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Everything posted by Sonny17

  1. Love the Tuna recipe ... I think she will like that, thank you. Green beans, never though of that! We have been trying her on carrots one day she likes them, then the next she won't touch them. Thanks heaps
  2. She's on steriods which is making her super hungry... I am going to get a referal to a specialist but it has made her put on a whole heap of weight. I still want to give her treats so was looking for some that were low in fat, not sure about the % of fat that she should or is meant to have
  3. Hiya.. Does anyone have any good low fat recipes for treats for my girl - she and I would really appreciate it :D
  4. My girl does this all the time.. Was the first time I had ever seen it when I got her a year ago - I couldn't stop laughing for days
  5. Hi Guys, @Stormie - Joint fluid? No that's something that they haven't looked at - but I will be suggesting that on our next visit. @Staranais - The 10 - 25% is what I am worried about I'm worried that we will do heaps and heaps more tests and then it will all come back negative - although I guess we would know then... Thanks so much
  6. Hi everyone.... I have a problem with my dog (German short haired pointer). A little while ago she developed a high fever initially the vet thought that it was a cold and gave us antibiotics and pain killers. A week later the fever came back again, after the pain killers ran out. We took her back to the vet, who decided to do blood tests, these came back not showing anything abnormal but we were given some more antibiotics and pain killers. We then decided to have an xray and an ultrsound - both of these came back negative. But the vet that did the ultrsound suggested that we test for Lupis. She was taken off the antibiotics and put on steriods - which seemed to work ok meaning the fever didn't come back. A week later the tests came back negative, so we decided to start weening her off the steriods. Three days after we started the weening the fever came back, so we went back to the inital dose of steriods. The steriods are making her super hungry and super thirsty - the vet wants us to stay on these until at least September. The only proble is now she has started to pack on the weight - which we did expect but its just crazy. Was wondering if anyone has ever seen this before and has any advise. I know that long term steroids is going to give her other complications, but I just don't know what else to do anymore... Thanks and sorry for the long post
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