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Everything posted by Angeluca
As I said the real estate don't own the property they can only convey owner wishes. And unless all that is in writing it means nothing. As for the grass they can't prevent you form living at the property so such 'restrictions may be unlawful' I suggest you contact your state rental authority to find out where you stand. Altho I'm in qld I do rent one of my houses out and there is a lot of limitation we can apply to someone occupying the property. Every state is different by the main general idea is the law is more on the side of the tenant then the owner. And by the sounds of it the owners are easy going. They employ the real estate to collect rent and check on the tenants, they can't evict you with out owner approval as they can't rent you the property without owner approval. If anything the real easttate need to keep the owner happy to keep his business. When you have an inspection and they see a clam shell on the yard tell them you spoke to the owner because they were being unreasonable and they said it is fine so if they have a problem speak to them. simple
Real estates aren't able to say the will or will not allow anything they have to ask everything to the owner for verification it's not their property, Its either they have asked the owner and they have refused or they haven't and are speaking out their A**. If you know the owners ask them and if they are ok with it let them know the real estate is refusing to pass on requests. if the owners have refused, I don't think they can stop a portable structure going up regardless, so long as it isn't concreted in and hasn't damaged any of the property in the process nothing can be done just like a tent, inflatable pool, gazebo or marquee ect. be mindful you'll have to move it on occasion to prevent wear into the ground but so long as it doesn't affect them and it's not illegal then it's none of their business. this structure i just brought from http://www.factoryfa...=home-lifestyle it was easy to put up and you can either buy a top or make one from canvas or tarp, the gate had a latch that a padlock can be placed to prevent unauthorized entry. If your concerned about hands going though mesh buy shade cloth and surround it. No chance of your dog being blamed for an accidental attack this way. That should keep them out and 100% portable.
Uh, if they are the dogs in your signature even I can tell they aren't chis... -.- Really? Chihuahua My Remy That's like saying Labradors and Golden Retrievers look alike. Anyway the point is that they never ask...they are just like "Oh, look, Chihuahuas!" I correct people all the time with the goldie lab thing as mine don't have really long groomed coats , it's endless but thats gonna happen At leased they are gettin mistaken by another recognized breed i suppose. While clearly yours is a well bred dog, you can see how the Backyard bred chihuahuas have a very very different look, meaning not only from pedigrees but every back yard bred litter looks different so any short haired fine built really small dog is gonna be a Chihuahua is most peoples eyes. Like the Portuguese water dog, is a oodle. This would be more frustrating getting mistaken for supporting the designer industry when in reality it's a fair bit rarer then most breeds and a beautiful dog.
A Topic I Read On Fb About ' Rescues'
Angeluca replied to Angeluca's topic in General Dog Discussion
I've never asked for a discount from a vet personally don't think I would, Sometimes it's not worth it with either them getting offended or a rude nurse. Have met quite a few who just seem to have no idea how to listen. It's simple don't be a dress maker if you can't sew, don't deal with people if you can't be polite and actually hear what has been said. Nurses are the ones i've always spoke to and most i think wouldn't have the authority to bargain. I've always just rung around (prior to finding my current vet) and gone with the best deal instead of asking for it. -
sooo cute so much cheekiness to come
A Topic I Read On Fb About ' Rescues'
Angeluca replied to Angeluca's topic in General Dog Discussion
I tend to agree with most here my vet offers me breeder discounts and I offer continuing business loyalty. both weren't asked or expected. Vets that recognize continuing business (rescue, breeder, ongoing customer) and do their best to support that customer with discounts where possible is not only great business but appreciated. But both win in this situation. No one should ever haggle a vet, Woolworths or telstra won't haggle they have set discounts or bundles and thats it end of story. Why should a vet be forced to deal with a problem cause by ignorance, (tho some vets are becoming twice as bad when promoting mix breeds as a posed to 'inbred pedigrees' ) they spend a fortune on uni and so much time devoting themselves to a career which is supposed to support them for the rest of their lives. So what if most live comfortably they earned it. It should always be offered if given and accepted with a smile if not, who knows they might fund a wellfare group or charity through their profits you'd never know and it's not our right to. -
A Topic I Read On Fb About ' Rescues'
Angeluca replied to Angeluca's topic in General Dog Discussion
yeah just made my intentions made i had seen a thread on here about fosters ans rescue organizations sayin something about vet discounts, not necessarily the owners but the fosters and rescue groups. I understand that those groups usually dip in their own pockets to look after dogs and i tip my hat to them. but is it expected of vets to be charitable and if they say no do they loose the asker's business and are frowned at or worse? -
I found this interesting and would like others opinions Meant for discussion not argument, not meant in offence to anyone, and Not meant to witch hunt any people or organisations thanks https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10202950215785601&id=150005925060837
I was told dew claws had to be done within 3 days of birth even thats too long for some breeders. As for mum did you count the placentas? did you speak to a nurse or the Vet ? If you want to take them in make the appointment tell them you want to be sure. But they sound ignorant and not very knowledgeable. Bad idea to dew claw at 6 weeks but they should know that. It may be worth the trip somewhere else. cause will you be confident in them if something did go wrong???
hope they made it in time.
Maybe a rescue group could get hold of them.....what type of pups are they?? ETA Sorry just read your first post again maybe take photos which include the number plate as well but they time the authorities get off thier asses pups will be sold and he would have gone home and tied the mum to some tree. This is bull shit. I just homed my litter of babies, could never just do that to them i owe them and their mum so much more.
I just brought this 4 days ago delivered this morning. http://www.factoryfa...=home-lifestyle It's for my golden girls when they are in season, (I will be getting canvas made for the top). this was the easiest and cheapest way for me. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3836215600087&set=a.2473965624689.69998.1718888676&type=1&theater¬if_t=like
True hence the word somethng It is clear there is more then this 10 or so cases every year, more in the 100s just in investigated complaints 1000s in completely ignored, and all these cases i suspect have a similarity or 2 in common, people who are not associated with a company or high profile identity, not associated with any organization, easy to trial or alienated from society. they can be made examples from (or distraction from the lack of effort put forward in a the eyes of a gullible public). I too have had the pleasure of making complaints for years about horses worse then these photos, running on a public road and then locked in a paddock with no water for days, just to have the council and RSPCA come out and tell them to feed the animals. Oh the best part is a few years after these complaints started they started working for the council as refuse tip operators. I had to retrieve my dogs off her property once as she told me not to go on there I went to the cop station first and told them i was going on there and they were welcomed to join me, the said go for it if you have any issues call me. i saw a skeleton of a sheep, reported it. rang back to ask what had happen a few days later. "Oh the officer didn't find any evidence of sheep on the property" . Good Ol QLD RSPCA.
A Hypothetical Question For Breeders
Angeluca replied to kelpiecuddles's topic in General Dog Discussion
I'm sorry, but you have gone on and on about the breeds standard being 'fit for purpose' (isn't every breeds standard originally set due to their original purpose?) and then say that people who work their dogs in their original field don't care if they aren't standard?? There is a reason the standard specifies a certain height range, length, head type etc. To give them the best structure to do their original purpose! Maybe originally but in here come interpretation and guidelines. Due to popularity of a certain look and exaggerations, some Grand champions. of certain breeds these days may fit standard but could never be fit for purpose. Just a note, I applaud any Breeder able in this day and age to thrive in the show ring and their purpose activity. And I think these dogs should be what other breeders of the breed should strive for, Not more wrinkles, coat, colour or whatever has made the popular faze. I'm not talking about little differences that if the dog wanted to and was trained to it could still preform. I'm talking about large differences like excessive loose skin, or shape like the GSD. Yes many show GSD's could still herd or guard, but some couldn't but still win a show cause they pretty or can stand nice or trot nice. Or other breeds they can't breathe normal but it looks good so grand champion status for them. If a dogs look would prevent ability it shouldn't be winning shows or being bred from. Yet it still goes on. -
I have used rawlinson. Turn around it great and I have been happy with the scores.
I am so sorry about your troubles and the breeder's response. Were they nasty about refusal? As a breeder I see both sides of the fence. There are people out there tryin to get their money back for a dog they intend to keep, however I don't think those people are in your situation. I have an agreement upon sale in writing that any pup proven to have hereditary problems will be offered a full refund of purchase price with choice to keep or return the dog. But it has to be proven to a certain degree. A specialist of my choosing has to be apart of the process, and no treatment is to be made until situation is agreed upon. Replacement is almost out of the question. They are welcomed to purchase another dog under the same agreement, if I find them suitable when I have a litter available. There are breeders who are willing to stand by there stock, and despite possible environmental factors. Please don't write us all off. I don't show and I'm just getting into obedience but we are far from trails. My stock is tested as much as possible for my location. My goldens have HD/ED xrays done (compulsory), and they are DNA tested, I haven't eye or heart tested because the closest location is over 3 hrs drive. I hope your able to work out your situation. And I hope one day you'll have that fantastic puppy experience you waited so long for.
I pay $150 for the xrays and $110 for scoring by rawlinson, last dog came back at 2-2 so I'm happy with this vet's abilities.
Update: over night one grew a fraction (white girl). Vet visit: Green had 10mls aspirated white had 8mls. White is no where near the size of green. both on antibiotics to prevent abscess and anti inflammatory to reduce fluid building. Both still happy active eating and drinking. Green will be stayin until there is a signification reduction at least, white is my breeder terms and was staying until the end of feb anyway. 3 others have lumps around the size of a walnut but firm and doesn't appear to be any fluid building, no medication unless enlarges over the next 24 hours. 2 has tiny pea size lump no medication. These guys are all right to go, I'm typing up a letter for there vet to call through to my vet for size and description of the lump to for monitor for any changes for each specific pup and I have requested before this happen they everyone attend their vet within 7 days, but asking they head down sooner so no situation gets any worse. None of the lumps are sore or showing any signs of irritation on the skin. 1 no lump but a fleshy microchip. The boy who left I'm still trying to get hold of. Def looks like a vaccine reaction, it probably all happened within a few days of vaccine but hadn't flared up enough to notice until recently. Much less anxious now.
+1 I will not desex prior to sale I actively suggest not before 12 mths my mentor says 18 mths. I know we run the risk of accidental litters or byb, but weighed up against the risks of early desexing and major surgery. I will do my best to sell to homes i know will look after my pup, and protected them from unwanted mating and environmental factors in HD and ED (of course along side loving feeding and training but thats a given), and hope to god no one slips through the cracks. I ask peoples opinion on desexing and if they are pro desexing at what age. <---- the only answer that will get no puppy is one that either states they intend to breed off register or I get the strong feeling they will.
I hope so too, I keeping one and have another girl on breeder terms. At least i'll have 2 years before i breed them pending test, to find out if there is any problems. And will do.
no infection he was 39.2 but it was 46.9 degrees here yesterday. My mentor rang me back she'd be out of range all day, the pups grandma who appears on both sides had same thing turned out to be a vacc, reaction and turned up at 8 and a half weeks got to tennis ball size and they tried to remove it and almost lost her. Has never reacted since and can't say if a different vac has been used every time. couldn't say if it was a reaction to the active vaccine or what because it's all done together. I rang my vet, she said it sounds very likley that is what has happened because of how isolated the symtoms are. We going to confirm and treat with anti inflamatories and the larger lumps will get antibiotics, all puppy buyers will be cautioned to the reaction but not requested to hold to off on the next vacc as parvo is worse then a lump. The ones on antibiotics will stay until it starts to go down, smaller lumps will probably be ok to go. Mentor said it should have taken her girl about 3 weeks to go if they had left it alone. I was praying yous guys were right, feel horrible about holding the pups, but can't let them go like this.
No need to apologize, It was discussed if it increase in size or didn't improve with current treatment. green's lump would definitely be including micro chip area, which they said would taken out cleaned tested and re inserted, i'm not sure if that would be same spot or another. however the others I don't think are actually where the micro chip should be so not sure what happens then. Still waiting on the other pup's owners to get back to find out if all 9 have it or just the 8 that were here on Saturday. It is not normal for every pup to react I didn't think or such a delayed reaction to vaccine or microchip by every pup then all show symptoms with 24 hours of each other. Really hoping the boy who is homed is clear indication it is more likely something environmental that happened between Friday afternoon and this morning. It gives me something to look for and get rid of. I feel so useless right now. I held every pup and saw all equipment used every needle used once and packet sealed. She is a senior vet, All pups were bathed the day before and i'm 90% sure she swabbed all pups before any insertion. (I was getting the next pup ready or returning the previous one to the crates). I'm not concerned with her abilities in such a simple procedure. Dr google has been more useless then normal.
spoke to the vet about that yesterday, never a case result if microchips, but a few vaccine reaction problem is these present within 5 days of actually getting done. lump was first noticed 12 days after vaccs and chips. 1 pup presented a reasonable size lump on saturday with check over the others none appeared to have any, 24 hours later all have lumps ranging from pea - golf ball excluding the original pup the previous day which is probably just shy of tennis ball which wasn't noticeable 1 day before that. now it can't be missed. 1 pup was homed on Friday. I am trying to get hold of them to see if he has presented anything. The whole situation is strange. And I am freaking out. All the exact same spot? hereditary?
yeah vet has asked first thing in the morning to come in., it is so strange, All in same aprox spot,