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Everything posted by FlowerProwler

  1. Lots of awesome nicknames. Onyx gets: Super Sonic Super Sonyx Fuzzy Butt Booby
  2. Oh good! I was a little worried there that I would come across as some crazy geeky girl! We thought about Dovahkiin (Or a variation of that) as well, but didnt suit our little guy - he really couldnt be Dragonborn!
  3. Sure am! I have a whole list of possible names on my iphone. Always on hand for if I have a sudden stroke of genius ;) I'm a little bit out there when it comes to names so I'm slightly embarassed to share My top four are Unuscornu (Unicorn in Latin) but she would really just be known as Uno, Lilacpants, which would end up as Lilly, Lillypea, Lillypilly, Cuppy & Dovah. But whatever suits her really. The name always tends to just fall into place. She could be a Bruce :laugh: and that's alright with me :) All awesome names! I think Uno sounds really cute. And I have to ask if Dovah is in relation to Skryim?
  4. Condolences for your loss. Glad you had Maui there.
  5. Naww look at those little babies! You're getting a little girl right? Any ideas on her name?
  6. Same as most other posters, we carried our puppy in (on lead) until he had his vaccs and from then he has walked in.
  7. I cant offer any advice, but would love to see a picture of the piggy. And
  8. They really are amazing time wasters :laugh: And minimiss is right, we need to know how much he weighs!
  9. Aww dobesrock how cute! Cant wait to see her a little bit more grown up :)
  10. Aww! He looks so cute after his bath. And your girls look so happy with him :D
  11. "A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion." Alhough I honestly have no idea if the OP is trolling or not.
  12. Yay! What an awesome day, I bet your girls are having a grand time :D
  13. I didnt get a chance to watch the video earlier. But uh, I think there is something in my eye... And something got caught in my throat.
  14. Wow thats a pretty big difference between Tildy and little Oscar! I'm sure its going to be hard GS, but I would seriously consider sending him back.
  15. Great news. :D Now where are some updated pictures of your little boy??? :p
  16. He definitely is a lovely boy, and you love him which is what matters. :)
  17. Yay! Congratulations and Happy Gotcha Day :D
  18. Cant help but swoon whenever you post pics of him Jordan. He looks like such a lovable boofa :)
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