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Everything posted by Podengo

  1. Thanks! She will be 6 months old on Friday. I had been looking for a smooth coat Border, or a small heading dog, but have always loved the terrier/BC mixes that I see at agility and saw Elsie's accident litter being given away and couldn't resist, it was all too perfect LOL. I love the size (she is 9kg and should be staying in mini height class for agility), easy care coat, that terrier attitude combined with Border smarts... Very fun dogs! The foxy/BC mixes I know are such stunning dogs, there's a long hair boy here who looks like a little fox- gorgeous!
  2. 4 sleeps until our first trial *deep breath* She is doing really well, hopefully nerves don't get the better of me, I can read the rally signs and Elsie can hold still for the 2 minute down stay... Oh and no forging!! Managed to get pretty straight fronts from heel last week, still needs to wiggle a bit, but am happy so far... Wondering if we should get started on the retrieve in case we win into novice quickly! Will go and buy some nice black pants and a white shirt for obedience tomorrow... Have been looking for an excuse to buy grown-up clothes, obedience will do :D Thanks! She is pretty adorable and soo much fun :)
  3. I block off the laundry for my 6 month old with a puppy pen, our house is open plan and the attached lounge, kitchen and hall have alarms, so she has to stay in the laundry.
  4. Elsie passed out on my bed after a big weekend of watching agility and playing with other puppies!
  5. Alright sounds like trackies then :D Will eventually get Elsie a pretty black rolled leather collar for obedience, but will just get something plain for next weekend (need more collars....... :D )
  6. So with obedience trials are you sort of expected to dress a certain way? A bit more tidy than agility? Not *supposed* to wear dark pants with a dark dog like confo showing? What sort of collar should Elsie wear? She doesn't wear a collar at home or agility training, and has a plain buckle collar with tags for walks... Should I get her a small check chain or fur saver or something tidy looking like that? (not for corrections obviously) Or thin black leather collar?
  7. Not everyone in New Zealand docks now, it's becoming quite common (outside of show circles) to see undocked dogs, lots of boxers in agility have their tails, and I see quite a few mini schnauzers too. My parent's lovely Dobe has her tail, and they swear the only way they will ever have another Dobe is if they can have an undocked one
  8. I'm not sure what the C4 is... Here's a page on VanGuard plus 5 My link Elsie wasn't vaccinated by her breeder, so she just got her vaccines at 9 weeks and 13 weeks (not 12 sorry). At 9 weeks she got VanGuard Plus 5 (Canine Distemper, Adenovirus type 2, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus) At 13 weeks she got that again, and got a Nobivac KC
  9. Yes this vaccine is pretty common in NZ, my puppy had it done. She got an intranasal KC one at 12 weeks I think.
  10. Elsie heelwork Quick video of us playing around in the kitchen, she seems to be trying to go behind me a bit now since we got left turns sort of figured out, we have not really been training for a week as she's been spayed, and since coming back she has been forging... our first little trial is next weekend! So freaking nervous! But at least Elsie enjoys it LOL. Any thoughts? Ideas to stop forging? Been rewarding for correct position and releasing to a reward plate behind sometimes. This is my first obedience dog so I am so scared of ruining her!! I've already made some mistakes, but we're having fun learning!
  11. Not too helpful with the other stuff sorry, but I used to work in a kennels that did some transport stuff in NZ, and this did happen to one dog, multiple times. His owners just ended up abandoning him and we had to rehome him.
  12. Podengo


    Standard cardio testing in the USA involves yearly 24hr holter and echo tests, as well as Dr. Muers cardio gene test. The university that does the holter read outs will process results from anywhere in the world (I asked the organiser of the project), so breeders should be buying digital holter monitors from this university and emailing the files through to them for assessment. At this point results of the cardio test don't mean much, Dobes negative for the gene have died of DCM at young ages (like 3, 4 year olds), while some positive homozygous dogs are in their teens. It's more for research purpose than to help puppy buyers. Like Bisart said, I would be looking at overall longevity in the pedigree, COD, and I would be interested in the results of holtor and echo tests.
  13. Our cat catches them and our terrier x eats them! Tails, feathers, wings... All of it goes down! After being rolled in of course!
  14. Alright we are entered in our first trial for next month, going in rally novice and special beginners obedience... now just need to get 2 minute down stays happening! Very disconcerting doing down stays with a dog that wags her tail through the whole 2 minutes, seems like she's having a suspicious amount of fun LOL must be the naughty terrier inside of her thinking of al the ways she can embaress me :D
  15. Thanks! I got a video but its really terrible quality, wil have to get a friend to record us I think! Sent away her obedience register paperwork... she is now "do it or Elsie" hehehe
  16. I think it's a lot to ask of someone, being involved in multiple venues, if you have multiple dogs, a job, a family, a property to maintain... I saw a neat idea in the USA where breeders offered money back to puppy owners who titled their dogs, so while the breeders may just show (and only have time for that), they were trying to breed dogs who could perform in obedience & agility and essentially were getting other people to handle and train for them. A good incentive to get the dogs you've bred out there doing stuff! If I could see a breeder's website and see that they have produced quite a few dogs with sport titles (no matter how insignificant), it would make me feel a bit better!
  17. Elsie is with Ellenco pet insurance in New Zealand.
  18. There are Pyrs in NZ now :) I think 2 more are arriving this year, so there'll be 5 or 6 then.
  19. Toy: Italian greyhound Small: whippet Medium: NZ heading dog Large: doberman Giant: bullmastiff
  20. Have just taught Elsie the left pivot turn for obedience, woohoo! She is my first competition dog, having so much fun learning with her! First we did lots of rear end awareness tricks, then heeling backwards, and now managing to do left pivots! Still a little bit messy, but today is the first time we have done it, I am so excited! :D
  21. I hate the scent of nappy bags, if I could have unscented ones I would!
  22. I use nappy bags... So cheap...
  23. Ooo that Bulldog in the vid is gorgeous! Heh, you must have been on the wrong forum, one I am on was very riled up about that dog panting and shuffling his way around the ring.
  24. My puppy had really bad farts, I tried eliminating a few things and changing kibble... she was on orijen puppy with 3 varieties of pre made raw (lamb, chicken, beef). Changed to pro plan puppy and it got better... still stinky though... fed just PP and chicken pre made raw... no farts, added beef back in, still no farts.. added lamb... holy mother of stink!!
  25. For my next dog I would LOVE a red working line Doberman bitch (my dream dog), if I can't find one then a WL malinois. OH like daccies........
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