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Chris the Rebel Wolf

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Everything posted by Chris the Rebel Wolf

  1. Shared! But "Near Canberra, NSW"..? He is near Canberra, but in NSW?
  2. People coming over to visit Maya always listen(ed) to me (particularly now she is entering maturity, and BIG) but I met plenty of people who wanted to ride her/huge full-body cuddles with her when I took her out and about. I just learned her body language when she had had enough of her admiring public, and laid down the ground rules. Didn't happen often, just enough for me to keep in practice.
  3. He's a really lovely boy Alyosha, I hope he finds a loving home. If you have a link/info on facebook do you want to PM it to me? I'll share it around.
  4. This is a difficult enough thing to read as a dog lover and I couldn't imagine having to go through it. HuskyDrake my deepest sympathies are with you and your family, your husky I am sure had a loving and caring home while he was with you. Let us know how you go, good luck with the lawyers too. What an awful tragedy that could so easily have been prevented by the other dog's owner. As a side, I find it very distasteful to criticize the HuskyDrake's actions at a time like this. None of us were there and you can't say what could have been done, HuskyDrake can only try to deal with what has happened which they are doing admirably. If you can't say anything nice.
  5. The Townsville one welcomes and supports rescues, I saw two groups there today. Sad to hear that not everybody experiences were so positive.
  6. I saw a Samoyed up here in Townsville, geeze he was a handsome man! Our route changed, too, and it was great fun.
  7. Orbilocs are great, bright and not too heavy, but I'd want a good special on them, they're waaay overpriced. I use the Rogz ones which I love - blue is the brightest, followed by glow and pink, then red. Worst that happens with mine is that sometimes if I 'swing' them from the dogs collar they turn themselves off every now and again.
  8. We need PIIIICS :D So glad you found a dog who is clicking in your life, awesome to hear :) Those gentle leaders are great hey! I used one on silly boy Zeke until he sit about five years old and started to calm down on walks, it gave me so much more control
  9. It took me about six months to decide. But my new puppy did not arrive until a year later. I knew it was right when I really felt enthusiastic about doing breeder and then breeder research, and when I found the right breeder I had a good feeling about them, all important things.
  10. Sounds like you had a narrow escape there vanillan! Pugs are definitely one of those breeds you want to know exactly what you are getting. Good luck finding a pup, when you have your new baby the wait will all be worth it :)
  11. I like the Rogz Roglights but they sound more like what you have, but they can also be clipped to the collar/lead or to the ring on the collar so may work? The blue is awesome bright, followed by the white and the pink, I find the red is dullest. I use these any night Maya, Zeke and I walk since we're close to a highway for part of our walk. Some customers told me they love their super-bright Orbilocs but I've never tried them because they're waaaay pricey for a light. I haven't have experience with light-up collars or leads, but for basic reflective I also have Rogz harnesses and they show up fantastic in low light. I took this photo of Maya in hers tonight just after sunset, the white threads are the reflect, reacting to the flash of my camera Let us know what you end up with I'd be very interested in your roadtest!
  12. My hubby is in the same boat as yours - he does not spend a lot of time with the dogs and when he occasionally does, it's to try out training methods of his #1 dog trainer Ceaser Milan, so he winds up using different methods to me. With Zeke this is not so much an issue. With Maya this could EASILY be an issue. Solution is I exercise Maya, and she is not allowed playtime around other dogs unless I am present. I have a hard time getting through to hubby when he is using a different training method to me (because Ceaser told him how he must be right) and I stick to being tactful where I can and just pointing out gently what how I do things with Maya is this way or that way. I cannot force him to listen to me... so I focus on getting Maya to listen to me instead :)
  13. One of the more horrifying things I've read about cannot believe that he would not only keep a dog in such a fashion, but to lie about the condition in the first place...
  14. Thanks for so many honest answers guys! It's an interesting POV from the side I'm usually standing on. I agree, it's not great to be pushed into it, and the only point where I myself get rude in that situation is when somebody insists after I've politely declined. Don't even get my started on loyalty cards... :p
  15. Okay, so this is a topic I'd love for some DOL input on. How do you react when shopping, you are asked for a donation after your purchase? For this example, a pet-related donation, while doing pet-related shopping. For me, I just politely decline if I don't support the cause, or don't have the money. But to be honest I'm usually on the opposite end - I am the one asking for the donation on behalf of a work charity - and the range of responses I get still amaze me. Not to start a huge RSPCA debate, but they are the ones where I get the most fired-up responses. I've been abused over asking for the donation. (Which I HAVE to ask for, am rated on, mystery shopped, warned if my overall total is too low etc) I've also had another staff member cop a full-scale rant while taking assistance dog program donations, about how it's all a moneymaking scam since people don't need assistance dogs... Anyway, do you think it's appropriate to be asked? Do you get annoyed? Do you consider it a bit much to subject the donation asker to a lecture on why you do or no not support their cause? Edit: Poll added for convenience :)
  16. In some breeds I would understand, not wanting just anybody to rehome them. But in any case Anne in your example, I am not trying to take the breeders' side and I certainly would not even dream of returning a dog to someone making such rude demands. I'm just saying I understand a breeder who would prefer to rehome themselves, rather than see the dog passed on from person to rescue. But when emotions are involved some people do forget about basic manners and respect, don't they!
  17. Wow, have not heard of these!! But what an amazing vibe even through photos... they look so self possessed, and as you say not really interested in being social, even the one meeting the Iggy. Amazing!
  18. Good luck, sounds like you might need it with Mr Idiot Instructor. Maybe it would be worthwhile talking to a separate trainer in your area about Bonnie's moods? I'm interested... in what would happen if you went there on a non class day, did the training, and see if she focuses well. If she does, maybe visit that area if possible so she grows more confident on her own, first?
  19. I'm... sort of of two minds here. On one hand - the breeder could well have had a clause asking for the dog to be returned to them for rehoming if the owner was unable to do so. If that was not honoured, then yes I can see asking for the dog back. However the 'demanded' line strikes me as rude... if they had asked politely I probably wouldn't find the request unreasonable.
  20. I too would like to see a video... I work in a pet store and the amount of people who come in asking for products DR Harry has recommended believing his word is gospel is a LOT. Which wouldn't bother me if his brands were all decent, but people asking for 'The Dr Harry brand food' because he tells them it's brilliant is tough one. (That's Supercoat, for those wondering). People BELIEVE what this guy says.
  21. He sounds like an idiot not to put too fine a point on it. This may have been suggested before, I only read the first page and this one, but can you arrive 45-30 minutes earlier and start training before others arrive, and see how Bonnie does? Edited to specify whom I'm considering an idiot
  22. Weatherbeetas from over this quarters. You would think dog jackets in sunny Townsville is a bit of a joke but man oh man the store I work at flies through them... first 'cold snap' night we get we'll sell fifty the next day! Cold snap, yes, I hear you guys down south laughing... here, it might get down to... DUN DUN DAH... TWELVE DEGREES!
  23. HazyWal I'm so sorry to hear about your two getting attacked, I wish them a speedy recovery and no ill effects from the stress of having been attacked while walked peacefully. Hopefully the dangerous dog declaration will go through. If it does not and you are unhappy with the council response - and I already would be with the statement only one attack means no declaration - is there anyone you know you can get in touch with in the media, the local paper or a TV station? Might be worth drawing some attention to the issue.
  24. My workplace sells these and they are widely praised by the regulars if not as well known as the kiltix. Glad to hear they are working well for you SG and I hope you and the labbys are otherwise, enjoying Florida, I always thought it would be an amazing place to visit!
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