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Everything posted by dotdashdot

  1. No collar (including the new Scalibor collar) are suitable for dogs that swim often. The active ingredients in collars are disseminated throughout the coat and skin. Water removes the actives from the coat and skin and leaves animals unprotected for 48 hours after reapplying the collar, the time it takes for the actives to re-disseminate throughout the coat. (Unlike topically that disseminate and go through the skin to the various areas the different brands are designed to go ie advantix goes to the lipid layer of skin ( below the surface) and the lipid layer is water resistant. Frontline goes to the bloodstream along with residuals in the epidermis. The current collars, ie preventic, kiltix and scalibor have lower efficacy than topicals. Collars are approx preventic 74% Kiltix 92% Scalibor 81% Topicals: Advantix 98% fortnightly application Frontline 62% fortnightly application Frontline spray 87% sprayed externally once every 2-3 weeks Permoxin 67% sprayed every 3-5 days Advantix is the only one that repels as well as kills. No product is 100% for paralysis ticks and DAILY SEARCHING IS STILL REQUIRED EVEN WITH PREVENTATIVES. NONE OF THESE PRODUCTS ARE SUITED FOR CATS Frontline may be used on cats with veterinary advice. Hope this helps Where did you get these statistics? I believe she is a rep for Bayer. Frontline doesn't go into the bloodstream though, works the same as Advantix. The oils get stored in the little "reservoirs" of oils where the hairs grow from. This from the mouth of the Frontline rep herself.
  2. Certainly did :) Although i'm sure Petbarn would sell it too.
  3. I have one branded Vetbasix. It's really thick and contains bitters so they won't lick it off. I use it on Cleo's pink spot on her nose, it's only really good for small patches because of the thickness. If you don't wash it off it stays on for days.
  4. I LOVE TREBLE! Was awesome to meet him today, and chatting with you! As you can imagine, it's not often I have people come in that 1. understand pure bred dogs and how showing/breeding can become a passion and 2. have great breed knowledge. My workmates get over me talking about it and don't quite understand WHY I don't like BYB's so much. Also loved hearing that you know that info about LUA's!
  5. The chickens are contained in a roofless run + roofed coop, but some dogs still get excited by seeing them. If you want to bring him in, you can pop in to the store while he's in the car and i'll lock them in the roofed, contained area? I think Cleo committed a birdur the other day...I don't trust her with my pet birds for that reason, her drive is so strong!
  6. Sounds great! Can I ask who the new trainer is? (Pm if you want). The new trainer is Kyra :) She wasn't available until friday so I have had to wait :) I'm looking forward to working with her. --Lhok Awesome! I look forward to hearing how you go! And seeing you tomorrow if you're still coming in? Warning - we have chickens at the moment! (so if Treb's prey drive is strong he may be VERY interested!)
  7. After speaking to the reps for Frontline and Revolution, which use the same method of distribution (the skin oils), applying after at least 24 hours is best - to avoid the risk of applying it to a dog that isn't completely dry (water + oil not mixing and all that). I don't know why they don't put it on the leaflet, it's information we are told when being taught about the products. I wait, or apply it between baths because when you're paying that much, why risk wasting it?
  8. Sounds great! Can I ask who the new trainer is? (Pm if you want).
  9. Cleo is totally not interested when I apply it, she only ever grooms herself at bedtime and then it's not her back that she looks after.... :laugh: The other dog doesn't go near it either. Of course, if I had a dog that was going to groom itself, I would take steps to prevent it happening.
  10. Me too, except I run it in a line from the shoulder blades to the bum. So she's a yellow-striped dally for a few days. Sometimes it seems like too much liquid for one little spot!
  11. Cleo is very independent. I've always wanted a snuggly dog, but I've got the most un-cuddly dog possible. It's like she tolerates hugs, but barely. That's not to say she's not loving though. I get HUGE smiles every day (those who know dallies will be familiar with that) and she does a little hop-skip walk around us but she won't sit at our feet, she won't lie still on the bed (one reason she sleeps in a crate, she doesn't like our bed) she just wont sit still full stop. We have an amazing relationship though, we read each other very well and my does she know how to push my buttons. If I need my snuggly dog fix, I visit my parents. They have a mini schnauzer boy that will run and leap into my lap to curl up and snuggle. He also will just walk in to the house and lie down at your feet, so very different to Cleo! (but opposites attract because these two are BEST friends!)
  12. 24 hours after the bath, no sooner.
  13. My biggest concern with that product is that they don't have the same ticks as we do, and thus that product isn't designed to combat them. I would want to see real evidence and scientific trials from that treatment before using it, it would be awesome if it could replace Advantix and Frontline (or ticks could just drop of the planet completely! I can't see anyone suffering too much from a tick wipeout) I've heard of more reactions to Advantix on here, than in real life. Anecdotally, they are more likely to happen in little dogs. I honestly would think that you would be safe to use Advantix considering how far away the cats stay from the dog. Unfortunately the residue for the kids remains, and I find it very noticeable on a white dog but it's worth it. At the end of the day though, it's your call to make. I have lots of customers who have cats and dogs and use Advantix safely, and probably a number that have both animals and use Advantix on the dog not knowing that it's toxic to the cat. You wouldn't believe the number of people coming in asking for Advantix for their cat! We just smile and say "you must mean Advantage, Advantix would kill your cat" and they don't know! I'm waiting eagerly for a tick pill to come back after Proban got banned, down here nearly everybody visits the beach in the afternoon with their dog!
  14. I would only worry about the cats reaction to Advantix if the cats actively groomed the dogs a lot. But I understand not wanting to take the risk. Unfortunately, in areas like my own, Frontline is next to useless. We still sell plenty, probably because it does seem to work for SOME people, like my own parents. They've had ONE tick in over 20 years, and a couple of flea bites. I won't take that risk however and use Advantix because I live slightly further south and have more bush around here. Many more dogs seem to react to Comfortis, and I won't touch that stuff ever. And keep in mind, that I'm sure many more people will tell of negative experiences than positive. My work is literally selling 30+ packs of Advantix a week, and trust me, people come back when they are not happy! But really, you've got to weigh up the risks, reaction vs. paralysis and/or very expensive vet bill for yourself, and take into account how bad the area you live in is for ticks. For me, the bad reaction has never happened, and I've not had a tick yet + saw a flea once but once only and I live in one of the worst areas for paralysis ticks in Australia, for me - there is no choice but to use this product!
  15. My work recently started selling them which I was stoked about (after hearing about them on here, but wanting to see them before buying not just buying online). We have split ones and whole ones, and in all shapes and sizes. I got my girl one of each, the whole one will last the longest but doesn't hold her attention for anywhere near as long as the split one where she has a good go at the marrow. The split one was a bit sharp on the edges but didn't worry her at all. She's not a power/destroy chewer so I don't worry too much about her chipping a tooth (I still supervise). I wouldn't give one to the in laws staffy x lab though as she has one purpose with chew toys - DESTROY! She WOULD hurt herself. I also have cow hooves, another popular treat here that isn't smelly (that I can detect anyway!) and long lasting.
  16. I only feed it as a back up when I run out of barf patties. I've fed the Holistic Select cans, and it actually has vegetables visible but at the end of the day, all cans are still like 80% water. When I have customers ask if it's necessary to feed wet, I say no, but if they want the variety wet can offer than maybe try barf patties, which has meat, offal, bone and vegetable and not much more than that.
  17. Clothes are easy, don't stress too much. I can never find the nice shiny suits some showies wear, so I've partnered beige slacks with a blouse from Dotti (white with tiny black spots) and a blue jacket also from Dotti. I have a skirt suit from Noni B but it's too long to run fast in! These are pics from my last sunny show with and without jacket (October will probably be too hot for a jacket! Some will wear one anyway, but this was July and it was too hot!)
  18. Good luck! Don't worry, I've shown in rain more than sunshine and haven't fallen over yet! Just get some good shoes like Sketchers with some good grip! I have proper joggers as well, but I prefer my Sketchers to show in, I feel like I grip better.
  19. I saw your dally the other day as I was leaving the store she is lovely :) and if that man I saw was your hubby he is pretty good looking too. I hope you get the good news you are looking for :) Also Treble and I will be swinging past on Wednesday if your in store we will see you. :) --Lhok Aw thanks :) she loves coming to work! She gets lots of attention (and my boss adores her) hahaha thanks, I reckon he's pretty spunky too ;) I most likely will be working Wednesday, see you then! I look forward to meeting the Treb man!
  20. I have no idea, I don't know who I may go with for new pup...I feel so lost. My dogs sister is having pups soon, or I could hark back to her fathers lines and go Paceaway, they have a lot of litters and the lines that i'm familiar with and that I like the look of. The dally I was waiting on was Aussie, but I'm also waiting on a LUA dal or semen to come over, but that's not in the immediate future.
  21. So I just found out I won't be getting a pup from my breeder next year any more, that bitch won't be bred again...so I'm now on the hunt for a pup from another breeder...I was excited coz it may mean I could have a pup this year, but hubby is saying no, January still. But if that means it can come home in January, that's 4 months sooner than I thought. Totally didn't see this coming (but I totally respect and understand the breeder's decision, she's a good friend of mine now!) I've sworn to have one of her pups one day! So MAYBE i'll have very exciting news soon :D (I certainly hope so)
  22. Anyone tried coconut oil for coats? I'd read on here about it so bought some from Woolies and Cleo enjoys it. She doesn't need it for her coat, but I like to try different stuff (you can use it to cook with too). Oh and if anyone needs toys to keep pups entertained or to slow down meals, there is a new range of toys from Purina called Pet Life Play systems...I bought one for Cleo today, and ordered more in today :D I can't help myself. She had HEAPS of fun with the one I bought. They are designed by Nina Ottosson, if anyone is familiar with that name? Just thought i'd share :)
  23. Another one here who didn't do much crate training. Cleo was 6 months when I started though, but I will be using the same technique with my next pup who'll be a baby. Cleo already knew to "station" i.e go to a certain spot before she was allowed to move towards her bowl. One day the stationing spot changed from a tramp bed to a crate with a bed inside it, she barely blinked at it. Being shut in the crate didn't happen for a few more months but now she sleeps in there every night, and will spend a day at a show in there. She loves her crate!
  24. I don't have the issue with animal lib types, but my own sister was bombarding FB with her healthy lifestyle crap, to the point of taking swipes at my mum and her choice to have chemo to save her life. We all ignored it for over a year, then it came to a head when she said some very rude and insulting stuff at a family dinner. But ignoring it worked while it didn't affect us (i.e no insults). I no longer talk to my sister, I was unfriended by her ("accidentally") and then I blocked her so I couldn't be harassed any more but I still have to put up with a few others who use FB as a soapbox. I still just ignore it - they can have their opinion and I can have mine as long as it's not insulting personally. Personally, I'm too nice. I don't like to cause a fuss or rock the boat. Even if someone says something I don't agree with in public, Im more likely to bite my tongue than stand up to them. Wish I was stronger.
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