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I guess, for me, I would rather see a spoilt dog (not left to run rampant, just given the best possible life) as I am sick of customers/people who refuse to spend money on their animals. We are the poor mans vet, so many customers walk out of our doors disappointed (and sometimes angry at us) that we don't have a magic pill and we recommend the vets. I was often referred to as a spoilt child, being 8 years behind my siblings and pretty much an only child once they left home. Did I grow up without boundaries? No, quite the opposite. I was just given the best my parents could afford, which was a lot more once the number of children went from 5 to 1 (I was also the only child to not try drugs, or get drunk. I was the boring child)
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
And Didi! -
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Happy birthday Fritzy boy!! -
I heard on the interview the mum say they would take a cat "like Tiffany", not necessarily that exact cat. That was on The Project. I'm SURE I heard that....but haven't seen anyone else refer to that statement. It was over the halfway mark of the interview.
Spoilt for me = given the best care and accessories I can possibly give (within reason). I don't dress them up or carry them around but they eat super premium kibble, have cozy beds, get lots of love and affection and are the centre of my universe (i'd say OH's too, but they probably share that spot with the Playstation 4) I would put off a doctors visit for me, but will rush them to the vet the minute my gut instinct tells me something is wrong.
That's like people who want to buy toys for their parrots that they won't destroy. I'm like....they're parrots....they NEED to destroy! I get no greater pleasure than watching my dog have the time of her life rolling around, squeaking, pouncing and systematically killing her toys. And when it's stomach is opened, I chuck the stuffing and they have it stuffing-less for a while.
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Yep, you may have missed in the other post, Esky's put it up. It's a pretty short list which is a nice change from most things. I haven't weighed Nala in a while, so can't tell you if she's actually put weight on. -
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Yep :) I work at a Petstock, and I'm not sure what other chains/independents sell it, as it's fairly new. If they sell Big Dog BARF or Leading RAW though, chances are that they can get their hands on Muscle Up. But if you have a Petstock nearby and they don't have it on the shelf, do ask for it to be specially ordered or transferred as stores will put out a call and have it sent. We regularly "borrow" stock from a store 2 hours away :D They have a few other things in the range too, like their version of the VAN complete mix - which I too prefer because it doesn't need soaking for 12 hours. Pity the dogs didn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped. Was sort of like forcing a kid to eat veggies..... :laugh: -
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
I didn't notice much change in Cleo once she hit 6 months to be honest! Little bit of filling out, but she hasn't changed much in 3 years (other than brain wise :laugh:) I may end up doing monthly Mum really wants me to as well :) I might do it at the end of every month - seeing as she was born on the 30th. Nala has muscled up a lot lately, but i've been using a supplement at work called "Muscle up" made by Big Dog (who make Big Dog BARF/Leading RAW) it's basically just protein powder for dogs (Ing: Glutamine, Whey Concentrate, Amino Acids, Vegetable Oil, Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Kelp) but she's really defined all of a sudden! She's such a smoochy baby though....and if anyone loves Nala....her other Aunty (dad's sister, Cleo is mum's sister) just had a litter of gorgeous-ness last week. -
I have to say, I've never seen a bruise on my girls. Cleo is the only one that's desexed, but even then it was only red and swollen, not purple. and then, when I had my wisdom teeth out in hospital, under a GA, they were very rough and obviously used a breathing tube too big for my throat. Sometimes I think some surgeons get heavy handed when the patient is conked out.
Wow, amazing how it heals. I find the amount of bruising incredible...I wouldn't have thought all that area would be bruised from that sort of surgery!
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
I have just watched & shared :) Love the idea ! Terrific pics - all sorts of moods & weather ... Thanks Pers! This Sunday was the first Sunday since November last year that we haven't had to take a photo. Felt weird.... -
Oh i love these pics! I have a "spethal" dog but no photographic evidence.
That is absolutely awesome and a brilliant way to get across to the general public that show dogs aren't some sort of exotic creature that sits on a cushion when not at shows, but are family members just like other dogs! EFS I agree! I love how my breed has a really active facebook group that is run really, really well and there are heaps of breeders interacting with pet people. Not all the show people show their dogs in there "normal" life, but I'd like to think that I'm contributing showing our beach runs, our funny photos (dressed my girls up in bob marley wigs last night) and our show wins. We're starting a youtube channel too - for us to record our life and be able to watch back, but focusing a lot on the dogs so I can share their fun lives (and the reality of breeding, I plan on filming when we have Nala hip scored, and other health tests done.)
I work in a pet supply store, and I would agree that a lot of people think that a show dog is like a piece of china that sits on a shelf. I show myself, so I get a great opportunity to change people's minds (and right now my show dog is chewing her new fave toy on my bed). Just tonight I was thinking that a blog called "the secret life of a showdog" would be funny, showing them doing NORMAL things with a show here and there. Then again, that's basically my FB....99% of that is dog related :laugh: I was about 10 when I found out about the show world,when we got our labrador. Wasn't until 4 years ago when I found DOL though, that I really learnt the difference between a reg breeder and a BYB.
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Thanks! I think all our pups in here are extra special. 2013 made some beautiful dogs! No, he's definitely not! Anybody that says he is, hasn't seen a dalmatian :laugh: when I look at Fritz, I see raw power and muscle. Dallies are muscle too, but it's finer, like a sighthound. -
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Aw all our puppies are growing up! Fritz is a whole lotta muscle! Nala is officially no longer a puppy the next time this house has puppies they will hopefully be her children :) from this little munchkin to this big monster! -
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
We haven't quite hit Nala's first birthday yet, but tomorrow is officially 52 weeks since she came home. Some of you know that we've done weekly photos every week in the same spot since 8 weeks of age, and today we took the last photo. I've made a montage, so sit back and enjoy watching a dalmatian grow up in less than 2 minutes. -
we've also started agility with Nala, just basic stuff but she's showing a lot of drive (compared to Cleo) and loves it. Especially the tunnel.
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Happy Birthday Laci! -
While I can understand the excitement and desire to get a pup "NOW!" I have to encourage patience. I waited well over a year for the perfect opportunity to present itself, and then the rest of the pregnancy and puppyhood until I got my girl. And boy is she worth it! I am not a patient person, as my parents and husband will testify, but all I have to think is that this dog will be a companion for up to fifteen years - is it worth making a hurried decision now for immediate (and perhaps later regretted) satisfaction - or wait a while and be totally and utterly satisfied for fifteen or more years.
I've only just spotted this thread, caught my eye because I have heard of this group in my hometown, Im on the mid north coast of NSW. They don't have a great reputation, from what i've been told by customers (including a puppy dying soon after being given to new owners, owners experienced with dogs). Also have heard that they owe money to vets (but that doesn't necessarily mean anything) Other than that my personal experience with them is getting us to engrave about 30 name tags (with Fur Furever and names/numbers) which, because it would take a while, was not paid for upfront. Now we have 30 name tags and they don't return calls!
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
thanks guys :) we topped it off with another 2 BOB's and a bonus puppy in group as well. Had a fantastic judge yesterday who gave me some handling tips in breed, which I put into practice in group and he then awarded me in my class, saying that she looks great on the move and was a totally different dog when I changed how I held the lead (loose as opposed to taut). I'm lucky to not have too many responsibilities at home, other than the dogs, so showing is only limited by money and distance. Country shows are fun though :) they are what I'm used to, so I feel out of sorts at the big shows! (this weekend had entries of just over 200, very small!) I will also add that this afternoon, zoomies were enjoyed by all -
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dotdashdot replied to julesluvscavs's topic in Puppy Chat
Well as our last weekend in puppy class, Nala has started with a bang. We got BOB today (only dals that showed, despite another being entered) but i'm more proud of how she held herself and worked for me - she's definitely all growed up but she has her moments. Now the part I hate, trying to keep her clean for 3 days! No zoomies allowed! -
Petstock as a whole is fine, can't say i've heard anything about that particular store, but maybe call a nearby Petstock - Indooroopilly, Clayfield or Coorporoo should have an idea if they've gone down.