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Beautiful Illusions

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Everything posted by Beautiful Illusions

  1. Due to recent unemployment and a dislike for what I am trained in (Administration), I decided to go out on a limb and follow my heart. So I started up my own small business as a Pet Photographer. I love animals and have a knack for winning over even the most unsettled or the timid. I love this job and wouldn't change it for the world. I don't really feel that people that have no training are detrimental to the 'professional'. Anyway, you are welcome to check out my FB page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Beautiful-Illusions-Photography/103461956409938 I would love some links to your pages as well for I love looking at other people's photography
  2. Thought I should introduce myself. My name is Bec and I am the VERY proud owner of a beautiful Doberman named Zeus. He is our pride and joy. Such an under-rated breed if you ask me. Zeus is the biggest sook, loves being with the family and usually puts himself to sleep in my 14yo daughters bedroom of a night. We will often find him snuggled up on her bed. So here he is, our big baby Zeus, 3 years old. http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll5/bobbigirl08/Zeus-Edit.jpg
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