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Juddabug Whippets

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Everything posted by Juddabug Whippets

  1. Looks like fun! I too couldn't access he link!
  2. Oh my! I've not been online for a bit and came to see any news, and am saddened to read of little Bailey's loss. Owey,,... Huge hugs to you and your family xx thinking of you all.
  3. Gorgeous little video.... Big smiles all round here!
  4. Ooooh I like number 4, so vibrant!
  5. OMG! I think that's he same cutlery that my nanna has and I love it! I 'stole' some of it when I first moved back to Melbourne! Sorry I can't help you with the weeks.... I'm so far behind myself! I've taken the photos, just have to upload them! MnDM
  6. Awww Dora is just super cute! Yay! I bet you're super excited!
  7. Awww RedAngel, that wee pup is just so precious!
  8. Tlc... I also preferred the colour in your original post and the b&w in your edit. I love the catch lights!
  9. Our local butcher has free range chicken and pork and we buy from them. Which part of Melbourne are you in? I used to buy all my free range meat from Queen Vic markets.
  10. Everyone is welcome! And yes it is a blast for the two legged variety too! :D
  11. Hey TLC, it is all for fun but they are part of the Whippet Racing Club of Vic. There are trophies.... But it's just letting the dogs do what comes naturally!
  12. Yay congratulations Gapvic.... Hope you're feeling better soon! Loving the vibe of this photos!
  13. Well we had another Whippet Race meet on Sunday.... and I know there are many of you who love the photos we take... If you'd like to see the full set of photos, please go to our Facebook page: Click HERE! But here's a few photos to entice.... Check out those thighs Lil Juddy's first ever race Wild Flower Clipper - his second ever race Diva - all stretched out And one for Team Saluki!!! This is Raz Enjoy! MnDM
  14. How's the holiday going??? anymore photos for us to drool over?? Hope you've been having gorgeous weather!!
  15. All my dogs (3 whippets and 1 bitsa) all LOVE to do zoomies straight after eating! It is annoying, as this is when I go on poo patrol, so trying to pick it up before they zoom through it! Euck!
  16. Well we had another Whippet Race meet on Sunday.... If you'd like to see the full set of photos, please go to our Facebook page: Click HERE! But here's a few photos to entice.... Check out those thighs Lil Juddy's first ever race Wild Flower Clipper - his second ever race Diva - all stretched out And one for Team Saluki!!! This is Raz Enjoy! MnDM
  17. If you're ever down this way Stan's Mum, you're more than welcome! :D
  18. Week 24 24/52 - Diva 24/52 - Monet 24/52 - Juddy's first ever race... just a practice and he went like the wind! 24/52 - Benson (I apologise, it is not a great photo... all this miserable, dark weather makes shooting indoors annoying) I'm nearly caught up!!! MnDM
  19. 24/52 - look at those thighs 25/52 - Wild Flower MnDM
  20. Well we had another Whippet Race meet on Sunday.... as Linda has already posted... but I only just got around to editing them all :D If you'd like to see the full set of photos, please go to our Facebook page: Click HERE! you'll see photos taken by both Linda and myself. But here's a few photos to entice.... Check out those thighs Lil Juddy's first ever race Wild Flower Clipper - his second ever race Diva - all stretched out And one for Team Saluki!!! This is Raz Enjoy! MnDM
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