I'm having a little bit of trouble registering my pup with DogsNSW (I apologize if this is in the wrong section, this is my first thread and rego of a pup). I've joined online, paid my full membership fee and after contacting DogNSW I was given my membership number.
Now, each time I try to go to "become online member/reset password" it comes up with a page saying either my details are wrong or the page is down for maintaince (several times over 2 days I don't think it's down?)
Am I doing something obviously wrong that is really simple to fix? and do I get a mail-out from them confirming my rego (if it's easier I will just wait for this to arrive and try again then).
Thank you in advance for any help you may give me, I just really want her registered (because I'll probably forget if I don't do it soon hehe)