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Everything posted by rockstar

  1. Hi.. hmm we have a 'tether' for the dog outside. Thnk God for it because tonight when I went to put the dog on it she took off after the cat and almost got her i better get to work on this 'training session' soon
  2. I don't think worms would cause the blood? I know if there is blood in the stool it needs to see a vet... Could be something like parvo virus or maybe just a broken blood vessel.
  3. The cat doesn't run. Thats why if the dog ever escaped.... It does seem like a better idea to put the dog in the crate. unfortunately i dont have a crate large enough for her. I only ever had a small dog so all of my things are smal-sized.
  4. Hey thanks i really appreciate you guys responding. My dog isn't a jumper really. she will jump on us when we get home but we make her get down. other than that when we have food or something she doesn't jump. I thought that maybe we did it all wrong and when we let the dog inside our house for the FIRST time i should of had the cat in side so the dog knew it was her house... But i didnt so oh well. I know we definitely need to make the dog know this cat is part of the "pack" my thought was as one of you said.."hey lets put the cat in a crate in the living room" but i was then afraid the might feel cornered and have a heart attack or something. She doesnt like crates anyway but i think I'll try it cause i need to do something about this! I bought a choke collar today so i can use that in trying to teach her with the cat. Well its good to know of others experiences. My dog is balistic when she sees the cat outside so i dont trust her with me holding the cat and lowering the cat down to her-- yet. but i WILL be doing that eventually. today i think i might get some treats... Put some on one side of the door for the cat..and on the other side for the dog..so they become familiar with their scents and associate something 'good' from being my eachother..hmm i dont know. i read that somewhere. then ill just pull on the lead if the dog starts to ram into the door. hopefully it doesnt take 2 years like on of yours did. i dont want to live in paranoia about my cat being dog food for that long lol
  5. Hi thanks. well my cat is free to come in and out. ever since my former dog passes away my cat has basically made her home outside in the grass where she lays all day. Im REALLY REALLY scared about putting my cat anywhere near the dog. I guess i just have to try. Does your dog go crazy and kind of make noises when he sees a cat outside? Mine does... it doesn't snarl and it's tail is wagging sometimes so I think i ymight just want to "play" but either way it REALLY without a doubt, looks like if that dog ever gets off the leash..my cat will be dog food. My cat is old, i dont want to give her a heartattack. Should i purchase a choke collar for my dog... get my cat in the house.. bring my dog inside and just hold on tight to the leash??
  6. You mean the things the vet puts in your animal after certain surgeries so it cant injure itself? How would that help? Or are you talking about those electric zappy things?
  7. i wouldnt walk her around the block with the muzzle. Just in the yard when im trying to get her used to the cat. The first time she spotted the cat she rushed at her.. she was very strong and it seemed her collar would slip off..i dont want to take any chances. i really like my cat A LOT. yes I wouldnt dare do that unless the dog had a muzzle on. Im not sure if she has ever been around cats before but... when she is inside and the cat is in the yard..she will charge the door and I have to stop her before the glass breaks or something. If I can be sure the dog will not bite. then i will definitely do what you all are doing. Unfortunately, my cat does not have any claws... So ...
  8. wow that GSD is good looking!! anyway, thanks you two. To the first poster- gaining the attention of the dog is key I think. I know the dogs "fix" their eyes on something and you have to break that connection. Im just really starting to get scared. I did put the mice up though :D 2nd poster- Same with my cat, she grew up with a dog who wouldnt bother her..I dont think she realizes the danger of this dog. Im scared that if the dog ever got loose the cat would just sit there and hiss and the dog would kill her. I was thinking just now..maybe I could go out and purchase a muzzle and take the dog outside so that way IF the dog got loose...she couldnt do much damage to the cat with a muzzle. Id purposely walk her by the cat and when she tries to charge i will grab her attention and make her sit. and continue to do that until she just quits... any ideas?? I kind of want to get the dog close up to the cat to see if the dog just wants to sniff or if she is vicious towards cats. She hasnt been socialized around animals too well. Like i said..it looked as if she wanted to attack some dogs.but when they got up close she only sniffs at them...
  9. Hi .. I was wondering if any of you here had a dog who once charged at your cat..or others cats... and you got it to stop? I have a dog (lab- sharpei mix), bout 3 years, who is VERY VERY friendly. And a VERY good dog. However, when she sees my cat, she darts at her and i have to hold the leash tightly and try to get her under control. We also have 2 mice and she stares at them like she wants to eat them... I hold her and try to maintain her. She is about 60 pounds. One of the shows i watch is "The Dog whisperer" by Ceasar millan. By his teachings I think what im supposed to do is let the dog see the cat, and pull on the choke collar when the dog tries to dart..and eventually her mind will break and she wont charge anymore. Because right now..the moment she sees another creature..she goes into this 'trance' like thing where she blocks out the world and fixes her eyes and attention on the critter. I figured i'd ask in here though. Also... when she sees another dog she tries to charge it. It looked like she wants to kill it.. but when the dog and her get close together they only sniff eachother. Im very fearful for my cat.... I'm afraid that one day if I dont get this under control..she might kill her. TIA.
  10. Wow..what a thread. I jsut read practically the whole thing lol. If that's the pup in your avatar he's awfully cute.
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