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Everything posted by dotdashdot

  1. Got more pics!! My first real attempt at stacking a baby puppy Her 9 week shot And sisters (or aunty/neice lol)
  2. totally agree, I got a couple for my dogs and threw them out after the first chew session. Interesting...must be coz my guys don't go nuts over them, they like them, but just grind at them but never to the point of them being wet and smelly.
  3. hehe thanks everyone, I think I'm SO lucky to have her! Really can't wait to hit the show rings, I think she'll turn some heads (well I hope!) Esky, her eyes should stay a greenish hazel colour, the other adult liver's I've seen have had stunning eyes :) I'll have to take more photos this weekend to share!
  4. I'll oblige :) (hope I don't have them too big, I did resize!) my absolute favourite photo so far, the breeder shared this pic on her FB wall and people in Europe were liking and commenting on it!
  5. Man I forgot how full on puppies were lol. Cleo was SO easy, we just got her home started putting her out with the other dog after a few days and happily ever after. Having a 3rd dog in the mix though is a bit harder, I don't trust Izzy (the other dog, belongs to my in laws whom we live with) so Nala is staying inside, in her crate + puppy pen and having lots of play sessions inside and out when we just gate Izzy out of the section we're in. We did introduce all three dogs yesterday but Cleo was protective, Izzy got a bit rough and I was worried, Nala is SO little! (Izzy is a staffy x lab). Might limit interaction until Nala is 12 weeks and a bit stockier. In the mean time, my parents have 3 dogs I can "use" to socialize :) Nala is doing really well with "alone time", trying to teach her how to cope without us next to her constantly. We just pop her in the puppy pen + crate with a few things to entertain her and leave her and she sooks but quickly settles and dozes off. So far we haven't had any sustained crying in the crate YAY! She's a cheeky miss though, when I gave her lunch earlier she stuck her head in the food bin and was eating out of the food scoop! Might up her food a bit, she's a bit thinner than Cleo was when I got her and she seemed a bit ravenous.
  6. Oh she's just as excited as we were! I think I'm going to have to walk around with a teething toy handy to shove in her mouth, she's a bit bitey! Damn her cuteness, i'm going to run out of memory on my computer with all the photos i'm taking!
  7. haha reading back about what I said with my sister, I realize it probably makes no sense. Lol. She had her baby in my hometown, I took her back to Brissie so she could fly to Isa and she was getting a haircut yesterday, hence why I was waiting. I will blame the sleep deprivation :) And yes she is the most exquisite little precious thing, I do have trouble believing that it's her! She's here, she's MINE! I think she's going to do so well in the show ring, just a confident little miss! Her spotting is much better IRL too, different to the original pics I had to choose from!
  8. Time to introduce Nala... Me and my girls Look into my green green eyes....(and yes I've got a cicada shell in my mouth!) Nala knows she's littler than Cleo and exploits the fact! She teases her from the safety of cover. It was a long trip home! We got Cleo at about 3.40pm (QLD time) at Brisbane airport and we waited around at my aunties house at Mt Cotton for my sister to get home as she was flying back to Mt Isa with my new baby nephew and I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye but it was 7pm (NSW time) before we left, so we didn't get home til 1.30am!!! Nala slept the WHOLE way home :) such a good girl. Then she slept 1.30-6.30 and not a peep. We've even had no accidents yep! I'm trying to take her out a lot though, so giving her lots of chances to do it outside. She did poop on my shoe in the car during the trip from the airport to my aunties house but she'd just been on a huge flight so I didn't mind (but god it stunk!)
  9. I think it is a Treb thing lucky me.. and OOOOH yay for new puppy! I told Bea that you were getting a spotty pup like Potts her Dalmatian soft toy (named after bottomley potts all covered in spots from hairy maclary) and she asked if we could go to the fish shop today to see Potts. This is going to be like the birdy and the kitten all over again. :laugh: --Lhok Oh yes...I hope I'm not that lucky lol. Oh she's gorgeous, I honestly hope my kids are like her! Only 6 more sleeps until she can come in and see her :) And yes I forsee a lot of Potts talk in your future.......
  10. Thanks for the answers :) I had forgotten that I had asked that in here! I'm really hoping that it all arrives in time, the judges are dally people and I'm keen to show under them!
  11. Oh Treb! Is it a boy thing, rolling in his wee? Or just random? And in 3 days I can "officially" join this thread :)
  12. My most recent puppy was chosen a bit by both of us. I live 3 states away from the breeder, so all contact has been via email and mostly facebook (we've known of each other for over a year now). She knew I wanted a girl show pup, so showed me 4 pics of the 4 girls and told me to list my preferences, telling me that she hadn't decided yet. In the end, she said she was choosing from the two girls I had listed 3rd and 4th (she had a different need to me, and they had what she wanted)...so I had to choose from my top 2. So in the end, I got the girl I originally chose, and I've since been told that she's a confident little thing that should do well in the ring. Sounds bloody cheeky too, just like her Aunty Cleo (my other dog, who is literally her aunty)
  13. We can't get dragons, only bunnies, ducks, moose, octopi, panda, patchie bunny, snuggie bunny (that's new!) and lobsta. I googled knotties, thare are SO manY!!!
  14. I'm sure Lhok will jump back in here, but in her absence, after talking with her on several occasions, she's all over the service dog thing. Treb was undergoing proper training by a trainer who specializes in training dogs to be assistance dogs.
  15. I just think "what the?" I have seen them on gumtree before, I know they are far from "new". I hate cross breeding in general, but with such a size difference! It horrifies me. Plus they are both spitz breeds, what's the big deal!?
  16. Especially if it's a new store, hopefully they opted in for the Xmas card scheme (if it's a corporate store they would have had to, franchises like my store got a choice).
  17. A Rotti sounds like a good option, they few I've met are beautiful. Schnauzer would be cool, would need a bit more grooming than Treb though, mum clips her mini every 6-8 weeks depending on the season, he feels the heat badly, even fully clipped. Can't wait to hear what you decide on, I'll get to meet it YAY!
  18. Me three.... On the weekend when someone asked what kind of dog I had - I said a Stafford. Oh a staffy they say, American or English? I said no he is not an Amstaff, he is a staffordshire bull terrier..... And they are like, so an English staffy then?...... No just an SBT! Very annoying. I have to admit, I do do this, but for a reason. I work in a pet store, and when I have to size harnesses or help people remember how big their dogs are (without the dog being there) I often ask what type of dog they have....common answer is "staffy". Now, with the demographic in this area that could be either Staffordshire or Amstaff and I will prompt with "English or Amstaff?" if they can't tell me a rough weight or size. If I were to just stay "STB or Amstaff?" I would get blank looks. Seriously, we've had people coming in telling us about the wonderful new breed that's not in Australia yet....the...wait for it...Pomsky. Pom x husky. I shudder when I hear it (they're not talking to me, so I don't interject).
  19. Lisa, we have a yearly "100 top spenders" campaign where each store sends out vouchers to "reward" the top spenders, I didn't make the list but my workmate did, he topped the list!!! Was a scary amount of money lol. Maybe you'll get a surprise in the mail :) And yes Hankodie, there is a panda and if your store doesn't carry it, ask for them to please order it :) it's blue and white (google images "knotties panda") we got a basic order of only particular ones, then I discovered more and ordered them in. Having a young woman who likes pretty things as the person in charge of ordering may not be the BEST decision ever....but I try to save money elsewhere. And I guess, our major demographic are young women up to the age of about 35, so my tastes should be spot on! The same workmate who was the top spender in our store bought the octopus for his whippets, the legs didn't last long ON the body, but their favourite toy now is just one leg that survived.
  20. I messaged a breeder last night about some information that she teased about on FB and was so nervous that I had asked a question that I shouldn't have asked coz she hadn't written back today at lunch time....but then I had a reply when I got home tonight and we've been chatting for a few hours now lol. I really shouldn't be organizing my next dog though...i'm so naughty.
  21. Well I know where you guys shop for your dog toys lol! I know I spend too much time at work when I look at those pics and think "Knotties moose lg" or "knotties lobsta lg" I want to get Nala one but don't know which to get...I quite like the panda...
  22. Sorry to hear this on a positive note, i'm glad that's its able to be treated!
  23. Can you photograph the dog on their property (is that legal?) and start keeping a diary? Then you have proof and a record. Also, neighbours that can testify that Treb is not barking?
  24. haha thanks :) Lhok, cuddles will be on offer from the 2nd of December. I think i'm going to try to take the first week off and then go back to work. But this depends on workmates so i'll let you know once we've got her. The photos are a week apart, she's grown a lot in a week!
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