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Everything posted by dotdashdot

  1. I don't let my birds out with my dog, not even supervised. Cleo can move so quickly that she could kill them (cockatiels) in an instant and they won't take her on like a bigger bird might. Their inside cage is accessible to her, but most of the time she forgets that they are in there at night and won't even look at them unless they flap around.
  2. How is he going with food? Did you end up trying another brand? We've got a catalogue sale coming up on the 21st too (but I didn't tell you that) :D
  3. Just my 2 cents. $350 is what I paid for a spey last year including painkillers for 3 days after. That is a good price for my town's best and most modern clinic (I'm semi-rural)
  4. I'd definitely go for an Oztrail, from BCF or similar. I got a compact I think, didn't cost a lot (under $150) and is good quality (plus you'll blend in with all the other showies!).
  5. Another one who's pup flew (literally 2 years ago to the day). She came from Tasmania to the mid north coast of NSW, so would have had a stop in either Melbourne or Sydney. There was a delay but she was just a normal pup on arrival. Even held her bladder until I got her out of the crate (but I was holding her so guess who got "baptized" by pee). She was playful and happy and very much like any other pup that gets picked up straight from the breeder.
  6. I had Cleo desexed at 12 months. Originally she was going to be left entire as a show dog but due to personal circumstances she was desexed and I think it was the perfect age (*for her). She'd had one season (and one phantom pregnancy) and I could clearly see her maturity kick in. She's only a slight girl anyway, so physically I can't see any difference (except I feed less to maintain her perfect weight) My next dog will be a show dog or bitch and will be left entire but if I were to have another pet Dalmatian, female would be spayed at 12 months and male at 18. More for joint health and I also feel like I am able to contain and control my dogs where they wouldn't be a risk of escaping and contributing to unwanted pregnancies. For the majority of the public, desexing at 6 months works because many (that I come into contact with) couldn't be bothered to put the time and effort into containing their dogs properly. ETA * wanted to clarify that point
  7. I buy and use Greenies. Can't say I find them beneficial, but I forget to feed them everyday :D . I don't see them as a replacement for proper dental hygiene and checking the mouth anyway (my dog has a "mouth check" every few days before dinner just to 1. have her used to it and 2. make sure all is well) Personally, I see more benefit in feeding my dog a frozen chicken carcass than Greenies, her teeth are always sparkling after the bone treatment, but she still gets Greenies as a treat.
  8. There is meant to be a difference. The Puppy Kongs are meant to be a softer rubber that is not easily pierced by sharp puppy teeth. Obviously you then have normal Kongs which are harder and are designed for normal chewers (with adult teeth) and then the Senior Kong is again softer rubber, but not the same as the puppy "formula" as it is not designed for the beating that pups would give it. Then there is the Extreme Kong which is really tough. I've had fun recently with Kongs. Used peanut butter to stuff the little hole and filled the rest of the kong with a lovely concoction of fish and a bit of cottage cheese :) Cleo loved it!
  9. Can I ask how so? Just wondering if they are the same as the ones at my work, which are just dry hooves? Cleo and my parent's dogs just slowly grind a bit of every night, they don't get soggy or anything.
  10. I'd love to see my dally done! I had trouble getting her spots just right when I tried to draw her!
  11. So glad Cleo came to me with a collar on and willing to walk on lead. But I too would take it slow and encourage good behavior and use distraction. Put the collar on and treat if he ignores it. Then try to wait longer between treating. Build it up until you no longer need to treat (obviously this would work if he was so focused on you and the food that the collar becomes nothing). Do similar for lead training, clip lead on and treat. Walk short distance and treat. Etc.
  12. I thought Purina One was the Premium food, and Supercoat was what ever you call below that, as they are both Purina? Then Pro Plan being the Super Premium. I've been spending too much time looking at dog food, I'm getting confused! Oh and I completely agree with the best food is whatever your dog does best on. As people already know my old boy did best on Pedigree!! Supercoat calls itself "premium quality". I guess, compared to some out there it could be considered such (I'm thinking those $1 per kg brands). One and Supercoat seem very similar to me, maybe just appealing to different markets.
  13. I said exactly the same thing to my OH when it was on the news. He said something about pitbulls and I promptly showed him the "pick the pitbull" page. I don't like bull breeds at all (just don't like the look), but I will educate everyone around me NOT to propagate breed specific hate.
  14. I don't. I only have one dog but I have five, no 7 cockatiels (took 2 in last week). Cleo my dalmatian is my baby, I would protect her from anything if I could. She is getting a sibling next year and I already feel the love for that pup will be the same, I am already attached to a pup that is not even in existence! (But I know it's mother and half siblings) My birdies are different. Ruby, Squeak and Pheonix + 2 newbies are the aviary birds, I love them but not as much as the two babies I handraised last year. They have so much character and are total crack ups. I don't love my birds as much as my dog, probably because I find it easier to bond with a dog.
  15. I'm here til next year, I just lurk in the background coz I don't have exciting stuff to share yet.
  16. I just checked it out online and it's way cool. Is it easy to control your dogs with these? Caesar's still a baby so he might just bolt when he sees fit, but other times he's ok. Yea, I love it! I find it very easy to control Cleo (but I find she responds to small movements of the lead anyway), but if I need her close, I can use the traffic length section to keep her closer to my leg - I must mention that there are 2 lengths available, I have the longer one, 48 inches. I was given an ugly brown one but it's so awesome that I don't care that it doesn't match (I like to colour co-ordinate collar and lead, I'm crazy like that)
  17. The guide on the bag is just that - a guide. This is Royal Canin right? (their bags are the most confusing of all brands, with their 1/8th increments). So 1 5/8's is just over 1 and a half cups, you're feeding 1 cup + mince. As long as he's not losing weight, I wouldn't worry about him not eating it all. Maybe utilize the Kongs and plastic bottles more if that encourages him to eat more, if you think he needs to eat more.
  18. I was given a Ezy Dog Zero Shock lead by a rep, and I love it! It has the elastic in it which absorbs shock if she pulls all of a sudden but also has a handle near the clip that makes it traffic lead length. It has neoprene in the handle too which is nicer than nylon!
  19. Once I would have agreed with you, but the breeder of my next pup feeds that kibble and puppy milk for the pups. No weetbix, but the breeder of my current dog recommended it actually, and also Supercoat. After knowing the breeder of my next pup for a few years now, and her dogs, it works for them and they are her life. Some people just don't know as much about food as others, or find that they do best on these cheaper foods. I was very naughty, I switched Cleo's diet straight away when I got her from Supercoat to Holistic Select with no ill effects (I didn't want to buy Supercoat when I don't like it at all). I ALWAYS recommend to my customers though that they add a bit of new food each day for 7 days.
  20. One of the first questions got me, in describing my dog. Is the dog light or dark? Well she's black and white, spotted. She's 50:50! I chose light as my short sighted vision sees light better than dark.
  21. The use of the word holistic in commercial kibble is really just a marketing gimmick. I'm not knocking the food, I feed HS to two of my dogs, but I'm under no illusions that the food is truly holistic.It sounds good though and makes me feel as though I'm feeding them one of the best I know :) I mainly use the word to differeniate it from the rest which use wheat and soy and other stuff I try avoid.
  22. wow what a rep! I have one that we all detest. She acts like she's much much better than all of us, why don't we stock the whole range of her brand blah blah blah (we literally have NO more room and it's not the best seller in our store.) She has turned me off her brand, whereas the reps of the brand of food I feed my dog gives us big bags of food every visit! 6kg's at a time, but only to us that use it (i.e not my boss who is a die hard Hill's man). Even if I weren't getting this food for free, I would be buying it. When I'm having a full on food conversation with customers, I usually end up using the line I learnt here: the best food for your dog is the food your dog does best on! Just like I can eat dairy and gluten and feel fine and my sister feels better if she doesn't.
  23. Maybe if he tries the food route again just tell him that you've made your mind up, and don't want his opinion shoved down your throat. I work in a pet store and the only time I will comment on a brand is if people actually ask me. I won't serve someone buying Supercoat and say "that's rubbish, buy this instead". Bad business. Makes the customer unhappy and feeling like you did when you asked this question. I don't think you should leave a vet clinic feeling like that - I've always left feeling happy and confident that I'm looking after my dog. On the note of what age to stop - it depends on the breed and the food. Large breeds are considered fully grown usually between 18-24 months. Medium and small breeds 12 months. Only puppy foods that recommend feeding past 12 months should be fed past that mark. With BH I would switch at 12 months, but that said I did feed my pup on holistic brands (Holistic Select and BH) from 3 months of age and she's beautifully built and proportioned. I think Advance Lg Breed and Royal Canin are 2 that are up to 24months
  24. Honestly, small dogs worry me more than big dogs a lot of the time. Cleo was rushed and nearly attacked by a JRT that ran out of a house when we were on a walk. The owner ran after it and got it just as it went in to bite her. She doesn't trust all dogs now. I will now shoo and protect Cleo from any dog that approaches (off lead). It's horrible to not trust dogs when I love them so much but I wont risk Cleo getting hurt or her retaliating and then being branded as the "bad dog"
  25. I met Raiden! He is GORGEOUS! Cute, no sorry, HANDSOME little man. Never seen a pup actually hug and hang onto someone. I hope he finally lets Lhok go so she can put up photos for everyone.
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