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Everything posted by Angeluca
The suspense is going to kill me! I am not a patient person at the best of times lol but this whole process of, selecting a pup(s), waiting for 12 for health testing then a further 12 to 18 months for conformation to start settle, and true worth be assessed. This whole process is truly 3 yrs in the making and that is if everything goes right the first time
there are laws that all dogs sold have to be microchipped yet the notice board at the local shop still have bullarab for $200 good hunting parents no mention of vac or chip,cattle /border collie mixes $50 i guarantee they are not chipped, kittens give-away chipped ? pfft noway and cav x pug chipped not vac $500 (imagine the possible probs with that cross and no health checks . The council can see these notices, obtain their numbers to see if they parents registered chipped and so forth but don't this is the same with gumtree and trading post. What makes anyone think that more laws, higher fees and any restriction will help. To some degree i don't even think education will work. Some people just don't care plain and simple. To them a $50 dog or a free cat is disposable.
wow 3 months.
Thanks I will ring monday. I wasn't sure about ringing, so i thought i'd ask here first. The suspense is killing me!!
How long does it usually take to get a result of your application and test for a prefix. I put it in a fortnight this tuesday ago, and just a bit nervous And totally anxious to find out what the prefix will be. I got my girls health testing also getting done this month and it is a very nervous time lol! Before moving on to the next faze of deciding whether to breed her well cause if health tests fail then the answer to breeding that dog is nul and avoid. I have a baby due in october which we will find out the gender of this month aswel LMAO!!!. (Before I have to either defend why I may breed her No I will not be showing her, I have a number of breeders of the breed to check her conformation including her own breeder who is in 100% support of me. Ruby was attending obedience and progressing nicely until I got preg. And we have a big move and baby on the way so breeding is at least 18 months to 2 years away)
Showing Dogs With Structural Faults
Angeluca replied to Topoftheheap's topic in General Dog Discussion
People blast us newbies when we say we have a dog we'd one day love to breed from and this would be a foundation. Then get millions of question and statements why we shouldn't! Has that dog got any titles what makes it a good example of breed ect ect ect! We go through all the test and raise it so it perfect in temperament. But get told by some not all that we should not breed a dog whom does not have a title! A part from witnessing a judge choose a dog over another because the owner was a judge of her dogs class in hope that they would too return the favor. This proves that there are some out there who Show substandard dogs and occasionally win over dogs whom are great in health and conformation? I don't hold any prejudice against the dogs or the people that show these dogs. Just the statements that dogs should have titles before being bred! And I won't show because i'm not into it and do not believe a dog needs a title to be a prime example of breed. -
I am so sorry you had to experience that treatment but you'll be better for it honestly, and you'll become better at screening vets too, which is really important cause as you know with breeding vet visits are frequent for testing ultrasounds , birthing advice ect ect ect. I am yet to step into this part of my life still 18mth 2 yrs in the making. But we are getting there. Altho I haven't started breeding and haven't got access into the breeders section I watch it closely, due to unforeseen hiccups they discuss, preventatives general breeding advice ect ect but most of all for the puppy pics they post every month :laugh: No seriously good advice for learners get discussed all there time. Your breeder sound very good, and they trusted you with their lines giving you a mains pup. I would seriously recommend a chat with them cause they've probably been there and done that!!!!
PLEASE DON"T GET SURGERY UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN A SPECIALIST!!!! My boy when he was 3 months all of a sudden refused to use his back right leg i took him to my vet who said he had ruptured his cruciate ligament. I spoke to my breeder as i was in exact same situation wanted to start my own breeding program. I was quoted $1800 on that leg and the other leg would go too. My breeder asked me to see a specialist so I did. a week later and my pup was on no pain killers i was told that goldies have very flexible joints, and that he had strained a ligament and needed anti-inflams for a week and he'd be fine. But then proceeded to tell me his hips were shot and i should fuse the when he was 5 mths old just in case. 2 days later it was like nothing had ever happened. I refuses to fuse and had his hips done last month and got 5/8 which is under the breed average. Trust your breeder and speak to them please!!!!!
Prefix Search Australia Wide Www.prefixsearch.com.au
Angeluca replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
Are these all Australian Prefixes? yep didn't add the two internationals on my certs -
Prefix Search Australia Wide Www.prefixsearch.com.au
Angeluca replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
Golden retrievers Glemaray Valvasor Goldog naragold perrecca Jukeran lionsfield Korwhaiwhai bonglo shogold summergold Tikingold olivergolden thats all the golden breeders on my papers of my dogs who aren't listed or don't have breed mentioned. -
Prefix Search Australia Wide Www.prefixsearch.com.au
Angeluca replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
Do you have to own the prefix to submit it or can it be the breeder of your dogs? I have just put in my paperwork for my prefix when i get back which choice i have been awarded i will let you know!!! All goes well -
i had a cat i called custard! it was a stray and i picked it up put it in a box and took it to school in grade 4 for a media project of interviewing your partner with their pet. Vicky asked me what his name was and i looked around looked on the box an it said custard so thats what his name was. well he was ginger i was going to take a Guinea pig but forgot til i was getting on the bus
I agree with this my goldens will sleep all day if you let them and i have 4 cats one which was attacked by a neighbors rottie although was fine with a rottie we got a few yrs later. Golden retriever rescue NSW/VIC has plenty of goldens they need homes for of various ages including pups. I also have a horse a young pally stallion who loves sleeping on the carport with the dogs and cats. they do wonderful work and you'd never believe the numbers they have each year. http://www.grr.org.au/current.htm
like makybe Dive none off her offspring perform any good in comparison
Chihuahua Beagal or Cocker Aussie or Springer Goldie, GSD, Rottie, Dobe Bernese Mountain dog (promised myself i will get one someday) Not a fan of small dogs personally, nothing against the just usually avoid owning them
Ok for starters I mentioned the words some and most alot which to me does not mean I said how All dogs live As i have mentioned if there are fantastic breeders out there otherwise what would be the point of this discussion/forum. We Judge backyard breeders and puppy farmer. (With every right IMO) but theses people/businesses are fighting back with allegations of their own. And if they did not have a substantial argument they would have been shut down and ignored by influencing bodies, eg government, vet specialists. Vets don't know every individual breed, but they do know general and there has been enough go though their doors for them to have developed opinions disagreeable with our ways.Some Vets are actually recommending cross bred dogs to their clients. I know of Vets whom are helping their vet nurses cross breed her pets. Most the allegations stem from the dogs seen to be the best of our breeds and kennels, and the problem is some of the complaints are legitimate, which is how they discredit our arguments against them. If some one was to cry "oh look that border collie is chasing sheep" who would listen??? But when at a dog with titles from our most prestigious events people say " whats that sound, is it that the dog breathing?" for example. We aren't going to be able to stop idiots breeding unhealthy dogs unethically outside our organisation. But we can within. Kennel clubs, judges and breeders have to stop celebrating dogs with issues, everything from a goldie and large as a large german shepherd, a bulldog whom HAS to have assistance to birth or can't breath with ease or any other issue between and disqualify or ban from breeding breeders who lack health care in their dogs . Take away their argument we would have a better outlook on the future of our dogs and have a stance against those whom farm so to speak. Keshwar, Those vids are great and this is the sort of things i think the public need to see more of. Oh and i love those ears so cute :D
And how would you prove my breed could do the job it was bred for, which is to bring down wild Boar?? Yes some have completely lost their original purpose therefore can't be judge correctly, altho pigging still exists, I would never recommend putting a dog in that sort of danger nor should anyone. Has the breeds purpose not developed over the years has it been used for anything else? And can it not demonstrate some of the skills it would have used such as tracking (if it did ) ? If none of this can be achieved, I sure your breed and others still have skills for example could they participate in obedience?
Jr_inoz your one of those many breeder whom i idolize who show the dog both in beauty and talented ability. I don't think my priorities are wrong, Just because I didn't focus my statement on hideous breeding. My comments were directed at Show dogs and how they represent they pedigree world. The ones getting Ch, status without the ability to do the breed purpose or Obvious degree of health problems within the Show dog society. Tho the conversation turned more focus more to the coat comment in my original post, I did mention * very controversial eg, bulldog, toy breeds and the german shepherd.* regarding which has nothing to do with coat but again still within 'show' standard. I believe the showdog is the face of the pedigree world and that is how we will fix the image of pedigrees. If we could get more publicly in to other competitions such as agility and obedience, and Focus a lot on those dogs who preform well in multiple categories including show/conformation (Cause we have some fantastic breed examples that already do this and some damn fine dogs that could). The over all image would increase for the better. I was not focusing on unethical breeders and their *bogan* ways. They get far to much publicity as it is and none of it good.
I totally understand what you are getting at in the way of original function. Yes some have completely lost their original purpose therefore can't be judge correctly, but most dogs are versatile and while they may not hunt a real fox basic tracking and retrieving and be simulated to show at least a basic instinct. Herding, guarding and tracking is easily demonstration. I did look on the historical photos page and did see some stay true/ others improved good and bad, this is why I don't dismiss this clip.
And lastly AS i appreciate everyone's opinions and example they have provided: Breeders who can provide a dog great to form and ability, are magical honestly. Alot gets lost in the fashion in shows but there are breeders out there that do have dogs that know exactly why they were put on this earth (other then what they give their loving owner). A breeder who provides such a diverse and true example of breed, they need to be cloned and multiplied so that in 40 years time there are not another set of dogs extinct or banned or just plain ridiculed for what they've become. Breeders are what makes the dogs these days good and bad and they are they only hope for the future of purebreds.
Yes I agree the dog would in some instances get a ton more attention with grooming. And if it was possible for the dog to live an unrestricted life it wouldn't be so Horrible as I may have seem to be making it (without intention). Reading over my own statement i do seem very judgmental. However the few years of a dog life in which it is shown is it puppy -teen- young adult life so any restriction in this time frame would take out a great deal of the dogs value of life. I know a lot of dogs really enjoy it. But to restrict them even from playing in grass or mud just seems unfair. But most of all and what i was really trying to get at rather then getting stuck on coat alone is the dog to be a breed example should be seen doing or at very least have and idea /capability what it is originally bred for. We tell people who are interested in buying a pedigree dog to go to shows, this does is not a good example in my opinion. A hunting breed for example that has been groomed to perfection then standing quietly before taken in a circle to win a ribbon or not shows nothing about the dog except false hope in to a perfectly groomed animal. It won't show the dog fetching or running like a goof, bouncing round other dogs in general the sheer energy that a lot of breeds come with. I would suggest if i were asked that people go to see the dogs perform more naturally, eg hunting breed agility, obedience or hunting. A herding breed agility obedience or herding, A toy or more so a lap dog yes obedience or a dog show but not athletic or active breeds so as the energy is more realistically displayed. This doesn't have to take out care and grooming as long coats need regardless, So the dog will have a little shorter coat (as i am referring to extreme long coat like the body of an afghan flowing down to the floor), But will display publicly purpose and a more accurate description of breed. That is what I am getting at, seeing an afghan run is stunning Far more so then to stand with dead straight fur. The look in their faces when they leap all over the place shows it all.
Jed so your stating that a dog with a 'show coat' is refused to allow it's natural movement though yard play or bushes or whatever, for fear of losing it's pretty coat therefore stripping the dog of all natural behavior and socialization. After decades of this sort of treatment would the dog not loose it's natural instinct and temperament??? Alyosha I don't dispute long coats aren't good I dispute that fact a dog can't act like a dog to keep the coat Again repeating my last statement where a fine example of breed should also Include Health, conformation and Ability to Breed purpose!!! I do not dispute it looks good and extreme care of the animal at least to physical health and care over the coat to get a dog to look like that. But What about mental health if a dog is not allowed to run and play with natural stimulation? Don't we blast people on here whom don't walk their dogs enough? A few genuine questions what sort of exercise do these floor length show coat dogs get? Is hours apon hours of making a dog stand on a table to get groomed good for the dog? Are there possible to many Products getting used to make them look this way? And Lastly having them look like beauty queens really good for the world of dogs as in the human world blasting people creating their small children into made up beauty queen toddlers. Is it any different for a 3-12 mth old pup to be treated in this way?
Yes this clip only shows the extreme before and after clips, but that should favor those who don't exaggerate to the point of extreme. The Afghan (modern)in the clip looks as if the body fur might actually touch the ground, and i have seen some pictures of ones that do. Regardless of being mountain bred that still would hinder it's purpose, imho. Same for the Cockers How in hell would a cocker run through thick grass or forest with that fur?????? Altho I know it may not, this should only work in favor of the breeders who don't have dogs with extremely long fur. And some person sees a peke (for example) with fur like that buys one from a breeder and it doesn't have the coat therefore the dog in their eyes is wrong cause it don't look like Ch. so and so. How is this good for the good breeders in regards to the public only buying from kennels who produce very long fur?????? You can't even see conformation within all that fur. then there are breeds I know are very controversial eg, bulldog, toy breeds and the german shepherd. I favor the working lines of the german shepherd. There in a prime example in which a breed has been divided for purpose and looks. I honestly believe most show GSD can not perform any of it's original purposes from herding to guard they seem not only to lack form but also drive. And there seems to be quite a few breeds whom are following in this spiral. I liked the clip yes it was extreme and without getting into specifics as most the public wouldn't know it shows that there are changes in the breed for show that are completely useless in life. Show dogs should be the one whom represent their breed in health conformation and ability, even if a dog doesn't herd it should be seen to have the ability if that is what the breed was for.