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Everything posted by FlowerProwler

  1. I really didnt think I was too bad. But oh gosh I can relate to so many of these.
  2. Wow what an absolute stunner CC! I'm sure you've probably mentioned it before, but what is his name?
  3. Haha no, not showing. One day I would definitely love to get into it, but its a bit too difficult for us down here at the moment.
  4. Yay how exciting! I do want another one Mirawee, but I've got secrets of my own :p
  5. Oh I've seen this one before! So cute!
  6. Haha love it :D I also really enjoy the 'Texts from Dog'
  7. Back on topic, Onyx (13months old) also likes to have special cuddles with his bed. We find him sneaking off around once per week for his secret rendezvous, but stops as soon as he knows he's been caught. Its been going on for at least the last 6months, and has never progressed further than his bed.
  8. Hi Guys. I was wondering if anyone knows if there will be any Jap Spitz's at the Bunbury & Districts Dog Show coming up next month? My sister is looking into getting one and we were hoping to tag along and meet some if we could. :D
  9. Well mine apparently arrived in New York on 31/10/12. I can imagine there is going to be a bit of a delay there due to Sandy
  10. Oh she is absolutely adorable! You must be so pleased :D
  11. Hope your girl feels better. You might want to also post in the Health and Nutrition Subforum
  12. Well I did think I was organised with X-Mas pressies this year - looks like I was wrong. :laugh:
  13. Donatella you need to pop back into the Spitz thread and show off your little girls! We're very quiet in there lately.
  14. I love these threads. Great idea for a dragging Friday afternoon. Every morning without fail Onyx will get up onto my bed for cuddles. These involve him laying down on top of me and staring at me; however the sweetness usually only lasts about two minutes before he will launch into a full face licking attack. He has never done it to my OH even if I'm not there, it is a ritual just for us.
  15. What breed is Onyx? Hes gorgeous FP He's a Finnish Lapphund, although the pics in my signature are a little outdated. :)
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