pups is a controversial topic, but code of ethics in the dal club of nsw have changed to allow them to be rehomed.
  7. Others have beat me to it but you can always ask me at training if you want me to explain more Sheena, as dals have the same issues, but seeing as dals are less common in our area you wouldn't come across as many (if any) deaf ones.
  8. I agree with this. As much as I LOVE puppies, I couldn't wait for Nala to mature so I could see her movement and structure. I don't mind the full nights sleep now either.
  9. I've got Dalmatian and when I was just showing I was told to put weight on Cleo, and yes she did look a bit better with some more weight on her (20kg to 22kg, was not a huge difference for her) and then I started agility and was told to slim her down. That first lab from Westminster looks a lot like our old lab, who yes is quite heavy but is not carrying a lot of fat when you look at ribs.
  10. Thanks :) You handled your friends Aussie fine :) They are a fun breed. I like having something to groom - though some show days I question my sanity Thank you, it was nice to have her to run as well, seeing as who I was up against in the dal ring! I enjoy watching dogs being groomed, it's quite interesting :)
  11. Well done Poocow. I was lucky enough to see Dare at the Grafton shows, she's beautiful. (I was the girl who had NFI what I was doing with the Aussie bitch pup, my friend had 2 funerals to attend so I offered to handle her girl seeing as she had paid) I think i'll stick with my wash and wear dals, so much easier :)
  12. Whoops...looked at the wrong date on the first thread. I suck with June/July always getting my 6th and 7th month confused. Well on a positive note, that means I missed less weeks than I thought! I shall remove the weeks that we haven't actually had yet....
  13. Well done Laci! Luvsdogs do you know if Laci will be shown at any Mid north coast shows? I've got Kempsey and Taree in July/August and we would be in the same group :)
  14. Removed. broken time machine.
  15. Removed. Broken time machine
  16. 21/52 Kill the Holee! 22/52 Lost ya ear 23/52 On alert!
  17. Time for an epic catch up. These photos are from this afternoon, I would use ones I've taken in the meantime but there are none really. 18/52 Portrait 19/52 In action - grabbing the Wubba 20/52 Not clear, but standing nicely
  18. I love these threads! I love all the piccies! I don't have any photos of Nala's dad, Ivan, that I can share, but here is his profile on DOL. I wish I had a head shot to share - they are SO alike! http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=67520 and here is my baby girl. She is very much like her dad, their head is similar (and colour, and spotting) but they have a very similar temperament too, Nala's breeder (who owns Ivan) has shared lots of things that they both do.
  19. Question! :D can I use a normal show entry form for the ET? I'm in NSW, I googled and found a Victorian Performance entry form but is there a NSW equivalent? (I've never seen one) I've filled it out, just want to check that it's right and then send it off! Did anyone here pass their ET at the Dally Club one? (I'm FB friend with some club people who run it so saw that it was on!)
  20. I normally always bring a jacket (unless I forget it) but I have gone in with no sleeves (peplum top and a dress) when it was stinking hot. I've just bought a skirt suit that has short sleeves, it still looks smart but I won't get so hot. If I were you, I would go with what is most comfortable for you.
  21. Have you considered another dal? I rarely suggest my breed, but you've had them before and know what they're about. They're medium (or large if you get a boy), smart, I don't have kids but I see a lot of photos from dal people on FB of their dogs and kids and energy levels - these vary but my two switch off quite easily. We don't walk every day, and while they might do an afternoon zoomie session around the house, there is no destructive behavior. and of course, being carriage dogs originally they do have a good natural affinity with horses (not that mine have seen them, but from what I've heard) Main downsides are the urinary stones issue, some breeders are working on that at the moment. And of course BAER testing for deafness is important.
  22. Re the "sweat" when my girl had suspected bladder stones last year we found her sitting in her bed in what I would have suspected to be some sort of sweat - the whole bed was soaked yet there was no colour or smell (I now know it was extremely diluted urine, so diluted it was clear). Obviously I knew it wasn't sweat, but that's exactly what it seemed like in the middle of the night, when I was freaking out.
  23. I like shooting in auto, I hardly have any idea of the manual settings and have trouble getting my brain around it (yet I can learn a million new things about dogs) but my husband studied that stuff hard and prefers manual, and makes me shoot in RAW most of the time as well and he honestly does get awesome shots. I can too, but he seems to get them more often and he knows immediately what settings to use. I would say this comes from my early photography days in a marine park where we used auto and sports settings all the time as it was all that was needed for high volume photos in a short time period. The only thing about RAW that bugs me is that I can't print my photos off straight off the card at say Big W photolab and I have to process them in PS before I can open them on my computer.
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