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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Podengo


    I would agree with this. I have done quite a bit of training (agility) with all 3 sizes, and definitely find the standard the hardest to work with, can be very stubborn and dominant, and will really walk all over someone who isn't in charge and one step ahead of them. They get frustrated very easily and don't handle repetition well. In saying that, they are very clever, pick things up very quickly and if they enjoy their work, they are very good at it! Giants would be difficult to live with just because of their size, and the fact they aren't really aware of how big they are! Giants seem to want to work and please you a little more than the Standards, who are out to please themselves! Giants are a lot scarier than Standards though! Especially a big gorgeous black giant hehehe I find minis very easy to work with, a lot are pretty unhappy about having other dogs in their space, but generally very easy dogs.
  2. Hope she is feeling better soon, glad to hear she was a bit brighter this morning!
  3. Lies! That sweet little face wouldn't hurt anyone! :D I would continue on with the ouch and redirecting, but when he gets really over tired and turns into a monster, it could just be best to give him time away in a safe place with something nice to chew on
  4. Have fun! Classes full of puppies are so much fun
  5. I've only had girl dogs growing up, looking at getting my own dog soon... Going to go for temperament, not gender, but will be interesting to have a boy around if it works out that way... they are just sooo goofy! Sometimes I could swear that boy and girl Dobes aren't even the same breed!
  6. Such an interesting topic. I can definitely understand the breeders of small dogs and poodles spaying/neutering their dogs before they go to new homes because of the high demand for these breeds in making "oodles". If I were a breeder, having my dogs used in that way would just be heart breaking, and there isn't really anything you can do about it, so the best measure is prevention. I wouldn't have an issue buying a large breed dog that had undergone tubal litigation or something, and if I were breeding this is something I would consider, especially if I had a breed likely to be misused.
  7. None of the sighthounds I have met yet in my search for the perfect dog breed have been timid or shy, and none of the Greys I have met or worked with were timid or shy either.
  8. We have similar ones at our dog parks, only they are made out of stone (with stainless steel bowls set in) and the bottom dog bowl is really big
  9. Aww wish this was in NZ! I'm pierced, tattooed, have blue hair, not afraid to be in front of a camera and have the best looking short haired dog! (Doberman :p )
  10. I am happy to blind cross with the slow dog I run, when she is in a tunnel, but with the fast crazy boy I have to keep my eyes on him or he will take my knees out!
  11. Our nationals here in NZ are coming up in 3 weeks! I'm soooo excited! This is my first nationals... I am going to have so many runs over the long weekend it's ridiculous!
  12. Yeah I have had similar experiences, I think after learning so much online I have set my standards too high haha... I hardly ever get emails back from breeders if I ask about health testing, it's pretty discouraging.
  13. Interested to read all this! I don't have a puppy yet, but if all goes to plan it will be a very busy little puppy! I compete and instruct in agility at the moment, wanting to get into OB/rally, maybe tracking, flygility and oooh maybe conformation if I have the right dog... and a breed specific sport LOL need lots of dogs....
  14. Want want want! I emailed you! Can you ship to NZ? I don't mind paying extra postage :D
  15. I've got both. I find Click to calm easier and more interesting to read, control unleashed is filled with annoying stories about how amazing this training is and how it cured this dog... I would just rather read the methods thank you! CU is also a LOT more expensive to buy than CTC (at least here in NZ). In terms of what they offer, I think they both bring something to the table and you will be happy with either of them- I have heard a lot more people raving about CU but I didn't really enjoy reading it.
  16. Most of the people I know and see out walking with tiny dogs are men, and my partner tried to turn me into a tiny dog owner, he wants a dauschund LOL soooo not happening.
  17. I just don't get it! They aren't even nice looking (Labradoodles I mean), they have got to be some of the most awful looking adult dogs.
  18. I know someone in Australia having good results looking after her Dobe with CAH. Feel free to PM me if anyone wants to get in touch.
  19. One of the dogs I run is a see saw addict! We have not faced see saws in competition yet as we are not at that level, but we have just finished training her on them and now whenever we walk past one at training she will do it and come back with a huge grin on her face like "wasn't a good girl!!"- so cute!
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