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  1. Hi All, I've spent hours searching already but didn't really find a solution - so please don't shoot me if it's been done to death already :) During some dental work today the blood results came back that my 8 (nearly 9) yr old Border Collie is getting pretty close to chronic renal failure. Being near borderline diet just might save him, or at least get a few more years out of him had it not been noticed until it was too far gone. So my question is what dry food is out there that's low in Phosphorus, Calcium and Salt (salt levels were sky high). The only 1 I know off with minimal of the above is Hills k/d, however I'm not the biggest fan of Hills. I was tempted to switch to Artemis Weight Management (he was near 30kg when we got him 9 months ago, he's now around 20kg - so almost right) as salt, protein and fat I liked, but Phosphorus and Calcium are in the average range. He was on Nutro Lite to lose the weight and on Black Hawk of late. Any suggestions/advice would be highly appreciated. Cheers.
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